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forked from folke/noice.nvim

πŸ’₯ Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.


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πŸ’₯ Noice (Nice, Noise, Notice)

Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.


✨ Features

  • πŸŒ… fully configurable views like nvim-notify, splits, popups, virtual text, ..
  • πŸ” use filters to route messages to different views
  • 🌈 message highlights are preserved in the views (like the colors of :hi)
  • πŸ“ command output like :messages is shown in normal buffers, which makes it much easier to work with
  • πŸ“š :Noice command to show a full message history
  • ⌨️ no more :h more-prompt
  • πŸ’» fully customizable cmdline with icons
  • πŸ’… syntax highlighting for vim and lua on the cmdline
  • πŸš₯ statusline components
  • πŸ”­ open message history in telescope.nvim

βœ… Status


⚑️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • nui.nvim: used for proper rendering and multiple views
  • nvim-notify: notification view

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

-- Packer
  event = "VimEnter",
  config = function()
  requires = {
    -- if you lazy-load any plugin below, make sure to add proper `module="..."` entries

βš™οΈ Configuration

noice.nvim comes with the following defaults:

Check the wiki for configuration recipes.

  cmdline = {
    view = "cmdline_popup", -- view for rendering the cmdline. Change to `cmdline` to get a classic cmdline at the bottom
    opts = { buf_options = { filetype = "vim" } }, -- enable syntax highlighting in the cmdline
    icons = {
      ["/"] = { icon = " ", hl_group = "DiagnosticWarn" },
      ["?"] = { icon = " ", hl_group = "DiagnosticWarn" },
      [":"] = { icon = "ο„  ", hl_group = "DiagnosticInfo", firstc = false },
  popupmenu = {
    enabled = true, -- disable if you use something like cmp-cmdline
    ---@type 'nui'|'cmp'
    backend = "nui", -- backend to use to show regular cmdline completions
    -- You can specify options for nui under `config.views.popupmenu`
  history = {
    -- options for the message history that you get with `:Noice`
    view = "split",
    opts = { enter = true },
    filter = { event = "msg_show", ["not"] = { kind = { "search_count", "echo" } } },
  notify = {
    -- Noice can be used as `vim.notify` so you can route any notification like other messages
    -- Notification messages have their level and other properties set.
    -- event is always "notify" and kind can be any log level as a string
    -- The default routes will forward notifications to nvim-notify
    -- Benefit of using Noice for this is the routing and consistent history view
    enabled = false,
  throttle = 1000 / 30, -- how frequently does Noice need to check for ui updates? This has no effect when in blocking mode.
  ---@type table<string, NoiceViewOptions>
  views = {}, -- @see the section on views below
  ---@type NoiceRouteConfig[]
  routes = {}, -- @see the section on routes below
  ---@type table<string, NoiceFilter>
  status = {}, --@see the section on statusline components below
  ---@type NoiceFormatOptions
  format = {}, -- @see section on formatting

πŸ” Filters

Noice uses filters to route messages to specific views.

Name Type Description
cleared boolean checks if the message is cleared, meaning it's in the history
mode string checks if vim.api.nvim_get_mode() contains the given mode
blocking boolean are we in blocking mode?
event string or string[] any of the events from ext_messages or cmdline. See :h ui-messages
kind string or string[] any of the kinds from ext_messages. See :h ui-messages
error boolean all error-like kinds from ext_messages
warning boolean all warning-like kinds from ext_messages
find string uses lua string.find to match the pattern
min_height number minimum height of the message
max_height number maximum height of the message
not filter checks wether the filter matches or not
any filter[] checks that at least one of the filters matches
-- all messages over 10 lines, excluding echo and search_count
local filter = {
  event = "msg_show",
  min_height = 10,
  ["not"] = { kind = { "search_count", "echo" } },

πŸŒ… Views

Noice comes with the following built-in backends:

  • popup: powered by nui.nvim
  • split: powered by nui.nvim
  • notify: powered by nvim-notify
  • virtualtext: shows the message as virtualtext (for example for search_count)

A View (config.views) is a combination of a backend and options. Noice comes with the following built-in views with sane defaults:

View Backend Description
notify notify nvim-notify with level=true, replace=true, merge=true
split split horizontal split
vsplit split vertical split
popup popup simple popup
cmdline popup bottom line, similar to the classic cmdline
cmdline_popup popup fancy cmdline popup, with different styles according to the cmdline mode
popupmenu special view with the options used to render the popupmenu when backend is nui

Please refer to noice.config.views to see the options. Any options passed to existing views in config.views, will override those options only. You can configure completely new views and use them in custom routes.

