Files to support Rap's Flutter First Steps Presentation
I'd love to connect with you to provide any help I can with learning Flutter. Please reach out.
You'll find solutions at several stages. Feel free to pick up a solution at any point and work on it from there. To run any solution, open it in IntelliJ or VS Code and run it through the debugger.
- Checkpoint 1 - The boilerplate app with a new TodoApp stateful widget. Super simple.
- Checkpoint 2 - New Todo business class. Initialized
. Iterating them asText()
s - Checkpoint 3 - Changed the Texts to ListTiles.
- Checkpoint 4 - Tapping the Todo now toggles the check_box icon.
- Checkpoint 5 - Added the AddTodo widget. Can navigate between the two scenes.
- Checkpoint 6 - Added a TextFormField. Passing the todo description back to TodoApp.
- Checkpoint 7 - Adding the new Todo to the list and re-rendering the scene to draw it.
- Checkpoint 8 - InputDecorations added to the TextFormField
- Checkpoint 9 - Reading and saving all Todos to shared preferences
- Chapters 1-3 of my book:
- Google's installation instructions:
- Google's Write your first Flutter App:
In a terminal window, run
$ cd <folder>
$ flutter channel stable
$ flutter doctor # Then follow the instructions
$ flutter upgrade