Please ★ this library.
Now, you don't have to download different libraries to include different font icons. This SwiftIcons library helps you use icons from any of the following font icons.
- Dripicons
- Emoji
- FontAwesome
- Icofont
- Ionicons
- Linearicons
- Map-icons
- Material icons
- Open iconic
- State face icons
- Weather icons
SwiftIcons supports different objects from the object library.
- UIImage
- UIImageView
- UILabel
- UIButton
- UISegmentedControl
- UITabBarItem
- UISlider
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIViewController
- UITextfield
- UIStepper
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 8
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
Make sure you have the latest version of CocoaPods by running:
$ gem install cocoapods
# (or if the above fails)
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
Update your local specs repo by running:
$ pod repo update
Add the following lines to your Podfile
target 'YourProject' do
pod 'SwiftIcons', '~> 2.0'
Then run the following command
$ pod install
You can start using the library by importing it wherever you want
import SwiftIcons
Copy all the files from Source
Link to files.
- SwiftIcons.swift
- Dripicons.ttf
- Emoji.ttf
- FontAwesome.ttf
- Icofont.ttf
- Ionicons.ttf
- Linearicons.ttf
- MapIcons.ttf
- MaterialIcons.ttf
- OpenIconic.ttf
- Stateface.ttf
- WeatherIcons.ttf
Check to import all ttf files in project, "Project" > "Target" > "Copy Bundle Resources"
You can check library reference documentation here.
- No more image icons any more
There are different font types for each of the font icons
Font Icons | Version | Font Types | Icons |
Dripicons | 2.0 | dripicons | dripicons |
Emoji | emoji | emoji | |
FontAwesome | 4.7.0 | fontAwesome | fontAwesome |
Icofont | 1.0.0 Beta | icofont | icofont |
Ionicons | 2.0.1 | ionicons | ionicons |
Linearicons | 1.0.0 | linearIcons | linearIcons |
Map-icons | 3.0.2 | mapicons | mapicons |
Material icons | 2.2.0 | googleMaterialDesign | googleMaterialDesign |
Open iconic | 1.1.1 | openIconic | openIconic |
State face icons | state | state | |
Weather icons | 2.0.10 | weather | weather |
When setting an icon to any object, you have to mention which font type it is and then select which icon you want to set from that particular font icon.
UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35))
// Icon with colors
UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35), textColor: .red)
UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35), textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .red)
// Stacked icons with bigger background
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesome(.circleO), topIcon: .fontAwesome(.squareO))
// Stacked icons with smaller background
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesome(.camera), topIcon: .fontAwesome(.ban), topTextColor: .red, bgLarge: false)
// Stacked icons with custom size
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesome(.camera), topIcon: .fontAwesome(.ban), topTextColor: .red, bgLarge: false, size: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
// Setting icon to image view
imageView.setIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix))
// Icon with colors
imageView.setIcon(icon: .mapicons(.amusementPark), textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .blue, size: nil)
// Setting icon to label
label.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.paintbrush), iconSize: 70)
// Icon with colors
label.setIcon(icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.rowing), iconSize: 70, color: .white, bgColor: textColor)
// Icon with text around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Bus ", icon: .linearIcons(.bus), postfixText: " icon", size: 20)
// Icon with color & colored text around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Medal ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.ribbonA), iconColor: .red, postfixText: "", postfixTextColor: .red, size: nil, iconSize: 40)
// Icon with text with different fonts around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Font ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .fontAwesome(.font), postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!)
// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Bike ", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .mapicons(.bicycling), iconColor: textColor, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .blue, iconSize: 30)
// Setting icon to button
button.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.phone), forState: .normal)
// Icon with size and color
button.setIcon(icon: .openIconic(.clipboard), iconSize: 70, color: .blue, forState: .normal)
// Icon with text around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Please ", icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.print), postfixText: " print", forState: .normal)
// Icon with color & colored text around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Lock ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.lock), iconColor: .yellow, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextColor: .blue, forState: .normal, textSize: 15, iconSize: 20)
// Icon with text with different fonts around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Happy ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .ionicons(.happy), postfixText: " face", postfixTextFont: font2!, forState: .normal)
// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Pulse ", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .darkGray, icon: .openIconic(.pulse), iconColor: .red, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .purple, forState: .normal, iconSize: 40)
// Icon with title below icon
button.setIcon(icon: .emoji(.ferrisWheel), title: "Ferris Wheel", color: .red, forState: .normal)
// Icon with title below icon with different color & custom font
button.setIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix), iconColor: .yellow, title: "RAIN MIX", titleColor: .red, font: font!, backgroundColor: .clear, borderSize: 1, borderColor: .green, forState: .normal)
// Setting icon at particular index
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.thumbsUp), forSegmentAtIndex: 0)
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.thumbsDown), forSegmentAtIndex: 1)
// Icons with sizes & colors
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .fontAwesome(.male), color: .red, iconSize: 50, forSegmentAtIndex: 0)
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .fontAwesome(.female), color: .purple, iconSize: 50, forSegmentAtIndex: 1)
// Setting icon to tab bar item
tabBar.items?[0].setIcon(icon: .fontAwesome(.font), size: nil, textColor: .lightGray)
// Stacked icons for tab bar item
tabBar.items?[1].setIcon(bgIcon: .fontAwesome(.circleThin), bgTextColor: .lightGray, topIcon: .fontAwesome(.squareO), topTextColor: .lightGray, bgLarge: true, size: nil)
// Change minimum & maximum value icons
slider.setMaximumValueIcon(icon: .emoji(.digitNine))
slider.setMinimumValueIcon(icon: .emoji(.digitZero))
// Change minimum & maximum value icons with colors
slider.setMaximumValueIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.pointerUp), customSize: nil, textColor: .red, backgroundColor: .clear)
slider.setMinimumValueIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.pointerDown), customSize: nil, textColor: .blue, backgroundColor: .clear)
// Setting icon to bar button item
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30)
// Icon with colors
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30, color: textColor)
// Icon with custom cgRect
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30, color: textColor, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))
// Icon with text around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Please ", icon: .ionicons(.iosDownload), postfixText: " download", cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), size: 23, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))
// Icon with color & colored text around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Blue ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconColor: .blue, postfixText: " football", postfixTextColor: .green, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), size: 20, iconSize: 30, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))
// Icon with text with different fonts around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Digit ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .emoji(.digitOne), postfixText: " One", postfixTextFont: font2!, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))
// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconColor: .blue, postfixText: " football", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .green, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), iconSize: 24, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))
// Setting icon to the title
self.setTitleIcon(icon: .emoji(.animalHorse), iconSize: 30, color: .red)
// Setting left view icon
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .fontAwesome(.search))
// Left view icon with colors & leftViewMode
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .state(.TX), leftViewMode: .always, textColor: .blue, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.plusOne), leftViewMode: .unlessEditing, textColor: .green, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)
// Setting right view icon
textfield.setRightViewIcon(icon: .openIconic(.questionMark))
// Right view icon with colors & rightViewMode
textfield.setRightViewIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix), rightViewMode: .always, textColor: .red, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)
// Setting icons
stepper.setDecrementIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosPause), forState: .normal)
stepper.setIncrementIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosPlay), forState: .normal)
Please check out the SwiftIcons App. In the demo project, if you click on any object, you will see the method description in the logs for the icon of that object.
If you are using SwiftIcons in your app and want to be listed here, simply create a new issue here.
I am always curious who is using my projects 😊
Saurabh Rane
Special thanks to Patrik Vaberer and his initial work on Font-Awesome-Swift library
SwiftIcons is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more info.