Today's Progress : I have setup all the things I needed to complete this challenge and also completed chosing the projects I will work on .
Today's Progress : I had built a linear regrssion using Gradient Descent from scratch by referring siraj's How to Do Linear Regression using Gradient Descent.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : I had studied a Logistic Regression by referring siraj's Logistic Regression - The Math of Intelligence.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : I had studied and built a Polynomial Regression and Data Preprocessing model.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : I had studied and built a Multiple Linear Regression and Decision Tree Regression model.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : I had studied and built a SVR and Random Forest Regression.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built K-Nearest, SVM and Kernal SVM.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Naive Bayes and Decision Tree Classification.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Random Forest Classification and achieved Competitions Contributor in Kaggle.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Built projects on regression for predicting weight for height and classification for obtaining the quality of red or white wine based upon different parameters.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built K-Means Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Built projects on clustering for Iris Dataset by using K-Means Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Apriori System and Book Recommendation System .
Link of Work: Link and project
Today's Progress : Studied and built Thompson Sampling and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) Algorithm.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built NLP (Natural Language Processing) for customer reviews.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Artifical Neural Network.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Convolutional Neural Network.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Configured my PC for GPU(nvidia gtx 1080).
Today's Progress : Studied and built Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and built Linear Discriminant Analysis and Kernel PCA.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and tried important functions of NLTK.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Time Series.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Audio Signals and Speech Recognition.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Model selection and XGBoost.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice Constraint Satisfaction Problem for AI Game Bot.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Made AI Game Bot for Tic-Tac-Toe by referring video tutorial.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Evolutionary Search by referring video tutorial.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Logic Programming and Heuristic Search by referring video tutorial.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Genetic Algorithm and Solved array subdomain in hackerrank's Data Structure.
Link of Work: Link and Hacker Rank solved
Today's Progress : Explore OpenAi Gym and create game bot using neural network for cart game by referring video tutorial.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Games with AI by referring video tutorial.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Neural Networks.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Convolution,pooling operation and Multilayer convolutional.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Studied LSTM for Time Series.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about chatbot with LSTM by referring Siraj's Video.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about chatbot with reddit dataset.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied about Deep learning theory.
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Regression on Boston House prediction using neural network.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied about techniques for improving model for better prediction.
Today's Progress : Completed all the necessary installation for SpaCy and had glimpse of it .
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about SpaCy basics.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Practiced NLP on twitter data.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Revised Convnet.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about VGG16.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Recurrent Neural Network.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about LSTM for text generation.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about Deep Dream using VGG16.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about AutoEncoders for image.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied and practice about GAN for image generation.
Link of Work: Link
Today's Progress : Studied about Deep learning in depth.
Today's Progress : Spent time reading How transferable are features in deep neural networks?.
Link of Paper: Link
Link of Repo: Link