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Version 7

ragardner edited this page Oct 26, 2024 · 48 revisions

Table of Contents

About tksheet

  • tksheet is a Python tkinter table widget written in pure python.
  • It is licensed under the MIT license.
  • It works by using tkinter canvases and moving lines, text and rectangles around for only the visible portion of the table.
  • If you are using a version of tksheet that is older than 7.0.0 then you will need the documentation here instead.
    • In tksheet versions >= 7.0.2 the current version will be at the top of the file


Some examples of things that are not possible with tksheet:

  • Cell merging
  • Cell text wrap
  • Changing font for individual cells
  • Different fonts for index and table
  • Mouse drag copy cells
  • Cell highlight borders
  • At the present time the type hinting in tksheet is only meant to serve as a guide and not to be used with type checkers.

Installation and Requirements

tksheet is available through PyPi (Python package index) and can be installed by using Pip through the command line pip install tksheet

#To install using pip
pip install tksheet

#To update using pip
pip install tksheet --upgrade

Alternatively you can download the source code and inside the tksheet directory where the pyproject.toml file is located use the command line pip install -e .

  • Versions < 7.0.0 require a Python version of 3.7 or higher.
  • Versions >= 7.0.0 require a Python version of 3.8 or higher.

Basic Initialization

Like other tkinter widgets you need only the Sheet()s parent as an argument to initialize a Sheet() e.g.

sheet = Sheet(my_frame_widget)
  • my_frame_widget would be replaced by whatever widget is your Sheet()s parent.

As an example, this is a tkinter program involving a Sheet() widget

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

app = demo()

Usage Examples

This is to demonstrate some of tksheets functionality.

  • The functions which return the Sheet itself (have -> Sheet) can be chained with other Sheet functions.
  • The functions which return a Span (have -> Span) can be chained with other Span functions.
from tksheet import Sheet, num2alpha
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)

        # create an instance of Sheet()
        self.sheet = Sheet(
            # set the Sheets parent widget
            # optional: set the Sheets data at initialization
            data=[[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(20)] for r in range(100)],
            theme="light green",
        # enable various bindings
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_index", "edit_header")

        # set a user edit validation function
        # AND bind all sheet modification events to a function
        # chained as two functions
        # more information at:
        self.sheet.edit_validation(self.validate_edits).bind("<<SheetModified>>", self.sheet_modified)

        # add some new commands to the in-built right click menu
        # setting data
            "Say Hello",
        # getting data
            "Print some data",
        # overwrite Sheet data
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Reset Sheet data", self.reset)
        # set the header
            "Set header data",
        # set the index
            "Set index data",

        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")

    def validate_edits(self, event):
        # print (event)
        if event.eventname.endswith("header"):
            return event.value + " edited header"
        elif event.eventname.endswith("index"):
            return event.value + " edited index"
            if not event.value:
                return "EMPTY"
            return event.value[:3]

    def say_hello(self):
        current_selection = self.sheet.get_currently_selected()
        if current_selection:
            box = (current_selection.row, current_selection.column)
            # set cell data, end user Undo enabled
            # more information at:
            self.sheet[box].options(undo=True).data = "Hello World!"
            # highlight the cell for 2 seconds

    def print_data(self):
        for box in self.sheet.get_all_selection_boxes():
            # get user selected area sheet data
            # more information at:
            data = self.sheet[box].data
            for row in data:

    def reset(self):
        # overwrites sheet data, more information at:
        self.sheet.set_sheet_data([[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(20)] for r in range(100)])
        # reset header and index

    def set_header(self):
            [f"Header {(letter := num2alpha(i))} - {i + 1}\nHeader {letter} 2nd line!" for i in range(20)]

    def set_index(self):
            [f"Index {(letter := num2alpha(i))} - {i + 1}\nIndex {letter} 2nd line!" for i in range(100)]

    def sheet_modified(self, event):
        # uncomment below if you want to take a look at the event object
        # print ("The sheet was modified! Event object:")
        # for k, v in event.items():
        #     print (k, ":", v)
        # print ("\n")

        # otherwise more information at:

        # highlight the modified cells briefly
        if event.eventname.startswith("move"):
            for box in self.sheet.get_all_selection_boxes():
            for box in event.selection_boxes:

    def highlight_area(self, box, time=800):
        # highlighting an area of the sheet
        # more information at:
        self.sheet[box].bg = "indianred1"
        self.after(time, lambda: self.clear_highlight(box))

    def clear_highlight(self, box):

app = demo()

Initialization Options

These are all the initialization parameters, the only required argument is the sheets parent, every other parameter has default arguments.

def __init__(
    parent: tk.Misc,
    name: str = "!sheet",
    show_table: bool = True,
    show_top_left: bool = True,
    show_row_index: bool = True,
    show_header: bool = True,
    show_x_scrollbar: bool = True,
    show_y_scrollbar: bool = True,
    width: int | None = None,
    height: int | None = None,
    headers: None | list[object] = None,
    header: None | list[object] = None,
    row_index: None | list[object] = None,
    index: None | list[object] = None,
    default_header: Literal["letters", "numbers", "both"] | None = "letters",
    default_row_index: Literal["letters", "numbers", "both"] | None = "numbers",
    data_reference: None | Sequence[Sequence[object]] = None,
    data: None | Sequence[Sequence[object]] = None,
    # either (start row, end row, "rows"), (start column, end column, "rows") or
    # (cells start row, cells start column, cells end row, cells end column, "cells")  # noqa: E501
    startup_select: tuple[int, int, str] | tuple[int, int, int, int, str] = None,
    startup_focus: bool = True,
    total_columns: int | None = None,
    total_rows: int | None = None,
    default_column_width: int = 120,
    default_header_height: str | int = "1",
    default_row_index_width: int = 70,
    default_row_height: str | int = "1",
    max_column_width: Literal["inf"] | float = "inf",
    max_row_height: Literal["inf"] | float = "inf",
    max_header_height: Literal["inf"] | float = "inf",
    max_index_width: Literal["inf"] | float = "inf",
    after_redraw_time_ms: int = 20,
    set_all_heights_and_widths: bool = False,
    zoom: int = 100,
    align: str = "w",
    header_align: str = "center",
    row_index_align: str | None = None,
    index_align: str = "center",
    displayed_columns: list[int] = [],
    all_columns_displayed: bool = True,
    displayed_rows: list[int] = [],
    all_rows_displayed: bool = True,
    to_clipboard_delimiter: str = "\t",
    to_clipboard_quotechar: str = '"',
    to_clipboard_lineterminator: str = "\n",
    from_clipboard_delimiters: list[str] | str = ["\t"],
    show_default_header_for_empty: bool = True,
    show_default_index_for_empty: bool = True,
    page_up_down_select_row: bool = True,
    paste_can_expand_x: bool = False,
    paste_can_expand_y: bool = False,
    paste_insert_column_limit: int | None = None,
    paste_insert_row_limit: int | None = None,
    show_dropdown_borders: bool = False,
    arrow_key_down_right_scroll_page: bool = False,
    cell_auto_resize_enabled: bool = True,
    auto_resize_row_index: bool | Literal["empty"] = "empty",
    auto_resize_columns: int | None = None,
    auto_resize_rows: int | None = None,
    set_cell_sizes_on_zoom: bool = False,
    font: tuple[str, int, str] = FontTuple(
        13 if USER_OS == "darwin" else 11,
    header_font: tuple[str, int, str] = FontTuple(
        13 if USER_OS == "darwin" else 11,
    index_font: tuple[str, int, str] = FontTuple(
        13 if USER_OS == "darwin" else 11,
    ),  # currently has no effect
    popup_menu_font: tuple[str, int, str] = FontTuple(
        13 if USER_OS == "darwin" else 11,
    max_undos: int = 30,
    column_drag_and_drop_perform: bool = True,
    row_drag_and_drop_perform: bool = True,
    empty_horizontal: int = 50,
    empty_vertical: int = 50,
    selected_rows_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
    horizontal_grid_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
    vertical_grid_to_end_of_window: bool = False,
    show_vertical_grid: bool = True,
    show_horizontal_grid: bool = True,
    display_selected_fg_over_highlights: bool = False,
    show_selected_cells_border: bool = True,
    edit_cell_tab: Literal["right", "down", ""] = "right",
    edit_cell_return: Literal["right", "down", ""] = "down",
    editor_del_key: Literal["forward", "backward", ""] = "forward",
    treeview: bool = False,
    treeview_indent: str | int = "5",
    rounded_boxes: bool = True,
    # colors
    outline_thickness: int = 0,
    outline_color: str = theme_light_blue["outline_color"],
    theme: str = "light blue",
    frame_bg: str = theme_light_blue["table_bg"],
    popup_menu_fg: str = theme_light_blue["popup_menu_fg"],
    popup_menu_bg: str = theme_light_blue["popup_menu_bg"],
    popup_menu_highlight_bg: str = theme_light_blue["popup_menu_highlight_bg"],
    popup_menu_highlight_fg: str = theme_light_blue["popup_menu_highlight_fg"],
    table_grid_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_grid_fg"],
    table_bg: str = theme_light_blue["table_bg"],
    table_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_fg"],
    table_selected_box_cells_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_box_cells_fg"],
    table_selected_box_rows_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_box_rows_fg"],
    table_selected_box_columns_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_box_columns_fg"],
    table_selected_cells_border_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_cells_border_fg"],
    table_selected_cells_bg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_cells_bg"],
    table_selected_cells_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_cells_fg"],
    table_selected_rows_border_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_rows_border_fg"],
    table_selected_rows_bg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_rows_bg"],
    table_selected_rows_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_rows_fg"],
    table_selected_columns_border_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_columns_border_fg"],
    table_selected_columns_bg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_columns_bg"],
    table_selected_columns_fg: str = theme_light_blue["table_selected_columns_fg"],
    resizing_line_fg: str = theme_light_blue["resizing_line_fg"],
    drag_and_drop_bg: str = theme_light_blue["drag_and_drop_bg"],
    index_bg: str = theme_light_blue["index_bg"],
    index_border_fg: str = theme_light_blue["index_border_fg"],
    index_grid_fg: str = theme_light_blue["index_grid_fg"],
    index_fg: str = theme_light_blue["index_fg"],
    index_selected_cells_bg: str = theme_light_blue["index_selected_cells_bg"],
    index_selected_cells_fg: str = theme_light_blue["index_selected_cells_fg"],
    index_selected_rows_bg: str = theme_light_blue["index_selected_rows_bg"],
    index_selected_rows_fg: str = theme_light_blue["index_selected_rows_fg"],
    index_hidden_rows_expander_bg: str = theme_light_blue["index_hidden_rows_expander_bg"],
    header_bg: str = theme_light_blue["header_bg"],
    header_border_fg: str = theme_light_blue["header_border_fg"],
    header_grid_fg: str = theme_light_blue["header_grid_fg"],
    header_fg: str = theme_light_blue["header_fg"],
    header_selected_cells_bg: str = theme_light_blue["header_selected_cells_bg"],
    header_selected_cells_fg: str = theme_light_blue["header_selected_cells_fg"],
    header_selected_columns_bg: str = theme_light_blue["header_selected_columns_bg"],
    header_selected_columns_fg: str = theme_light_blue["header_selected_columns_fg"],
    header_hidden_columns_expander_bg: str = theme_light_blue["header_hidden_columns_expander_bg"],
    top_left_bg: str = theme_light_blue["top_left_bg"],
    top_left_fg: str = theme_light_blue["top_left_fg"],
    top_left_fg_highlight: str = theme_light_blue["top_left_fg_highlight"],
    vertical_scroll_background: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_background"],
    horizontal_scroll_background: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_background"],
    vertical_scroll_troughcolor: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_troughcolor"],
    horizontal_scroll_troughcolor: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_troughcolor"],
    vertical_scroll_lightcolor: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_lightcolor"],
    horizontal_scroll_lightcolor: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_lightcolor"],
    vertical_scroll_darkcolor: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_darkcolor"],
    horizontal_scroll_darkcolor: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_darkcolor"],
    vertical_scroll_relief: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_relief"],
    horizontal_scroll_relief: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_relief"],
    vertical_scroll_troughrelief: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_troughrelief"],
    horizontal_scroll_troughrelief: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_troughrelief"],
    vertical_scroll_bordercolor: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_bordercolor"],
    horizontal_scroll_bordercolor: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_bordercolor"],
    vertical_scroll_borderwidth: int = 1,
    horizontal_scroll_borderwidth: int = 1,
    vertical_scroll_gripcount: int = 0,
    horizontal_scroll_gripcount: int = 0,
    vertical_scroll_active_bg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_active_bg"],
    horizontal_scroll_active_bg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_active_bg"],
    vertical_scroll_not_active_bg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_not_active_bg"],
    horizontal_scroll_not_active_bg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_not_active_bg"],
    vertical_scroll_pressed_bg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_pressed_bg"],
    horizontal_scroll_pressed_bg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_pressed_bg"],
    vertical_scroll_active_fg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_active_fg"],
    horizontal_scroll_active_fg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_active_fg"],
    vertical_scroll_not_active_fg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_not_active_fg"],
    horizontal_scroll_not_active_fg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_not_active_fg"],
    vertical_scroll_pressed_fg: str = theme_light_blue["vertical_scroll_pressed_fg"],
    horizontal_scroll_pressed_fg: str = theme_light_blue["horizontal_scroll_pressed_fg"],
    scrollbar_theme_inheritance: str = "default",
    scrollbar_show_arrows: bool = True,
    # changing the arrowsize (width) of the scrollbars
    # is not working with 'default' theme
    # use 'clam' theme instead if you want to change the width
    vertical_scroll_arrowsize: str | int = "",
    horizontal_scroll_arrowsize: str | int = "",
) -> None
  • name setting a name for the sheet is useful when you have multiple sheets and you need to determine which one an event came from.
  • auto_resize_columns (int, None) if set as an int the columns will automatically resize to fit the width of the window, the int value being the minimum of each column in pixels.
  • auto_resize_rows (int, None) if set as an int the rows will automatically resize to fit the height of the window, the int value being the minimum height of each row in pixels.
  • startup_select selects cells, rows or columns at initialization by using a tuple e.g. (0, 0, "cells") for cell A0 or (0, 5, "rows") for rows 0 to 5.
  • data_reference and data are essentially the same.
  • row_index and index are the same, index takes priority, same as with headers and header.
  • startup_select either (start row, end row, "rows"), (start column, end column, "rows") or (start row, start column, end row, end column, "cells"). The start/end row/column variables need to be ints.
  • auto_resize_row_index either True, False or "empty".
    • "empty" it will only automatically resize if the row index is empty.
    • True it will always automatically resize.
    • False it will never automatically resize.
  • If show_selected_cells_border is False then the colors for table_selected_box_cells_fg/table_selected_box_rows_fg/table_selected_box_columns_fg will be used for the currently selected cells background.
  • For help with treeview mode see here.

