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CP Workshop

Notes of code-init-workshop📝
Click here to watch the video of the workshop


What is Competitive Programming?

Competitive programming is solving well-defined problems by writing computer programs under specified limits.

What are some good websites for interview preparation?

  1. Leetcode
  2. Codechef

If you're intereted to solve harder problems you can take a look at

  1. Codeforces
  2. Atcoder
  3. CSES
  4. USACO
  5. Google Kickstart
  6. Google CodeJam
  7. Project Euler
  8. Timus
  9. dmoj
  10. toph
  11. csacademy
  12. UVa online judge
  13. Spoj
  14. oj


  1. geeksforgeeks
  2. cplusplus
  3. cp-algorithms (ADVANCED TOPICS)


  1. problems set1
  2. problems set2
  3. Google
  4. Top 60 questions to solve

STL resource

  1. STL
  2. GFG
  3. STL-1 Topcoder
  4. STL-2 Topcoder
  5. Vectors <- Run Code
  6. Set <- Run Code

Problems on STL

  1. Few Basic Problems
  2. A2oj

Dynamic Progamming

  1. Topcoder Tutorial
  2. Dynamic Programming,from novice to advanced
  3. Learn DP and other tricks
  4. Non-trivial DP tricks
  5. Everything about Dynamic Programming
  6. Digit DP 1
  7. some solutions of digit dp problems
  8. digit Dp for product digits
  9. Digit Dp tutorial bangla
  10. Digit DP hackerrank tutorial
  11. Important problems solutions of Digit DP
  12. DP on trees
  13. DP on trees problem-3
  14. DP on trees
  15. A Tricky DP Problem on Trees
  16. Bitmask DP
  17. SOS Dp
  18. Sum Over Subsets
  19. bitmask dp, buildup sos dp
  20. A little bit of classics: dynamic programming over subsets and paths in graphs
  21. Coin Problems
  22. nice DP problem Editorial
  23. Subsequence related Problem solution
  24. Smallest Word problem tutorial
  25. codechef Dp tutorials
  26. starting Dynamic Programming
  27. Introduction to DP-1 (hackerrank)
  28. A brief Introduction to DP
  29. Dp tutorials
  30. DP strategy

Dynamic programming Youtube Tutorials:

  1. DP tutorial #1 by Errichto
  2. DP tutorial #2 by Errichto
  3. DP tutorial #3 by Errichto
  4. Leetcode DP problems by Errichto
  5. DP playlist(English)
  6. DP playlist (created by gkcs, English)
  7. DP playlist2(English)
  8. DP playlist3(English)
  9. Dp playlist4(English)
  10. DP playlist5(English)
  11. DP playlist6(English)
  12. DP playlist7(English)
  13. Atcoder DP contest stream
  14. vplanet DP tutorials
  15. Algorithms Live

Problems on Dynamic Programming:

  1. Atcoder Dp contest
  2. Marathan Dp Contest(cloned)
  3. Vplanet Dp and other contests
  4. A2oj
  5. DP for Beginners (leetcode)
  6. DP on strings (leetcode)
  7. DP (Max - Min) (leetcode)
  8. DP(merging intervals)
  9. DP (distinct ways)


  1. Competitive Programmer’s Handbook by Antti Laaksonen
  2. Advanced Competitive Programming - 25 Books

How to practice

  1. A way to practice competitive programming by E869120

Youtube Channels

  1. Computerphile
  2. Errichto
  3. Rachit Jain
  4. William Lin
  5. Kevin Naughton Jr <- Leetcode
  6. mycodeschool
  7. Nick White solves leetcode problems
  8. SecondThread uses Java mainly
  9. freeCodeCamp Learn to code for free