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Web videos

This is a video library app just like a youtube.

Tech Stack and Tools

  • React JS
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase
  • React Router
  • YouTube API
  • Redux
  • MaterialUI
  • Git For Version Control
  • Netlify for Deployment
  • React Player
  • Zod

Screens in this project

  • Video Listing Page
  • Authentication (Login, Signup and Logout) Pages
  • Single Video Page
  • Playlist Management Page
  • Watch Later Page
  • Watch History Page
  • Liked Videos Page
  • 404 (Not Found) Page


  • Video Listing Page using YouTube APIwith asidebar of Liked, Watch Later, Playlist, History and video card which has add to playlist and watch later open. Filter by video categories tabs.

  • Single Video Page - User can like video, add to watch Later, Add/Remove from Playlist. On playing the video, it will be added in history.

  • Playlist Management Page, consists of all custom Playlists, user can browse in playlist, delete video from playlist and delete playlist.

  • Watch Later Page - User can delete the video from Watch Later.

  • Watch History Page - User can delete the video from Watch History and can even Clear Watch History.

  • Liked Videos Page - User can delete the video from Liked Videos.

  • Loading and skeleton effects.

  • All the screens are Responsive.

  • Authcation using firebase and validation using zod validation package.

LIve Link

Web Videos

Demo :