You can change most of these settings after initialization using the set_options() function.

  • scrollbar_theme_inheritance and scrollbar_show_arrows will only work on Sheet() initialization, not with set_options()

Sheet Appearance

Sheet Colors

To change the colors of individual cells, rows or columns use the functions listed under highlighting cells.

For the colors of specific parts of the table such as gridlines and backgrounds use the function set_options(), keyword arguments specific to sheet colors are listed below. All the other set_options() arguments can be found here.

Use a tkinter color or a hex string e.g.


Set options






# scroll bars

Otherwise you can change the theme using the below function.

change_theme(theme: str = "light blue", redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • theme (str) options (themes) are currently "light blue", "light green", "dark", "black", "dark blue" and "dark green".

Scrollbar Appearance

Scrollbar colors:

The above function and keyword arguments can be used to change the colors of the scroll bars.

Scrollbar relief, size, arrows, etc.

Some scroll bar style options can only be changed on Sheet() initialization, others can be changed whenever using set_options().

  • Options that can only be set in the = Sheet(...) initialization:
    • scrollbar_theme_inheritance: str = "default"
      • This is which tkinter theme to inherit the new style from, changing the width of the scroll bar might not work with the "default" theme. If this is the case try using "clam" instead.
    • scrollbar_show_arrows: bool
      • When False the scroll bars arrow buttons on either end will be hidden, this may effect the width of the scroll bar.
  • Options that can be set using set_options() also:
    • vertical_scroll_borderwidth: int
    • horizontal_scroll_borderwidth: int
    • vertical_scroll_gripcount: int
    • horizontal_scroll_gripcount: int
    • vertical_scroll_arrowsize: str | int
    • horizontal_scroll_arrowsize: str | int

Header and Index

Set the header

set_header_data(value: object, c: int | None | Iterator = None, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • value (iterable, int, Any) if c is left as None then it attempts to set the whole header as the value (converting a generator to a list). If value is int it sets the header to display the row with that position.
  • c (iterable, int, None) if both value and c are iterables it assumes c is an iterable of positions and value is an iterable of values and attempts to set each value to each position. If c is int it attempts to set the value at that position.
    newheaders: object = None,
    index: None | int = None,
    reset_col_positions: bool = False,
    show_headers_if_not_sheet: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> object
  • Using an integer int for argument newheaders makes the sheet use that row as a header e.g. headers(0) means the first row will be used as a header (the first row will not be hidden in the sheet though), this is sort of equivalent to freezing the row.
  • Leaving newheaders as None and using the index argument returns the existing header value in that index.
  • Leaving all arguments as default e.g. headers() returns existing headers.

Set the index

set_index_data(value: object, r: int | None | Iterator = None, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • value (iterable, int, Any) if r is left as None then it attempts to set the whole index as the value (converting a generator to a list). If value is int it sets the index to display the row with that position.
  • r (iterable, int, None) if both value and r are iterables it assumes r is an iterable of positions and value is an iterable of values and attempts to set each value to each position. If r is int it attempts to set the value at that position.
    newindex: object = None,
    index: None | int = None,
    reset_row_positions: bool = False,
    show_index_if_not_sheet: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> object
  • Using an integer int for argument newindex makes the sheet use that column as an index e.g. row_index(0) means the first column will be used as an index (the first column will not be hidden in the sheet though), this is sort of equivalent to freezing the column.
  • Leaving newindex as None and using the index argument returns the existing row index value in that index.
  • Leaving all arguments as default e.g. row_index() returns the existing row index.

Bindings and Functionality

Enable table functionality and bindings

  • bindings (str) options are (rc stands for right click):
    • "all"
    • "single_select"
    • "toggle_select"
    • "drag_select"
      • "select_all"
    • "column_drag_and_drop" / "move_columns"
    • "row_drag_and_drop" / "move_rows"
    • "column_select"
    • "row_select"
    • "column_width_resize"
    • "double_click_column_resize"
    • "row_width_resize"
    • "column_height_resize"
    • "arrowkeys" # all arrowkeys including page up and down
    • "up"
    • "down"
    • "left"
    • "right"
    • "prior" # page up
    • "next" # page down
    • "row_height_resize"
    • "double_click_row_resize"
    • "right_click_popup_menu"
    • "rc_select"
    • "rc_insert_column"
    • "rc_delete_column"
    • "rc_insert_row"
    • "rc_delete_row"
    • "ctrl_click_select" / "ctrl_select"
    • "copy"
    • "cut"
    • "paste"
    • "delete"
    • "undo"
    • "edit_cell"
    • "edit_header"
    • "edit_index"


  • You can change the Sheets key bindings for functionality such as copy, paste, up, down etc. Instructions can be found here.
  • Control selection is NOT enabled with "all" and has to be specifically enabled.
  • Header cell editing is NOT enabled with "all" and has to be specifically enabled.
  • Index cell editing is NOT enabled with "all" and has to be specifically enabled.
  • To allow table expansion when pasting data which doesn't fit in the table use either:
    • paste_can_expand_x=True, paste_can_expand_y=True in sheet initialization arguments or the same keyword arguments with the function set_options().


  • sheet.enable_bindings() to enable absolutely everything.

Disable table functionality and bindings



  • Uses the same arguments as enable_bindings().

Bind specific table functionality

This function allows you to bind very specific table functionality to your own functions.

  • If you want less specificity in event names you can also bind all sheet modifying events to a single function, see here.
  • If you want to validate/modify user cell edits see here.
    bindings: str | list | tuple,
    func: Callable | None = None,
) -> Sheet


  • There are several ways to use this function:
    • bindings as a str and func as either None or a function. Using None as an argument for func will effectively unbind the function.
      • extra_bindings("edit_cell", func=my_function)
    • bindings as an iterable of strs and func as either None or a function. Using None as an argument for func will effectively unbind the function.
      • extra_bindings(["all_select_events", "copy", "cut"], func=my_function)
    • bindings as an iterable of lists or tuples with length of two, e.g.
      • extra_bindings([(binding, function), (binding, function), ...]) In this example you could also use None in the place of function to unbind the binding.
      • In this case the arg func is totally ignored.
  • For "end_..." events the bound function is run before the value is set.
  • To unbind a function either set func argument to None or leave it as default e.g. extra_bindings("begin_copy") to unbind "begin_copy".


  • bindings (str) options are:
    • "begin_copy", "begin_ctrl_c"
    • "ctrl_c", "end_copy", "end_ctrl_c", "copy"
    • "begin_cut", "begin_ctrl_x"
    • "ctrl_x", "end_cut", "end_ctrl_x", "cut"
    • "begin_paste", "begin_ctrl_v"
    • "ctrl_v", "end_paste", "end_ctrl_v", "paste"
    • "begin_undo", "begin_ctrl_z"
    • "ctrl_z", "end_undo", "end_ctrl_z", "undo"
    • "begin_delete_key", "begin_delete"
    • "delete_key", "end_delete", "end_delete_key", "delete"
    • "begin_edit_cell", "begin_edit_table"
    • "end_edit_cell", "edit_cell", "edit_table"
    • "begin_edit_header"
    • "end_edit_header", "edit_header"
    • "begin_edit_index"
    • "end_edit_index", "edit_index"
    • "begin_row_index_drag_drop", "begin_move_rows"
    • "row_index_drag_drop", "move_rows", "end_move_rows", "end_row_index_drag_drop"
    • "begin_column_header_drag_drop", "begin_move_columns"
    • "column_header_drag_drop", "move_columns", "end_move_columns", "end_column_header_drag_drop"
    • "begin_rc_delete_row", "begin_delete_rows"
    • "rc_delete_row", "end_rc_delete_row", "end_delete_rows", "delete_rows"
    • "begin_rc_delete_column", "begin_delete_columns"
    • "rc_delete_column", "end_rc_delete_column","end_delete_columns", "delete_columns"
    • "begin_rc_insert_column", "begin_insert_column", "begin_insert_columns", "begin_add_column","begin_rc_add_column", "begin_add_columns"
    • "rc_insert_column", "end_rc_insert_column", "end_insert_column", "end_insert_columns", "rc_add_column", "end_rc_add_column", "end_add_column", "end_add_columns"
    • "begin_rc_insert_row", "begin_insert_row", "begin_insert_rows", "begin_rc_add_row", "begin_add_row", "begin_add_rows"
    • "rc_insert_row", "end_rc_insert_row", "end_insert_row", "end_insert_rows", "rc_add_row", "end_rc_add_row", "end_add_row", "end_add_rows"
    • "row_height_resize"
    • "column_width_resize"
    • "cell_select"
    • "select_all"
    • "row_select"
    • "column_select"
    • "drag_select_cells"
    • "drag_select_rows"
    • "drag_select_columns"
    • "shift_cell_select"
    • "shift_row_select"
    • "shift_column_select"
    • "deselect"
    • "all_select_events", "select", "selectevents", "select_events"
    • "all_modified_events", "sheetmodified", "sheet_modified" "modified_events", "modified"
    • "bind_all"
    • "unbind_all"
  • func argument is the function you want to send the binding event to.
  • Using one of the following "all_modified_events", "sheetmodified", "sheet_modified", "modified_events", "modified" will make any insert, delete or cell edit including pastes and undos send an event to your function.
  • For events "begin_move_columns"/"begin_move_rows" the point where columns/rows will be moved to will be accessible by the key named "value".
  • For "begin_edit..." events the bound function must return a value to open the cell editor with, example here.