-- override the default split view to always enter the split when it opens
    views = {
        split = {
            enter = true

Nui Options

See the Nui documentation for Popup and Split.

size, position Size, position and their constituents can additionally be specified as "auto", to use the message height and width.
win_options.winhighlight String or can also be a table like:
  win_options = {
    winhighlight = {
      Normal = "NormalFloat",
      FloatBorder = "FloatBorder"

Notify Options

Option Type Default Description
title string nil title to be used for the notification. Uses Message.title if available.
replace boolean true when true, messages routing to the same notify instance will replace existing messages instead of pushing a new notification every time
merge boolean true Merge messages into one Notification or create separate notifications
level number|string "info" notification level. Uses Message.level if available.

Virtual Text Options

Right now there's only an option to set the hl_group used to render the virtual text.

🎨 Formatting

Formatting options can be specified with config.format. For a list of the defaults, please refer to config.format

Noice includes the following formatters:

  • level: message level with optional icon and hl_group per level
  • text: any text with optional hl_group
  • title: message title with optional hl_group
  • event: message event with optional hl_group
  • kind: message kind with optional hl_group
  • date: formatted date with optional date format string
  • message: message content itself with optional hl_group to override message highlights
  • confirm: only useful for confirm messages. Will format the choices as buttons.

Formatters are used in format definitions. Noice includes the following built-in formats:

  -- default format
  default = { "{level} ", "{title} ", "{message}" },
  -- default format for vim.notify views
  notify = { "{message}" },
  -- default format for the history
  details = {
    "{level} ",
    "{date} ",
    { "{kind}", before = { ".", hl_group = "Comment" } },
    " ",
    "{title} ",
  telescope = ..., -- formatter used to display telescope results
  telescope_preview = ..., -- formatter used to preview telescope results

Text before/after the formatter or in the before/after options, will only be rendered if the formatter itself rendered something.

The format view option, can be either a string (one of the built-in formats), or a table with a custom format definition.

πŸš— Routes

A route has a filter, view and optional opts attribute.

  • view: one of the views (built-in or custom)
  • filter a filter for messages matching this route
  • opts: options for the view and the route

Route options can be any of the view options above, or one of:

Option Type Default Description
skip boolean false messages matching this filter will be skipped and not shown in any views
stop boolean true When false and a route matches the filter, then other routes can still process the message too. Useful if you want certain messages to be shown in multiple views.

Please refer to noice.config.routes for an overview of the default routes. Routes passed to setup() will be prepended to the default routes.

-- skip search_count messages instead of showing them as virtual text
  routes = {
      filter = { event = "msg_show", kind = "search_count" },
      opts = { skip = true },

-- always route any messages with more than 20 lines to the split view
  routes = {
      view = "split",
      filter = { event = "msg_show", min_height = 20 },

πŸš₯ Statusline Components

Noice comes with the following statusline components:

  • ruler
  • message: last line of the last message (event=show_msg)
  • command: showcmd
  • mode: showmode (@recording messages)
  • search: search count messages

See noice.config.status for the default config.

You can add custom statusline components in setup under the status key.

Statusline components have the following methods:

  • get: gets the content of the message without highlights
  • get_hl: gets the content of the message with highlights
  • has: checks if the component is available
Example of configuring lualine.nvim
  sections = {
    lualine_x = {
        cond = require("noice").api.statusline.message.has,
        cond = require("noice").api.statusline.command.has,
        color = { fg = "#ff9e64" },
        cond = require("noice").api.statusline.mode.has,
        color = { fg = "#ff9e64" },
        cond = require("noice"),
        color = { fg = "#ff9e64" },

πŸ”­ Telescope

In order to use Noice in Telescope, you can either do :Noice telescope, or register the extension and use :Telescope noice. The results panel is formatted using config.format.formatters.telescope. The preview is formatted with config.format.formatters.telescope_preview


πŸš€ Usage

  • :Noice shows the message history
  • :Noice disable disables Noice
  • :Noice enable enables Noice
  • :Noice stats shows debugging stats
  • :Noice telescope opens message history in Telescope

πŸ”₯ Known Issues

Noice is using the new experimental vim.ui_attach API, so issues are to be expected. During setup, we apply a bunch of Hacks to work around some of the current issues. For more details, see this tracking issue


πŸ’₯ Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.







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