This Repository contains scripts and information to setup resp. re-store my RasPi-Server
Scripts for setup raspberryPi
Here are some short Scripts for setup a new raspberry und do some configuration inside. All scripts are designed more or less from the FHEM point of view. After download - the scripts should not be executed with sudo.
or if not chmod 755
bash <scriptname>
Short description the Basic Script in sort of usage:
- setupPartitions will shrink the expanded rootfs to a user-defined size and create an ext4-partition named M2Data on the available space
- setupBasic will setup all Basic things like software-update, GPU-memory, optional FW-update
- setupSamba will install samba and create smbusers for myself and cruella. Furthermore the script recovers the backup of the samba-configuration and copies it into /etc/samba/smb.conf. If no backup can be found a warning will be displayed.
- restoreFHEMData will restore FHEM's most recent configuration-backup from remote backupsystem and restore it to /opt/fhemdocker. If no backup can be found a warning will be displayed.
- restoreHASSData will restore Home Assistant's most recent configuration-backup from remote backupsystem and restore it to /opt/homeassistant. If no backup can be found a warning will be displayed.
- restoreMQConfig will restore mosquitto's most recent configuration-backup from remote backupsystem and restore it to /opt/mosquitto. If no backup can be found a warning will be displayed.
- setupDocker install the docker-software on our machine and add the current user to group docker
- portainer.yml holds the initial portainer configuration for portainer only
- mosquitto.yml holds configuration for mosquitto docker which is needed for communication FHEM <-> Home Assistant
- sonos2mqtt.yml holds configuration for sonos2mqtt docker which is provides communication platform FHEM -> Sonos Speaker
- fhem.yml holds configuration for FHEM docker
- HASS.yml holds configuration for Home Assistant docker
- deCONZ.yml holds configuration for my CONBEE II deCONZ docker
- alexa-fhem.yml holds configuration for FHEM-connection to Alexa
- miniDLNA.yml holds configuration for minidlna docker
see within the script