Event Data

Using extra_bindings() the function you bind needs to have at least one argument which will receive a dict. The values of which can be accessed by dot notation e.g. event.eventname or event.cells.table:

for (row, column), old_value in event.cells.table.items():
    print (f"R{row}", f"C{column}", "Old Value:", old_value)

It has the following layout and keys:

    "eventname": "",
    "sheetname": "",
    "cells": {
        "table": {},
        "header": {},
        "index": {},
    "moved": {
        "rows": {},
        "columns": {},
    "added": {
        "rows": {},
        "columns": {},
    "deleted": {
        "rows": {},
        "columns": {},
        "header": {},
        "index": {},
        "column_widths": {},
        "row_heights": {},
        "options": {},
        "displayed_columns": None,
        "displayed_rows": None,
    "named_spans": {},
    "selection_boxes": {},
    "selected": tuple(),
    "being_selected": tuple(),
    "data": [],
    "key": "",
    "value": None,
    "loc": tuple(),
    "row": None,
    "column": None,
    "resized": {
        "rows": {},
        "columns": {},
    "widget": None,


  • Key ["eventname"] will be one of the following:
    • "begin_ctrl_c"
    • "end_ctrl_c"
    • "begin_ctrl_x"
    • "end_ctrl_x"
    • "begin_ctrl_v"
    • "end_ctrl_v"
    • "begin_delete"
    • "end_delete"
    • "begin_undo"
    • "end_undo"
    • "begin_add_columns"
    • "end_add_columns"
    • "begin_add_rows"
    • "end_add_rows"
    • "begin_delete_columns"
    • "end_delete_columns"
    • "begin_delete_rows"
    • "end_delete_rows"
    • "begin_edit_table"
    • "end_edit_table"
    • "begin_edit_index"
    • "end_edit_index"
    • "begin_edit_header"
    • "end_edit_header"
    • "begin_move_rows"
    • "end_move_rows"
    • "begin_move_columns"
    • "end_move_columns"
    • "select"
    • "resize"
  • For events "begin_move_columns"/"begin_move_rows" the point where columns/rows will be moved to will be under the event_data key "value".
  • Key ["sheetname"] is the name given to the sheet widget on initialization, useful if you have multiple sheets to determine which one emitted the event.
  • Key ["cells"]["table"] if any table cells have been modified by cut, paste, delete, cell editors, dropdown boxes, check boxes, undo or redo this will be a dict with tuple keys of (data row index: int, data column index: int) and the values will be the cell values at that location prior to the change. The dict will be empty if no such changes have taken place.
  • Key ["cells"]["header"] if any header cells have been modified by cell editors, dropdown boxes, check boxes, undo or redo this will be a dict with keys of int: data column index and the values will be the cell values at that location prior to the change. The dict will be empty if no such changes have taken place.
  • Key ["cells"]["index"] if any index cells have been modified by cell editors, dropdown boxes, check boxes, undo or redo this will be a dict with keys of int: data row index and the values will be the cell values at that location prior to the change. The dict will be empty if no such changes have taken place.
  • Key ["moved"]["rows"] if any rows have been moved by dragging and dropping or undoing/redoing of dragging and dropping rows this will be a dict with the following keys:
    • {"data": {old data index: new data index, ...}, "displayed": {old displayed index: new displayed index, ...}}
      • "data" will be a dict where the keys are the old data indexes of the rows and the values are the data indexes they have moved to.
      • "displayed" will be a dict where the keys are the old displayed indexes of the rows and the values are the displayed indexes they have moved to.
      • If no rows have been moved the dict under ["moved"]["rows"] will be empty.
      • Note that if there are hidden rows the values for "data" will include all currently displayed row indexes and their new locations. If required and available, the values under "displayed" include only the directly moved rows, convert to data indexes using Sheet.data_r().
    • For events "begin_move_rows" the point where rows will be moved to will be under the event_data key "value".
  • Key ["moved"]["columns"] if any columns have been moved by dragging and dropping or undoing/redoing of dragging and dropping columns this will be a dict with the following keys:
    • {"data": {old data index: new data index, ...}, "displayed": {old displayed index: new displayed index, ...}}
      • "data" will be a dict where the keys are the old data indexes of the columns and the values are the data indexes they have moved to.
      • "displayed" will be a dict where the keys are the old displayed indexes of the columns and the values are the displayed indexes they have moved to.
      • If no columns have been moved the dict under ["moved"]["columns"] will be empty.
      • Note that if there are hidden columns the values for "data" will include all currently displayed column indexes and their new locations. If required and available, the values under "displayed" include only the directly moved columns, convert to data indexes using Sheet.data_c().
    • For events "begin_move_columns" the point where columns will be moved to will be under the event_data key "value".
  • Key ["added"]["rows"] if any rows have been added by the inbuilt popup menu insert rows or by a paste which expands the sheet then this will be a dict with the following keys:
    • {"data_index": int, "displayed_index": int, "num": int, "displayed": []}
      • "data_index" is an int representing the row where the rows were added in the data.
      • "displayed_index" is an int representing the displayed table index where the rows were added (which will be different from the data index if there are hidden rows).
      • "displayed" is simply a copied list of the Sheet()s displayed rows immediately prior to the change.
      • If no rows have been added the dict will be empty.
  • Key ["added"]["columns"] if any columns have been added by the inbuilt popup menu insert columns or by a paste which expands the sheet then this will be a dict with the following keys:
    • {"data_index": int, "displayed_index": int, "num": int, "displayed": []}
      • "data_index" is an int representing the column where the columns were added in the data.
      • "displayed_index" is an int representing the displayed table index where the columns were added (which will be different from the data index if there are hidden columns).
      • "displayed" is simply a copied list of the Sheet()s displayed columns immediately prior to the change.
      • If no columns have been added the dict will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["columns"] if any columns have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete columns or by undoing a paste which added columns then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[column data index]: {[row data index]: cell value, [row data index]: cell value}, [column data index]: {...} ...}
    • If no columns have been deleted then the dict value for ["deleted"]["columns"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["rows"] if any rows have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete rows or by undoing a paste which added rows then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[row data index]: {[column data index]: cell value, [column data index]: cell value}, [row data index]: {...} ...}
    • If no rows have been deleted then the dict value for ["deleted"]["rows"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["header"] if any header values have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete columns or by undoing a paste which added columns and header values then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[column data index]: header cell value, [column data index]: header cell value, ...}
    • If no columns have been deleted by the mentioned methods then the dict value for ["deleted"]["header"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["index"] if any index values have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete rows or by undoing a paste which added rows and index values then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[row data index]: index cell value, [row data index]: index cell value, ...}
    • If no index values have been deleted by the mentioned methods then the dict value for ["deleted"]["index"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["column_widths"] if any columns have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete columns or by undoing a paste which added columns then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[column data index]: column width, [column data index]: column width, ...}
    • If no columns have been deleted then the dict value for ["deleted"]["column_widths"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["row_heights"] if any rows have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete rows or by undoing a paste which added rows then this will be a dict. This dict will look like the following:
    • {[row data index]: row height, [row data index]: row height, ...}
    • If no rows have been deleted then the dict value for ["deleted"]["row_heights"] will be empty.
  • Key ["deleted"]["displayed_columns"] if any columns have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete columns or by undoing a paste which added columns then this will be a list. This list stores the displayed columns (the columns that are showing when others are hidden) immediately prior to the change.
  • Key ["deleted"]["displayed_rows"] if any rows have been deleted by the inbuilt popup menu delete rows or by undoing a paste which added rows then this will be a list. This list stores the displayed rows (the rows that are showing when others are hidden) immediately prior to the change.
  • Key ["named_spans"] This dict serves as storage for the Sheet()s named spans. Each value in the dict is a pickled span object.
  • Key ["options"] This serves as storage for the Sheet()s options such as highlights, formatting, alignments, dropdown boxes, check boxes etc. It is a Python pickled dict where the values are the sheets internal cell/row/column options dicts.
  • Key ["selection_boxes"] the value of this is all selection boxes on the sheet in the form of a dict as shown below:
    • For every event except "select" events the selection boxes are those immediately prior to the modification, for "select" events they are the current selection boxes.
    • The layout is always: "selection_boxes": {(start row, start column, up to but not including row, up to but not including column): selection box type}.
      • The row/column indexes are ints and the selection box type is a str either "cells", "rows" or "columns".
    • The dict will be empty if there is nothing selected.
  • Key ["selected"] the value of this when there is something selected on the sheet is a namedtuple. The values of which can be found here.
    • When nothing is selected or the event is not relevant to the currently selected box, such as a resize event it will be an empty tuple.
  • Key ["being_selected"] if any selection box is in the process of being drawn by holding down mouse button 1 and dragging then this will be a tuple with the following layout:
    • (start row, start column, up to but not including row, up to but not including column, selection box type).
      • The selection box type is a str either "cells", "rows" or "columns".
    • If no box is in the process of being created then this will be a an empty tuple.
    • See here for an example.
  • Key ["data"] is primarily used for paste and it will contain the pasted data if any.
  • Key ["key"] - str - is primarily used for cell edit events where a key press has occurred. For "begin_edit..." events the value is the actual key which was pressed (or "??" for using the mouse to open a cell). It also might be one of the following for end edit events:
    • "Return" - enter key.
    • "FocusOut" - the editor or box lost focus, perhaps by mouse clicking elsewhere.
    • "Tab" - tab key.
  • Key ["value"] is used primarily by cell editing events. For "begin_edit..." events it's the value displayed in he text editor when it opens. For "end_edit..." events it's the value in the text editor when it was closed, for example by hitting Return. It also used by "begin_move_columns"/"begin_move_rows" - the point where columns/rows will be moved to will be under the event_data key "value".
  • Key ["loc"] is for cell editing events to show the displayed (not data) coordinates of the event. It will be either:
    • A tuple of (int displayed row index, int displayed column index) in the case of editing table cells.
    • A single int in the case of editing index/header cells.
  • Key ["row"] is for cell editing events to show the displayed (not data) row number int of the event. If the event was not a cell editing event or a header cell was edited the value will be None.
  • Key ["column"] is for cell editing events to show the displayed (not data) column number int of the event. If the event was not a cell editing event or an index cell was edited the value will be None.
  • Key ["resized"]["rows"] is for row height resizing events, it will be a dict with the following layout:
    • {int displayed row index: {"old_size": old_height, "new_size": new_height}}.
    • If no rows have been resized then the value for ["resized"]["rows"] will be an empty dict.
  • Key ["resized"]["columns"] is for column width resizing events, it will be a dict with the following layout:
    • {int displayed column index: {"old_size": old_width, "new_size": new_width}}.
    • If no columns have been resized then the value for ["resized"]["columns"] will be an empty dict.
  • Key ["widget"] will contain the widget which emitted the event, either the MainTable(), ColumnHeaders() or RowIndex() which are all tk.Canvas widgets.

