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PiGateMan Home Automation

This project is intended to be a home automation solution. Conceived from wanting an automated way to open an electronically controlled gate with a rasberry pi and gpio.

Currently it only supports triggering relays via API transaction.


Deployment is on rasbian, the debian variant for rasberry pis. Included is the systemd unit file to run gunicorn as a service. The service is configured to startup with the OS at boot time /etc/systemd/system/pigateman.service To reconfigure this you can run. systemctl enable pigateman or systemctl disable pigateman


The application code is deployed in /opt/pigateman.

The gunicorn processes sit behind a nginx reverse proxy which point to the gunicorn process at The nginx reverse proxy is setup to listen for SSL connections on port 443, and use a SSL certificate from let's encrypt for the applicable domain. The nginx conf file is included in the deployment directory of this repo( deployed to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pigateman )


  • Copy repo contents to /opt/pigateman
  • Update /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pigateman if applicable. ( be sure to update domain name from example domain name in this file )
  • Update /etc/systemd/system/pigateman.service if applicable.
  • Run systemctl daemon-reload if the service unit file above was updated.
  • Run systemctl restart pigateman to restart the service post update.

Python Packaging

There is a python virtual environment for this service in /opt/pigateman/venv. Before making changes to python packages make sure you activate the venv by running source /opt/pigateman/venv/bin/activate

SSL certificate renewal.

There is a cronjob configured to renew let's encrypt certificates using certbot. 0 0 05 10,26 * ? systemctl stop nginx; certbot certonly --standalone -d; systemctl start nginx;


Exposing externally

  • You can expose this tool to the outside word by forwarding a port on your router to port 443 of the rasberry pi device. It is highly recommended you configure a static ip for this.
  • Additionally you can expose port 22( or forward any outside port to 22 ) for others to access the linux system on the device via ssh. (TAKE GREAT CAUTION IN DOING SO, NOT ADVISED)
  • Use of a domain is required for the SSL enabled setup. Your internet connection's IP will need to be configured as a DNS A record to your domain of choice.

Relevant Documentation

Copyright and Licensing

Copyright 2019 Ralph Luaces

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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