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breaking change
breaking change
Effort: Difficult
Effort: Difficult
This will take a lot of effort to change / fix
Effort: Easy
Effort: Easy
Something that should be pretty quick to fix
Effort: Good First Issue
Effort: Good First Issue
Good for newcomers without much Rust or Ratatui experiance. Apply only if willing to help implement
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
A bug that breaks a large amount of users and should generally be released ASAP
Priority: High
Priority: High
A bug or feature that should be out in the next release
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
This doesn't really impact users greatly, or has a disproportional effort to impact ratio
Status: Abandoned
Status: Abandoned
Incomplete work that can be picked up if needed
Status: Accepted
Status: Accepted
PR review approved / issue should be worked on
Status: Available
Status: Available
An issue or PR that is ready to implement / partially implemented and up for grabs
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
An issue or PR that cannot be completed until some other task is complete
Status: Completed
Status: Completed
PR / Issue is done
Status: Controversial
Status: Controversial
There is some discussion about whether this is the right direction. Clarify and seek consensus.
Status: Design Needed
Status: Design Needed
An issue that isn't yet designed or specificied well enough to implement
Status: Do Not Merge
Status: Do Not Merge
Prevent a PR from being merged. Usually indicates something that should be held to a future release
Status: Duplicate
Status: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists. Make sure to link the issue
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Someone is actively working on this
Status: On Hold
Status: On Hold
Not actively being worked on for now due to time / other constraints
Status: Pending
Status: Pending
Waiting on clarification / more information from submitter
Status: Review Needed
Status: Review Needed
PR needs a review / Issue needs buy-in from other maintainers / users
Status: Revision Needed
Status: Revision Needed
PR changes requested
Status: Wontfix
Status: Wontfix
This will not be worked on. This might be due to time, intended behavior, or undesirable changes
Type: Breaking Change
Type: Breaking Change
This change will cause application code to break and must be noted in the breaking changes docs etc.
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
New feature or request
Type: Fuzz Test Bug
Type: Fuzz Test Bug
A bug found by fuzz testing
Type: Imported from tui-rs
Type: Imported from tui-rs
This issue / PR was Imported from tui-rs - kept for posterity / ease of finding historical ideas
Type: Maintenance
Type: Maintenance
Updates to dependencies / CI / lints / etc.
Type: Question
Type: Question
How does something work. Consider asking at instead