Validate user cell edits

With this function you can validate or modify most user sheet edits, includes cut, paste, delete (including column/row clear), dropdown boxes and cell edits.

edit_validation(func: Callable | None = None) -> Sheet


  • func (Callable, None) must either be a function which will receive a tksheet event dict which looks like this or None which unbinds the function.


  • If your bound function returns None then that specific cell edit will not be performed.
  • For examples of this function see here and here.

Add commands to the in-built right click popup menu

    label: str,
    func: Callable,
    table_menu: bool = True,
    index_menu: bool = True,
    header_menu: bool = True,
    empty_space_menu: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Remove commands added using popup_menu_add_command from the in-built right click popup menu

popup_menu_del_command(label: str | None = None) -> Sheet
  • If label is None then it removes all.

Enable or disable mousewheel, left click etc

basic_bindings(enable: bool = False) -> Sheet

These functions are links to the Sheets own functionality. Functions such as cut() rely on whatever is currently selected on the Sheet.

cut(event: object = None) -> Sheet
copy(event: object = None) -> Sheet
paste(event: object = None) -> Sheet
delete(event: object = None) -> Sheet
undo(event: object = None) -> Sheet
redo(event: object = None) -> Sheet
zoom_in() -> Sheet
zoom_out() -> Sheet

Get the last event data dict

def event() -> EventDataDict
  • e.g. last_event_data = sheet.event
  • Will be empty EventDataDict if there is no last event.

Set focus to the Sheet

    canvas: Literal[
    ] = "table",
) -> Sheet

tkinter and tksheet Events

Sheet bind

  • With the Sheet.bind() function you can bind things in the usual way you would in tkinter and they will bind to all the tksheet canvases.
  • There are also the following special tksheet events you can bind:
Binding Usable with Sheet.event_generate()
"<<SheetModified>>" -
"<<SheetRedrawn>>" -
"<<SheetSelect>>" -
"<<Copy>>" X
"<<Cut>>" X
"<<Paste>>" X
"<<Delete>>" X
"<<Undo>>" X
"<<Redo>>" X
"<<SelectAll>>" X
    event: str,
    func: Callable,
    add: str | None = None,


  • add may or may not work for various bindings depending on whether they are already in use by tksheet.
  • Note that while a bound event after a paste/undo/redo might have the event name "edit_table" it also might have added/deleted rows/columns, refer to the docs on the event data dict for more information.
  • event the emitted events are:
    • "<<SheetModified>>" emitted whenever the sheet was modified by the end user by editing cells or adding or deleting rows/columns. The function you bind to this event must be able to receive a dict argument which will be the same as the event data dict but with less specific event names. The possible event names are listed below:
      • "edit_table" when a user has cut, paste, delete or any cell edits including using dropdown boxes etc. in the table.
      • "edit_index" when a user has edited a index cell.
      • "edit_header" when a user has edited a header cell.
      • "add_columns" when a user has inserted columns.
      • "add_rows" when a user has inserted rows.
      • "delete_columns" when a user has deleted columns.
      • "delete_rows" when a user has deleted rows.
      • "move_columns" when a user has dragged and dropped columns.
      • "move_rows" when a user has dragged and dropped rows.
    • "<<SheetRedrawn>>" emitted whenever the sheet GUI was refreshed (redrawn). The data for this event will be different than the usual event data, it is simply:
      • {"sheetname": name of your sheet, "header": bool True if the header was redrawn, "row_index": bool True if the index was redrawn, "table": bool True if the the table was redrawn}
    • "<<SheetSelect>>" encompasses all select events and emits the same event as "<<SheetModified>>" but with the event name: "select".
    • "<<Copy>>" emitted when a Sheet copy e.g. <Control-c> was performed and will have the eventname "copy".
    • "<<Cut>>"
    • "<<Paste>>"
    • "<<Delete>>" emitted when a Sheet delete key function was performed.
    • "<<SelectAll>>"
    • "<<Undo>>"
    • "<<Redo>>"


# self.sheet_was_modified is your function
self.sheet.bind("<<SheetModified>>", self.sheet_was_modified)

Example for event_generate():

  • Tells the sheet to run its copy function.

Sheet unbind

With this function you can unbind things you have bound using the bind() function.

unbind(binding: str) -> Sheet

Sheet Languages and Bindings

In this section are instructions to change some of tksheets in-built language and bindings:

  • The in-built right click menu.
  • The in-built functionality keybindings, such as copy, paste etc.

Changing right click menu labels

You can change the labels for tksheets in-built right click popup menu by using the set_options() function with any of the following keyword arguments:



# changing the copy label to the spanish for Copy

Changing key bindings

You can change the bindings for tksheets in-built functionality such as cut, copy, paste by using the set_options() function with any the following keyword arguments:


The argument must be a list of tkinter binding strs. In the below example the binding for copy is changed to "<Control-e>" and "<Control-E>".

# changing the binding for copy
sheet.set_options(copy_bindings=["<Control-e>", "<Control-E>"])

The default values for these bindings can be found in the tksheet file

Key bindings for other languages

There is limited support in tkinter for keybindings in languages other than english, for example tkinters .bind() function doesn't cooperate with cyrillic characters.

There are ways around this however, see below for a limited example of how this might be achieved:

from __future__ import annotations

import tkinter as tk

from tksheet import Sheet

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(
            data=[[f"{r} {c}" for c in range(5)] for r in range(5)],
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.bind_all("<Key>", self.any_key)

    def any_key(self, event: tk.Event) -> None:
        Establish that the Control key is held down
        ctrl = (event.state & 4 > 0)
        if not ctrl:
        From here you can use event.keycode and event.keysym to determine
        which key has been pressed along with Control
        If the keys are the ones you want to have bound to Sheet functionality
        You can then call the Sheets functionality using event_generate()
        For example:
        # if the key is correct then:

app = demo()

Span Objects

In tksheet versions > 7 there are functions which utilise an object named Span. These objects are a subclass of dict but with various additions and dot notation attribute access.

Spans basically represent an contiguous area of the sheet. They can be one of three kinds:

  • "cell"
  • "row"
  • "column"

They can be used with some of the sheets functions such as data getting/setting and creation of things on the sheet such as dropdown boxes.

Spans store:

  • A reference to the Sheet() they were created with.
  • Variables which represent a particular range of cells and properties for accessing these ranges.
  • Variables which represent options for those cells.
  • Methods which can modify the above variables.
  • Methods which can act upon the table using the above variables such as highlight, format, etc.

Whether cells, rows or columns are affected will depend on the spans kind.

Creating a span

You can create a span by:

  • Using the span() function e.g. sheet.span("A1") represents the cell A1


  • Using square brackets on a Sheet object e.g. sheet["A1"] represents the cell A1

Both methods return the created span object.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    type_: str = "",
    name: str = "",
    table: bool = True,
    index: bool = False,
    header: bool = False,
    tdisp: bool = False,
    idisp: bool = True,
    hdisp: bool = True,
    transposed: bool = False,
    ndim: int = 0,
    convert: object = None,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    widget: object = None,
    expand: None | str = None,
    formatter_options: dict | None = None,
) -> Span
Create a span / get an existing span by name
Returns the created span


  • key you do not have to provide an argument for key, if no argument is provided then the span will be a full sheet span. Otherwise key can be the following types which are type hinted as CreateSpanTypes:
    • None
    • str e.g. sheet.span("A1:F1")
    • int e.g. sheet.span(0)
    • slice e.g. sheet.span(slice(0, 4))
    • Sequence[int | None, int | None] representing a cell of row, column e.g. sheet.span(0, 0)
    • Sequence[Sequence[int | None, int | None], Sequence[int | None, int | None]] representing sheet.span(start row, start column, up to but not including row, up to but not including column) e.g. sheet.span(0, 0, 2, 2)
    • Span e.g sheet.span(another_span)
  • type_ (str) must be either an empty string "" or one of the following: "format", "highlight", "dropdown", "checkbox", "readonly", "align".
  • name (str) used for named spans or for identification. If no name is provided then a name is generated for the span which is based on an internal integer ticker and then converted to a string in the same way column names are.
  • table (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the main table as well as the header/index if those are True.
  • index (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the index as well as the table/header if those are True.
  • header (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the header as well as the table/index if those are True.
  • tdisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the table, not underlying cell data.
  • idisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the index, not underlying cell data.
  • hdisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the header, not underlying cell data.
  • transposed (bool) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True:
    • Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows.
    • Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.
  • ndim (int) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans, it must be either 0 or 1 or 2.
    • 0 is the default setting which will make the return value vary based on what it is. For example if the gathered data is only a single cell it will return a value instead of a list of lists with a single list containing a single value. A single row will be a single list.
    • 1 will force the return of a single list as opposed to a list of lists.
    • 2 will force the return of a list of lists.
  • convert (None, Callable) can be used to modify the data using a function before returning it. The data sent to the convert function will be as it was before normally returning (after ndim has potentially modified it).
  • undo (bool) is used by data modifying functions that utilize spans. When True and if undo is enabled for the sheet then the end user will be able to undo/redo the modification.
  • emit_event when True and when using data setting functions that utilize spans causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information on binding this event.
  • widget (object) is the reference to the original sheet which created the span. This can be changed to a different sheet if required e.g. my_span.widget = new_sheet.
  • expand (None, str) must be either None or:
    • "table"/"both" expand the span both down and right from the span start to the ends of the table.
    • "right" expand the span right to the end of the table x axis.
    • "down" expand the span downwards to the bottom of the table y axis.
  • formatter_options (dict, None) must be either None or dict. If providing a dict it must be the same structure as used in format functions, see here for more information. Used to turn the span into a format type span which:
    • When using get_data() will format the returned data.
    • When using set_data() will format the data being set but NOT create a new formatting rule on the sheet.
  • **kwargs you can provide additional keyword arguments to the function for example those used in span.highlight() or span.dropdown() which are used when applying a named span to a table.


  • To create a named span see here.

Span creation syntax

When creating a span using the below methods:

  • strs use excel syntax and the indexing rule of up to AND including.
  • ints use python syntax and the indexing rule of up to but NOT including.

For example python index 0 as in [0] is the first whereas excel index 1 as in "A1" is the first.

If you need to convert python indexes into column letters you can use the function num2alpha importable from tksheet:

from tksheet import (
    num2alpha as n2a,

# column index five as a letter

Span creation examples using square brackets


span = sheet[0] # first row
span = sheet["1"] # first row

span = sheet[0:2] # first two rows
span = sheet["1:2"] # first two rows

span = sheet[:] # entire sheet
span = sheet[":"] # entire sheet

span = sheet[:2] # first two rows
span = sheet[":2"] # first two rows

span = sheet[2:] # all rows after and not inlcuding python index 1
span = sheet["2:"] # all rows after and not including python index 0

span = sheet["A"] # first column
span = sheet["A:C"] # first three columns

span = sheet[0, 0] # cell A1
span = sheet[(0, 0)] # cell A1
span = sheet["A1:C1"] # cells A1, B1, C1
span = sheet[0, 0, 1, 3] # cells A1, B1, C1
span = sheet[(0, 0, 1, 3)] # cells A1, B1, C1
span = sheet[(0, 0), (1, 3)] # cells A1, B1, C1
span = sheet[((0, 0), (1, 3))] # cells A1, B1, C1

span = sheet["A1:2"]
span = sheet[0, 0, 2, None]
All the cells starting from (0, 0)
expanding down to include row 1
but not including cells beyond row
1 and expanding out to include all

    A   B   C   D
1   x   x   x   x
2   x   x   x   x

span = sheet["A1:B"]
span = sheet[0, 0, None, 2]
All the cells starting from (0, 0)
expanding out to include column 1
but not including cells beyond column
1 and expanding down to include all

    A   B   C   D
1   x   x
2   x   x
3   x   x
4   x   x

# you can retrieve an existing named span quickly by surrounding its name in <> e.g.
named_span_retrieval = sheet["<the name of the span goes here>"]

Span creation examples using sheet.span()


sheet.span() # entire sheet, in this case not including header or index


str or int or slice()

# with one argument you can use the same string syntax used for square bracket span creation
sheet.span(0) # row at python index 0, all columns
sheet.span(slice(0, 2)) # rows at python indexes 0 and 1, all columns
sheet.span(":") # entire sheet

int | None, int | None


(int | None, int | None), (int | None, int | None)
sheet.span(0, 0) # row 0, column 0 - the first cell
sheet.span(0, None) # row 0, all columns
sheet.span(None, 0) # column 0, all rows

sheet.span((0, 0), (1, 1)) # row 0, column 0 - the first cell
sheet.span((0, 0), (None, 2)) # rows 0 - end, columns 0 and 1

int | None, int | None, int | None, int | None

sheet.span(0, 0, 1, 1) # row 0, column 0 - the first cell
sheet.span(0, 0, None, 2) # rows 0 - end, columns 0 and 1

Span properties

Spans have a few @property functions:

  • span.kind
  • span.rows
  • span.columns

Get a spans kind

  • Returns either "cell", "row" or "column".
span = sheet.span("A1:C4")
print (span.kind)
# prints "cell"

span = sheet.span(":")
print (span.kind)
# prints "cell"

span = sheet.span("1:3")
print (span.kind)
# prints "row"

span = sheet.span("A:C")
print (span.kind)
# prints "column"

# after importing num2alpha from tksheet
print (sheet[num2alpha(0)].kind)
# prints "column"

Get span rows and columns


Returns a SpanRange object. The below examples are for span.rows but you can use span.columns for the spans columns exactly the same way.

# use as an iterator
span = sheet.span("A1:C4")
for row in span.rows:
# use as a reversed iterator
for row in reversed(span.rows):

# check row membership
span = sheet.span("A1:C4")
print (2 in span.rows)
# prints True

# check span.rows equality, also can do not equal
span = self.sheet["A1:C4"]
span2 = self.sheet["1:4"]
print (span.rows == span2.rows)
# prints True

# check len
span = self.sheet["A1:C4"]
print (len(span.rows))
# prints 4

Span methods

Spans have the following methods, all of which return the span object itself so you can chain the functions e.g. span.options(undo=True).clear().bg = "indianred1"

Modify a spans attributes

    type_: str | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    table: bool | None = None,
    index: bool | None = None,
    header: bool | None = None,
    tdisp: bool | None = None,
    idisp: bool | None  = None,
    hdisp: bool | None  = None,
    transposed: bool | None = None,
    ndim: int | None = None,
    convert: Callable | None = None,
    undo: bool | None = None,
    emit_event: bool | None = None,
    widget: object = None,
    expand: str | None = None,
    formatter_options: dict | None = None,
) -> Span

Note: that if None is used for any of the following parameters then that Spans attribute will be unchanged.

  • type_ (str, None) if not None then must be either an empty string "" or one of the following: "format", "highlight", "dropdown", "checkbox", "readonly", "align".
  • name (str, None) is used for named spans or for identification.
  • table (bool, None) when True will make all functions used with the span target the main table as well as the header/index if those are True.
  • index (bool, None) when True will make all functions used with the span target the index as well as the table/header if those are True.
  • header (bool, None) when True will make all functions used with the span target the header as well as the table/index if those are True.
  • tdisp (bool, None) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the table, not underlying cell data.
  • idisp (bool, None) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the index, not underlying cell data.
  • hdisp (bool, None) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the header, not underlying cell data.
  • transposed (bool, None) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True:
    • Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows.
    • Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.
  • ndim (int, None) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans, it must be either 0 or 1 or 2.
    • 0 is the default setting which will make the return value vary based on what it is. For example if the gathered data is only a single cell it will return a value instead of a list of lists with a single list containing a single value. A single row will be a single list.
    • 1 will force the return of a single list as opposed to a list of lists.
    • 2 will force the return of a list of lists.
  • convert (Callable, None) can be used to modify the data using a function before returning it. The data sent to the convert function will be as it was before normally returning (after ndim has potentially modified it).
  • undo (bool, None) is used by data modifying functions that utilize spans. When True and if undo is enabled for the sheet then the end user will be able to undo/redo the modification.
  • emit_event (bool, None) is used by data modifying functions that utilize spans. When True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • widget (object) is the reference to the original sheet which created the span. This can be changed to a different sheet if required e.g. my_span.widget = new_sheet.
  • expand (str, None) must be either None or:
    • "table"/"both" expand the span both down and right from the span start to the ends of the table.
    • "right" expand the span right to the end of the table x axis.
    • "down" expand the span downwards to the bottom of the table y axis.
  • formatter_options (dict, None) must be either None or dict. If providing a dict it must be the same structure as used in format functions, see here for more information. Used to turn the span into a format type span which:
    • When using get_data() will format the returned data.
    • When using set_data() will format the data being set but NOT create a new formatting rule on the sheet.
  • **kwargs you can provide additional keyword arguments to the function for example those used in span.highlight() or span.dropdown() which are used when applying a named span to a table.
  • This function returns the span instance itself (self).
# entire sheet
span = sheet["A1"].options(expand="both")

# column A
span = sheet["A1"].options(expand="down")

# row 0
span = sheet["A1"].options(
    ndim=1, # to return a single list when getting data

All of a spans modifiable attributes are listed here:

  • from_r (int) represents which row the span starts at, must be a positive int.
  • from_c (int) represents which column the span starts at, must be a positive int.
  • upto_r (int, None) represents which row the span ends at, must be a positive int or None. None means always up to and including the last row.
  • upto_c (int, None) represents which column the span ends at, must be a positive int or None. None means always up to and including the last column.
  • type_ (str) must be either an empty string "" or one of the following: "format", "highlight", "dropdown", "checkbox", "readonly", "align".
  • name (str) used for named spans or for identification. If no name is provided then a name is generated for the span which is based on an internal integer ticker and then converted to a string in the same way column names are.
  • table (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the main table as well as the header/index if those are True.
  • index (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the index as well as the table/header if those are True.
  • header (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the header as well as the table/index if those are True.
  • tdisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the table, not underlying cell data.
  • idisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the index, not underlying cell data.
  • hdisp (bool) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans and when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the header, not underlying cell data.
  • transposed (bool) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True:
    • Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows.
    • Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.
  • ndim (int) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans, it must be either 0 or 1 or 2.
    • 0 is the default setting which will make the return value vary based on what it is. For example if the gathered data is only a single cell it will return a value instead of a list of lists with a single list containing a single value. A single row will be a single list.
    • 1 will force the return of a single list as opposed to a list of lists.
    • 2 will force the return of a list of lists.
  • convert (None, Callable) can be used to modify the data using a function before returning it. The data sent to the convert function will be as it was before normally returning (after ndim has potentially modified it).
  • undo (bool) is used by data modifying functions that utilize spans. When True and if undo is enabled for the sheet then the end user will be able to undo/redo the modification.
  • emit_event (bool) is used by data modifying functions that utilize spans. When True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • widget (object) is the reference to the original sheet which created the span. This can be changed to a different sheet if required e.g. my_span.widget = new_sheet.
  • kwargs a dict containing keyword arguments relevant for functions such as span.highlight() or span.dropdown() which are used when applying a named span to a table.

If necessary you can also modify these attributes the same way you would an objects. e.g.

# span now takes in all columns, including A
span = self.sheet("A")
span.upto_c = None

# span now adds to sheets undo stack when using data modifying functions that use spans
span = self.sheet("A")
span.undo = True

Using a span to format data

Formats table data, see the help on formatting for more information. Note that using this function also creates a format rule for the affected table cells.

    formatter_options: dict = {},
    formatter_class: object = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


# using square brackets

# or instead using sheet.span()

These examples show the formatting of the entire sheet (not including header and index) as int and creates a format rule for all currently existing cells. Named spans are required to create a rule for all future existing cells as well, for example those created by the end user inserting rows or columns.

Using a span to delete data format rules

Delete any currently existing format rules for parts of the table that are covered by the span. Should not be used where there are data formatting rules created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

span.del_format() -> Span


span1 = sheet[2:4]

Using a span to create highlights

    bg: bool | None | str = False,
    fg: bool | None | str = False,
    end: bool | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span

There are two ways to create highlights using a span:

Method 1 example using .highlight():

# highlights column A background red, text color black
sheet["A"].highlight(bg="red", fg="black")

# the same but after having saved a span
my_span = sheet["A"]
my_span.highlight(bg="red", fg="black")

Method 2 example using .bg/.fg:

# highlights column A background red, text color black
sheet["A"].bg = "red"
sheet["A"].fg = "black"

# the same but after having saved a span
my_span = sheet["A"] = "red"
my_span.fg = "black"

Using a span to delete highlights

Delete any currently existing highlights for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span. Should not be used where there are highlights created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

span.dehighlight() -> Span


span1 = sheet[2:4].highlight(bg="red", fg="black")

Using a span to create dropdown boxes

Creates dropdown boxes for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span. For more information see here.

    values: list = [],
    set_value: object = None,
    state: str = "normal",
    redraw: bool = True,
    selection_function: Callable | None = None,
    modified_function: Callable | None = None,
    search_function: Callable = dropdown_search_function,
    validate_input: bool = True,
    text: None | str = None,
) -> Span


    values=["on", "off"],

Using a span to delete dropdown boxes

Delete dropdown boxes for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span. Should not be used where there are dropdown box rules created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

span.del_dropdown() -> Span


dropdown_span = sheet["D"].dropdown(values=["on", "off"],

Using a span to create check boxes

Create check boxes for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span.

    edit_data: bool = True,
    checked: bool | None = None,
    state: str = "normal",
    redraw: bool = True,
    check_function: Callable | None = None,
    text: str = "",
) -> Span


  • edit_data when True edits the underlying cell data to either checked if checked is a bool or tries to convert the existing cell data to a bool.
  • checked is the initial creation value to set the box to, if None then and edit_data is True then it will try to convert the underlying cell data to a bool.
  • state can be "normal" or "disabled". If "disabled" then color will be same as table grid lines, else it will be the cells text color.
  • check_function can be used to trigger a function when the user clicks a checkbox.
  • text displays text next to the checkbox in the cell, but will not be used as data, data will either be True or False.



Using a span to delete check boxes

Delete check boxes for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span. Should not be used where there are check box rules created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

span.del_checkbox() -> Span


checkbox_span = sheet["D"].checkbox(checked=True,

Using a span to set cells to read only

Create a readonly rule for parts of the table that are covered by the span.

span.readonly(readonly: bool = True) -> Span
  • Using span.readonly(False) deletes any existing readonly rules for the span. Should not be used where there are readonly rules created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

Using a span to create text alignment rules

Create a text alignment rule for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span.

    align: str | None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span
  • align (str, None) must be either:
    • None - clears the alignment rule
    • "c", "center", "centre"
    • "w", "west", "left"
    • "e", "east", "right"



There are two ways to create alignment rules using a span:

Method 1 example using .align():

# column D right text alignment

# the same but after having saved a span
my_span = sheet["D"]

Method 2 example using .align = :

# column D right text alignment
sheet["D"].align = "right"

# the same but after having saved a span
my_span = sheet["D"]
my_span.align = "right"

Using a span to delete text alignment rules

Delete text alignment rules for parts of the sheet that are covered by the span. Should not be used where there are alignment rules created by named spans, see Named spans for more information.

span.del_align() -> Span


align_span = sheet["D"].align("right")

Using a span to clear cells

Clear cell data from all cells that are covered by the span.

    undo: bool | None = None,
    emit_event: bool | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • undo (bool, None) When True if undo is enabled for the end user they will be able to undo the clear change.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.


# clears column D

Using a span to tag cells

Tag cells, rows or columns depending on the spans kind, more information on tags here.

tag(*tags) -> Span


  • If span.kind is "cell" then cells will be tagged, if it's a row span then rows will be and so for columns.


# tags rows 2, 3, 4 with "hello world"
sheet[2:5].tag("hello world")

Using a span to untag cells

Remove all tags from cells, rows or columns depending on the spans kind, more information on tags here.

untag() -> Span


  • If span.kind is "cell" then cells will be untagged, if it's a row span then rows will be and so for columns.


# tags rows 2, 3, 4 with "hello" and "bye"
sheet[2:5].tag("hello", "bye")

# removes both "hello" and "bye" tags from rows 2, 3, 4

Set the spans orientation

The attribute span.transposed (bool) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True: - Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows. - Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.

You can toggle the transpotition of the span by using:

span.transpose() -> Span

If the attribute is already True this makes it False and vice versa.

span = sheet["A:D"].transpose()
# this span is now transposed
print (span.transposed)
# prints True

# this span is no longer transposed
print (span.transposed)
# prints False

Expand the spans area

Expand the spans area either all the way to the right (x axis) or all the way down (y axis) or both.

span.expand(direction: str = "both") -> Span
  • direction (None, str) must be either None or:
    • "table"/"both" expand the span both down and right from the span start to the ends of the table.
    • "right" expand the span right to the end of the table x axis.
    • "down" expand the span downwards to the bottom of the table y axis.

Named Spans

Named spans are like spans but with a type, some keyword arguments saved in span.kwargs and then created by using a Sheet() function. Like spans, named spans are also contiguous areas of the sheet.

Named spans can be used to:

  • Create options (rules) for the sheet which will expand/contract when new cells are added/removed. For example if a user were to insert rows in the middle of some already highlighted rows:
    • With ordinary row highlights the newly inserted rows would NOT be highlighted.
    • With named span row highlights the newly inserted rows would also be highlighted.
  • Quickly delete an existing option from the table whereas an ordinary span would not keep track of where the options have been moved.

Note that generally when a user moves rows/columns around the dimensions of the named span essentially move with either end of the span:

  • The new start of the span will be wherever the start row/column moves.
  • The new end of the span will be wherever the end row/column moves. The exceptions to this rule are when a span is expanded or has been created with Nones or the start of 0 and no end or end of None.

For the end user, when a span is just a single row/column (and is not expanded/unlimited) it cannot be expanded but it can be deleted if the row/column is deleted.

Creating a named span

For a span to become a named span it needs:

  • One of the following type_s: "format", "highlight", "dropdown", "checkbox", "readonly", "align".
  • Relevant keyword arguments e.g. if the type_ is "highlight" then arguments for sheet.highlight() found here.

After a span has the above items the following function has to be used to make it a named span and create the options on the sheet:

named_span(span: Span)
Adds a named span to the sheet
Returns the span
  • span must be an existing span with:
    • a name (a name is automatically generated upon span creation if one is not provided).
    • a type_ as described above.
    • keyword arguments as described above.

Examples of creating named spans:

# Will highlight rows 3 up to and including 5
span1 = self.sheet.span(

#  Will always keep the entire sheet formatted as `int` no matter how many rows/columns are inserted
span2 = self.sheet.span(
    # you don't have to provide a `type_` when using the `formatter_kwargs` argument

Deleting a named span

To delete a named span you simply have to provide the name.

del_named_span(name: str)

Example, creating and deleting a span:

# span covers the entire sheet
        name="my highlight span",
        bg="dark green",
self.sheet.del_named_span("my highlight span")

# ValueError is raised if name does not exist
self.sheet.del_named_span("this name doesnt exist")
# ValueError: Span 'this name doesnt exist' does not exist.

Other named span functions

Sets the Sheets internal dict of named spans:

set_named_spans(named_spans: None | dict = None) -> Sheet
  • Using None deletes all existing named spans

Get an existing named span:

get_named_span(name: str) -> dict

Get all existing named spans:

get_named_spans() -> dict

Getting Sheet Data

Using a span to get sheet data

A Span object (more information here) is returned when using square brackets on a Sheet like so:

span = self.sheet["A1"]

You can also use sheet.span():

span = self.sheet.span("A1")

The above spans represent the cell A1 - row 0, column 0.

A reserved span attribute named data can then be used to retrieve the data for cell A1, example below:

span = self.sheet["A1"]
cell_a1_data =

The data that is retrieved entirely depends on the area the span represents. You can also use span.value to the same effect.

There are certain other span attributes which have an impact on the data returned, explained below:

  • table (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the main table as well as the header/index if those are True.
  • index (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the index as well as the table/header if those are True.
  • header (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the header as well as the table/index if those are True.
  • tdisp (bool) when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the table, not underlying cell data.
  • idisp (bool) when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the index, not underlying cell data.
  • hdisp (bool) when True the function retrieves screen displayed data for the header, not underlying cell data.
  • transposed (bool) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True:
    • Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows.
    • Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.
  • ndim (int) is used by data getting functions that utilize spans, it must be either 0 or 1 or 2.
    • 0 is the default setting which will make the return value vary based on what it is. For example if the gathered data is only a single cell it will return a value instead of a list of lists with a single list containing a single value. A single row will be a single list.
    • 1 will force the return of a single list as opposed to a list of lists.
    • 2 will force the return of a list of lists.
  • convert (None, Callable) can be used to modify the data using a function before returning it. The data sent to the convert function will be as it was before normally returning (after ndim has potentially modified it).
  • widget (object) is the reference to the original sheet which created the span (this is the widget that data is retrieved from). This can be changed to a different sheet if required e.g. my_span.widget = new_sheet.

Some more complex examples of data retrieval:

"single cell"
cell_a1_data = self.sheet["A1"].data

"entire sheet including headers and index"
entire_sheet_data = self.sheet["A1"].expand().options(header=True, index=True).data

"header data, no table or index data"
# a list of displayed header cells
header_data = self.sheet["A:C"].options(table=False, header=True).data

# a header value
header_data = self.sheet["A"].options(table=False, hdisp=False, header=True).data

"index data, no table or header data"
# a list of displayed index cells
index_data = self.sheet[:3].options(table=False, index=True).data

# or using sheet.span() a list of displayed index cells
index_data = self.sheet.span(slice(None, 3), table=False, index=True).data

# a row index value
index_data = self.sheet[3].options(table=False, idisp=False, index=True).data

"sheet data as columns instead of rows, with actual header data"
sheet_data = self.sheet[:].transpose().options(hdisp=False, header=True).data

# or instead using sheet.span() with only kwargs
sheet_data = self.sheet.span(transposed=True, hdisp=False, header=True).data

There is also a Sheet() function for data retrieval (it is used internally by the above data getting methods):

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
) -> object


data = self.sheet.get_data("A1")
data = self.sheet.get_data(0, 0, 3, 3)
data = self.sheet.get_data(
    self.sheet.span(":D", transposed=True)

Generate sheet rows one at a time

This function is useful if you need a lot of sheet data, and produces one row at a time (may save memory use in certain scenarios). It does not use spans.

    get_displayed: bool = False,
    get_header: bool = False,
    get_index: bool = False,
    get_index_displayed: bool = True,
    get_header_displayed: bool = True,
    only_rows: int | Iterator[int] | None = None,
    only_columns: int | Iterator[int] | None = None,
) -> Iterator[list[object]]


  • get_displayed (bool) if True it will return cell values as they are displayed on the screen. If False it will return any underlying data, for example if the cell is formatted.
  • get_header (bool) if True it will return the header of the sheet even if there is not one.
  • get_index (bool) if True it will return the index of the sheet even if there is not one.
  • get_index_displayed (bool) if True it will return whatever index values are displayed on the screen, for example if there is a dropdown box with text set.
  • get_header_displayed (bool) if True it will return whatever header values are displayed on the screen, for example if there is a dropdown box with text set.
  • only_rows (None, iterable) with this argument you can supply an iterable of int row indexes in any order to be the only rows that are returned.
  • only_columns (None, iterable) with this argument you can supply an iterable of int column indexes in any order to be the only columns that are returned.

Get table data, readonly

  • e.g.
  • Doesn't include header or index data.

The name of the actual internal sheet data variable
  • You can use this to directly modify or retrieve the main table's data e.g. cell_0_0 =[0][0] but only do so if you know what you're doing.

Sheet methods

Sheet objects also have some functions similar to lists. Note that these functions do not include the header or index.

Iterate over table rows:

for row in self.sheet:
    print (row)

# and in reverse
for row in reversed(self.sheet):
    print (row)

Check if the table has a particular value (membership):

# returns True or False
search_value = "the cell value I'm looking for"
print (search_value in self.sheet)
  • Can also check if a row is in the sheet if a list is used.

Get the number of rows in the sheet

get_total_rows(include_index: bool = False) -> int

Get the number of columns in the sheet

get_total_columns(include_header: bool = False) -> int

Get a value for a particular cell if that cell was empty

    r: int,
    c: int,
    r_ops: bool = True,
    c_ops: bool = True,
) -> object
  • r_ops/c_ops when both are True it will take into account whatever cell/row/column options exist. When just r_ops is True it will take into account row options only and when just c_ops is True it will take into account column options only.

Setting Sheet Data

Fundamentally, there are two ways to set table data:

  • Overwriting the entire table and setting the table data to a new object.
  • Modifying the existing data.

Overwriting the table

    data: list | tuple | None = None,
    reset_col_positions: bool = True,
    reset_row_positions: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    verify: bool = False,
    reset_highlights: bool = False,
    keep_formatting: bool = True,
    delete_options: bool = False,
) -> object


  • data (list) has to be a list of lists for full functionality, for display only a list of tuples or a tuple of tuples will work.
  • reset_col_positions and reset_row_positions (bool) when True will reset column widths and row heights.
  • redraw (bool) refreshes the table after setting new data.
  • verify (bool) goes through data and checks if it is a list of lists, will raise error if not, disabled by default.
  • reset_highlights (bool) resets all table cell highlights.
  • keep_formatting (bool) when True re-applies any prior formatting rules to the new data, if False all prior formatting rules are deleted.
  • delete_options (bool) when True all table options such as dropdowns, check boxes, formatting, highlighting etc. are deleted.


  • This function does not impact the sheet header or index.

data(value: object)


  • Acts like setting an attribute e.g. = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
  • Uses the set_sheet_data() function and its default arguments.

Reset all or specific sheet elements and attributes

    table: bool = True,
    header: bool = True,
    index: bool = True,
    row_heights: bool = True,
    column_widths: bool = True,
    cell_options: bool = True,
    undo_stack: bool = True,
    selections: bool = True,
    sheet_options: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


  • table when True resets the table to an empty list.
  • header when True resets the header to an empty list.
  • index when True resets the row index to an empty list.
  • row_heights when True deletes all displayed row lines.
  • column_widths when True deletes all displayed column lines.
  • cell_options when True deletes all dropdowns, checkboxes, highlights, data formatting, etc.
  • undo_stack when True resets the sheets undo stack to empty.
  • selections when True deletes all selection boxes.
  • sheet_options when True resets all the sheets options such as colors, font, popup menu labels and many more to default, for a full list of what's reset see the file


  • This function could be useful when a whole new sheet needs to be loaded.

Modifying sheet data

A Span object (more information here) is returned when using square brackets on a Sheet like so:

span = self.sheet["A1"]

You can also use sheet.span():

span = self.sheet.span("A1")

The above span example represents the cell A1 - row 0, column 0. A reserved span attribute named data (you can also use .value) can then be used to modify sheet data starting from cell A1. example below:

span = self.sheet["A1"] = "new value for cell A1"

# or even shorter:
self.sheet["A1"].data = "new value for cell A1"

# or with sheet.span()
self.sheet.span("A1").data = "new value for cell A1"

If you provide a list or tuple it will set more than one cell, starting from the spans start cell. In the example below three cells are set in the first row, starting from cell B1:

self.sheet["B1"].data = ["row 0, column 1 new value (B1)",
                         "row 0, column 2 new value (C1)",
                         "row 0, column 3 new value (D1)"]

You can set data in column orientation with a transposed span:

self.sheet["B1"].transpose().data = ["row 0, column 1 new value (B1)",
                                     "row 1, column 1 new value (B2)",
                                     "row 2, column 1 new value (B3)"]

When setting data only a spans start cell is taken into account, the end cell is ignored. The example below demonstrates this, the spans end - "B1" is ignored and 4 cells get new values:

self.sheet["A1:B1"].data = ["A1 new val", "B1 new val", "C1 new val", "D1 new val"]

These are the span attributes which have an impact on the data set:

  • table (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the main table as well as the header/index if those are True.
  • index (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the index as well as the table/header if those are True.
  • header (bool) when True will make all functions used with the span target the header as well as the table/index if those are True.
  • transposed (bool) is used by data getting and setting functions that utilize spans. When True:
    • Returned sublists from data getting functions will represent columns rather than rows.
    • Data setting functions will assume that a single sequence is a column rather than row and that a list of lists is a list of columns rather than a list of rows.
  • widget (object) is the reference to the original sheet which created the span (this is the widget that data is set to). This can be changed to a different sheet if required e.g. my_span.widget = new_sheet.

Some more complex examples of setting data:

# first row gets some new values and the index gets a new value also
self.sheet[0].options(index=True).data = ["index val", "row 0 col 0", "row 0 col 1", "row 0 col 2"]

# or instead using sheet.span() first row gets some new values and the index gets a new value also
self.sheet.span(0, index=True).data = ["index val", "row 0 col 0", "row 0 col 1", "row 0 col 2"]

# first two rows get some new values, index included
self.sheet[0].options(index=True).data = [["index 0", "row 0 col 0", "row 0 col 1", "row 0 col 2"],
                                          ["index 1", "row 1 col 0", "row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2"]]

# first column gets some new values and the header gets a new value also
self.sheet["A"].options(transposed=True, header=True).data = ["header val", "row 0 col 0", "row 1 col 0", "row 2 col 0"]

# or instead using sheet.span() first column gets some new values and the header gets a new value also
self.sheet.span("A", transposed=True, header=True).data = ["header val", "row 0 col 0", "row 1 col 0", "row 2 col 0"]

# first two columns get some new values, header included
self.sheet["A"].options(transposed=True, header=True).data = [["header 0", "row 0 col 0", "row 1 col 0", "row 2 col 0"],
                                                              ["header 1", "row 0 col 1", "row 1 col 1", "row 2 col 1"]]

# cells B2, C2, B3, C3 get new values
self.sheet["B2"].data = [["B2 new val", "C2 new val"],
                         ["B3 new val", "C3 new val"]]

# or instead using sheet.span() cells B2, C2, B3, C3 get new values
self.sheet.span("B2").data = [["B2 new val", "C2 new val"],
                              ["B3 new val", "C3 new val"]]

self.sheet_span = self.sheet.span(

# set data for the span which was created above = [["",  "A",  "B",  "C"]
                        ["1", "A1", "B1", "C1"],
                        ["2", "A2", "B2", "C2"]]

Sheet set data function

You can also use the Sheet function set_data().

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    data: object = None,
    undo: bool | None = None,
    emit_event: bool | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.


    [["",  "A",  "B",  "C"]
     ["1", "A1", "B1", "C1"],
     ["2", "A2", "B2", "C2"]],

You can clear cells/rows/columns using a spans clear() function or the Sheets clear() function. Below is the Sheets clear function:

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    undo: bool | None = None,
    emit_event: bool | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Insert a row into the sheet

    row: list[object] | tuple[object] | None = None,
    idx: str | int | None = None,
    height: int | None = None,
    row_index: bool = False,
    fill: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • Leaving row as None inserts an empty row, e.g. insert_row() will append an empty row to the sheet.
  • height is the new rows displayed height in pixels, leave as None for default.
  • row_index when True assumes there is a row index value at the start of the row.
  • fill when True any provided rows that are shorter than the Sheets longest row will be filled with empty values up to the length of the longest row.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Insert a column into the sheet

    column: list[object] | tuple[object] | None = None,
    idx: str | int | None = None,
    width: int | None = None,
    header: bool = False,
    fill: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • Leaving column as None inserts an empty column, e.g. insert_column() will append an empty column to the sheet.
  • width is the new columns displayed width in pixels, leave as None for default.
  • header when True assumes there is a header value at the start of the column.
  • fill when True any provided columns that are shorter than the Sheets longest column will be filled with empty values up to the length of the longest column.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Insert multiple columns into the sheet

    columns: list[tuple[object] | list[object]] | tuple[tuple[object] | list[object]] | int = 1,
    idx: str | int | None = None,
    widths: list[int] | tuple[int] | None = None,
    headers: bool = False,
    fill: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    add_row_heights: bool = True,
    push_ops: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • columns if int will insert that number of blank columns.
  • idx (str, int, None) either str e.g. "A" for 0, int or None for end.
  • widths are the new columns displayed widths in pixels, leave as None for default.
  • headers when True assumes there are headers values at the start of each column.
  • fill when True any provided columns that are shorter than the Sheets longest column will be filled with empty values up to the length of the longest column.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • create_selections when True creates a selection box for the newly inserted columns.
  • add_row_heights when True creates rows if there are no pre-existing rows.
  • push_ops when True increases the indexes of all cell/column options such as dropdown boxes, highlights and data formatting.

Insert multiple rows into the sheet

    rows: list[tuple[object] | list[object]] | tuple[tuple[object] | list[object]] | int = 1,
    idx: str | int | None = None,
    heights: list[int] | tuple[int] | None = None,
    row_index: bool = False,
    fill: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    add_column_widths: bool = True,
    push_ops: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • rows if int will insert that number of blank rows.
  • idx (str, int, None) either str e.g. "A" for 0, int or None for end.
  • heights are the new rows displayed heights in pixels, leave as None for default.
  • row_index when True assumes there are row index values at the start of each row.
  • fill when True any provided rows that are shorter than the Sheets longest row will be filled with empty values up to the length of the longest row.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • create_selections when True creates a selection box for the newly inserted rows.
  • add_column_widths when True creates columns if there are no pre-existing columns.
  • push_ops when True increases the indexes of all cell/row options such as dropdown boxes, highlights and data formatting.

Delete a row from the sheet

    idx: int = 0,
    data_indexes: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • idx is the row to delete.
  • data_indexes only applicable when there are hidden rows. When False it makes the idx represent a displayed row and not the underlying Sheet data row. When True the index represent a data index.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Delete multiple rows from the sheet

    rows: int | Iterator[int],
    data_indexes: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • rows can be either int or an iterable of ints representing row indexes.
  • data_indexes only applicable when there are hidden rows. When False it makes the rows indexes represent displayed rows and not the underlying Sheet data rows. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Delete a column from the sheet

    idx: int = 0,
    data_indexes: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • idx is the column to delete.
  • data_indexes only applicable when there are hidden columns. When False it makes the idx represent a displayed column and not the underlying Sheet data column. When True the index represent a data index.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Delete multiple columns from the sheet

    columns: int | Iterator[int],
    data_indexes: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> EventDataDict


  • columns can be either int or an iterable of ints representing column indexes.
  • data_indexes only applicable when there are hidden columns. When False it makes the columns indexes represent displayed columns and not the underlying Sheet data columns. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Expands or contracts the sheet data dimensions.

    total_rows: int | None = None,
    total_columns: int | None = None,
) -> Sheet


  • total_rows sets the Sheets number of data rows.
  • total_columns sets the Sheets number of data columns.

    total_rows: int | None = None,
    total_columns: int | None = None,
) -> Sheet


  • total_rows when int will set the number of the Sheets data and display rows by deleting or adding rows.
  • total_columns when int will set the number of the Sheets data and display columns by deleting or adding columns.

    number: int | None = None,
    mod_positions: bool = True,
    mod_data: bool = True,
) -> int | Sheet


  • number sets the Sheets number of data rows. When None function will return the Sheets number of data rows including the number of rows in the index.
  • mod_positions when True also sets the number of displayed rows.
  • mod_data when True also sets the number of data rows.

    number: int | None = None,
    mod_positions: bool = True,
    mod_data: bool = True,
) -> int | Sheet


  • number sets the Sheets number of data columns. When None function will return the Sheets number of data columns including the number of columns in the header.
  • mod_positions when True also sets the number of displayed columns.
  • mod_data when True also sets the number of data columns.

Move a single row to a new location

    row: int,
    moveto: int,
) -> tuple[dict, dict, dict]
  • Note that row and moveto indexes represent displayed indexes and not data. When there are hidden rows this is an important distinction, otherwise it is not at all important. To specifically use data indexes use the function move_rows().

Move a single column to a new location

    column: int,
    moveto: int,
) -> tuple[dict, dict, dict]
  • Note that column and moveto indexes represent displayed indexes and not data. When there are hidden columns this is an important distinction, otherwise it is not at all important. To specifically use data indexes use the function move_columns().

Move any rows to a new location

    move_to: int | None = None,
    to_move: list[int] | None = None,
    move_data: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    move_heights: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> tuple[dict, dict, dict]


  • move_to is the new start index for the rows to be moved to.
  • to_move is a list of row indexes to move to that new position, they will appear in the same order provided.
  • move_data when True moves not just the displayed row positions but the Sheet data as well.
  • data_indexes is only applicable when there are hidden rows. When False it makes the move_to and to_move indexes represent displayed rows and not the underlying Sheet data rows. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • create_selections creates new selection boxes based on where the rows have moved.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • move_heights when True also moves the displayed row lines.


  • The rows in to_move do not have to be contiguous.

Move any columns to a new location

    move_to: int | None = None,
    to_move: list[int] | None = None,
    move_data: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    move_widths: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> tuple[dict, dict, dict]


  • move_to is the new start index for the columns to be moved to.
  • to_move is a list of column indexes to move to that new position, they will appear in the same order provided.
  • move_data when True moves not just the displayed column positions but the Sheet data as well.
  • data_indexes is only applicable when there are hidden columns. When False it makes the move_to and to_move indexes represent displayed columns and not the underlying Sheet data columns. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • create_selections creates new selection boxes based on where the columns have moved.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.
  • move_widths when True also moves the displayed column lines.


  • The columns in to_move do not have to be contiguous.

Move any columns to new locations

    data_new_idxs: dict[int, int],
    disp_new_idxs: None | dict[int, int] = None,
    move_data: bool = True,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> tuple[dict[int, int], dict[int, int], EventDataDict]


  • data_new_idxs (dict[int, int]) must be a dict where the keys are the data columns to move as ints and the values are their new locations as ints.
  • disp_new_idxs (None | dict[int, int]) either None or a dict where the keys are the displayed columns (basically the column widths) to move as ints and the values are their new locations as ints. If None then no column widths will be moved.
  • move_data when True moves not just the displayed column positions but the Sheet data as well.
  • data_indexes is only applicable when there are hidden columns. When False it makes the move_to and to_move indexes represent displayed columns and not the underlying Sheet data columns. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • create_selections creates new selection boxes based on where the columns have moved.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Get a mapping (dict) of all old: new column indexes.

full_move_columns_idxs(data_idxs: dict[int, int]) -> dict[int, int]
  • e.g. converts {0: 1} to {0: 1, 1: 0} if the maximum Sheet column number is 1.

Move any rows to new locations

    data_new_idxs: dict[int, int],
    disp_new_idxs: None | dict[int, int] = None,
    move_data: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
    create_selections: bool = True,
    undo: bool = False,
    emit_event: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> tuple[dict[int, int], dict[int, int], EventDataDict]


  • data_new_idxs (dict[int, int]) must be a dict where the keys are the data rows to move as ints and the values are their new locations as ints.
  • disp_new_idxs (None | dict[int, int]) either None or a dict where the keys are the displayed rows (basically the row heights) to move as ints and the values are their new locations as ints. If None then no row heights will be moved.
  • move_data when True moves not just the displayed row positions but the Sheet data as well.
  • data_indexes is only applicable when there are hidden rows. When False it makes the move_to and to_move indexes represent displayed rows and not the underlying Sheet data rows. When True the indexes represent data indexes.
  • create_selections creates new selection boxes based on where the rows have moved.
  • undo when True adds the change to the Sheets undo stack.
  • emit_event when True causes a "<<SheetModified>> event to occur if it has been bound, see here for more information.

Get a mapping (dict) of all old: new row indexes.

full_move_rows_idxs(data_idxs: dict[int, int]) -> dict[int, int]
  • e.g. converts {0: 1} to {0: 1, 1: 0} if the maximum Sheet row number is 1.

Make all data rows the same length

equalize_data_row_lengths(include_header: bool = True) -> int
  • Makes every list in the table have the same number of elements, goes by longest list. This will only affect the data variable, not visible columns.
  • Returns the new row length for all rows in the Sheet.

Highlighting Cells

Creating highlights

Using spans to create highlights

Span objects (more information here) can be used to highlight cells, rows, columns, the entire sheet, headers and the index.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.highlight() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.highlight(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of highlight areas to also be highlighted you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether cells, rows or columns are highlighted depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    bg: bool | None | str = False,
    fg: bool | None | str = False,
    end: bool | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • bg and fg arguments use either a tkinter color or a hex str color.
  • end (bool) is used for row highlighting where True makes the highlight go to the end of the Sheet window on the x axis.
  • overwrite (bool) when True overwrites the any previous highlight for that cell/row/column, whereas False will only impact the keyword arguments used.
  • Highlighting cells, rows or columns will also change the colors of dropdown boxes and check boxes.


# highlight cell - row 3, column 5
    (3, 5),
    bg="dark green",

# or

# same cells, background red, text color black
sheet[3, 5].bg = "red"
sheet[3, 5].fg = "black"

Other ways to create highlights


    row: int | Literal["all"] = 0,
    column: int | Literal["all"] = 0,
    cells: list[tuple[int, int]] = [],
    canvas: Literal["table", "index", "header"] = "table",
    bg: bool | None | str = False,
    fg: bool | None | str = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
    overwrite: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


    rows: Iterator[int] | int,
    bg: None | str = None,
    fg: None | str = None,
    highlight_index: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    end_of_screen: bool = False,
    overwrite: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


    columns: Iterator[int] | int,
    bg: bool | None | str = False,
    fg: bool | None | str = False,
    highlight_header: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    overwrite: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Deleting highlights

Using spans to delete highlights

If the highlights were created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove highlights:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.dehighlight() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.dehighlight(Span) details below:
    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.


# highlight column B
    bg="dark green",

# dehighlight column B

Other ways to delete highlights


    row: int | Literal["all"] = 0,
    column: int = 0,
    cells: list[tuple[int, int]] = [],
    canvas: Literal["table", "row_index", "header"] = "table",
    all_: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


    rows: list[int] | Literal["all"] = [],
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


    columns: list[int] | Literal["all"] = [],
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


    cells: bool = True,
    rows: bool = True,
    columns: bool = True,
    header: bool = True,
    index: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Dropdown Boxes

Creating dropdown boxes

Span objects (more information here) can be used to create dropdown boxes for cells, rows, columns, the entire sheet, headers and the index.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.dropdown() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.dropdown(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of areas with dropdown boxes to also have dropdown boxes you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether dropdown boxes are created for cells, rows or columns depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    values: list = [],
    edit_data: bool = True,
    set_values: dict[tuple[int, int] | int, object] | None = None,
    set_value: object = None,
    state: str = "normal",
    redraw: bool = True,
    selection_function: Callable | None = None,
    modified_function: Callable | None = None,
    search_function: Callable = dropdown_search_function,
    validate_input: bool = True,
    text: None | str = None,
) -> Span


  • selection_function/modified_function (Callable, None) parameters require either None or a function. The function you use needs at least one argument because tksheet will send information to your function about the triggered dropdown.
  • When a user selects an item from the dropdown box the sheet will set the underlying cells data to the selected item, to bind this event use either the selection_function argument or see the function extra_bindings() with binding "end_edit_cell" here.


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • values are the values to appear in a list view type interface when the dropdown box is open.
  • edit_data when True makes edits in the table, header or index (depending on the span) based on set_values/set_value.
  • set_values when combined with edit_data=True allows a dict to be provided of data coordinates (tuple[int, int] for a cell span or int for a row/column span) as keys and values to set the cell at that coordinate to.
    • e.g. set_values={(0, 0): "new value for A1"}.
    • The idea behind this parameter is that an entire column or row can have individual cell values and is not set to set_value alone.
  • set_value when combined with edit_data=True sets every cell in the span to the value provided. If left as None and if set_values is also None then the topmost value from values will be used or if not values then "".
  • state determines whether or not there is also an editable text window at the top of the dropdown box when it is open.
  • redraw refreshes the sheet so the newly created box is visible.
  • selection_function can be used to trigger a specific function when an item from the dropdown box is selected, if you are using the above extra_bindings() as well it will also be triggered but after this function. e.g. selection_function = my_function_name
  • modified_function can be used to trigger a specific function when the state of the box is set to "normal" and there is an editable text window and a change of the text in that window has occurred. Note that this function occurs before the dropdown boxes search feature.
  • search_function (None, callable) sets the function that will be used to search the dropdown boxes values upon a dropdown text editor modified event when the dropdowns state is normal. Set to None to disable the search feature or use your own function with the following keyword arguments: (search_for, data): and make it return an row number (e.g. select and see the first value would be 0) if positive and None if negative.
  • validate_input (bool) when True will not allow cut, paste, delete or cell editor to input values to cell which are not in the dropdown boxes values.
  • text (None, str) can be set to something other than None to always display over whatever value is in the cell, this is useful when you want to display a Header name over a dropdown box selection.


# create dropdown boxes in column "D"
    values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],

Deleting dropdown boxes

If the dropdown boxes were created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove dropdown boxes.

  • Using a span method e.g. span.del_dropdown() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.del_dropdown(Span) details below:
    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.


# create dropdown boxes in column "D"
    values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],

# delete dropdown boxes in column "D"

Get chosen dropdown boxes values

get_dropdown_values(r: int = 0, c: int = 0) -> None | list
get_header_dropdown_values(c: int = 0) -> None | list
get_index_dropdown_values(r: int = 0) -> None | list

Set the values and cell value of a chosen dropdown box

    r: int = 0,
    c: int = 0,
    set_existing_dropdown: bool = False,
    values: list = [],
    set_value: object = None,
) -> Sheet
    c: int = 0,
    set_existing_dropdown: bool = False,
    values: list = [],
    set_value: object = None,
) -> Sheet
    r: int = 0,
    set_existing_dropdown: bool = False,
    values: list = [],
    set_value: object = None,
) -> Sheet


  • set_existing_dropdown if True takes priority over r and c and sets the values of the last popped open dropdown box (if one one is popped open, if not then an Exception is raised).
  • values (list, tuple)
  • set_value (str, None) if not None will try to set the value of the chosen cell to given argument.

Set or get bound dropdown functions

    r: int,
    c: int,
    selection_function: str | Callable = "",
    modified_function: str | Callable = "",
) -> None | dict
    c: int,
    selection_function: str | Callable = "",
    modified_function: str | Callable = "",
) -> None | dict
    r: int,
    selection_function: str | Callable = "",
    modified_function: str | Callable = "",
) -> None | dict

Get a dictionary of all dropdown boxes

get_dropdowns() -> dict


{(row int, column int): {'values': values,
                         'select_function': selection_function,
                         'modified_function': modified_function,
                         'state': state,
                         'text': text}}
get_header_dropdowns() -> dict
get_index_dropdowns() -> dict

Open a dropdown box

open_dropdown(r: int, c: int) -> Sheet
open_header_dropdown(c: int) -> Sheet
open_index_dropdown(r: int) -> Sheet

Close a dropdown box

close_dropdown(r: int | None = None, c: int | None = None) -> Sheet
close_header_dropdown(c: int | None = None) -> Sheet
close_index_dropdown(r: int | None = None) -> Sheet


  • Also destroys any opened text editor windows.

Check Boxes

Creating check boxes

Span objects (more information here) can be used to create check boxes for cells, rows, columns, the entire sheet, headers and the index.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.checkbox() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.checkbox(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of areas with check boxes to also have check boxes you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether check boxes are created for cells, rows or columns depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    edit_data: bool = True,
    checked: bool | None = None,
    state: str = "normal",
    redraw: bool = True,
    check_function: Callable | None = None,
    text: str = "",
) -> Span


  • check_function (Callable, None) requires either None or a function. The function you use needs at least one argument because when the checkbox is clicked it will send information to your function about the clicked checkbox.
  • Use highlight_cells() or rows or columns to change the color of the checkbox.
  • Check boxes are always left aligned despite any align settings.


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • edit_data when True edits the underlying cell data to either checked if checked is a bool or tries to convert the existing cell data to a bool.
  • checked is the initial creation value to set the box to, if None then and edit_data is True then it will try to convert the underlying cell data to a bool.
  • state can be "normal" or "disabled". If "disabled" then color will be same as table grid lines, else it will be the cells text color.
  • check_function can be used to trigger a function when the user clicks a checkbox.
  • text displays text next to the checkbox in the cell, but will not be used as data, data will either be True or False.



Deleting check boxes

If the check boxes were created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove check boxes:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.del_checkbox() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.del_checkbox(Span) details below:
    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.


# creating checkboxes in column D

# deleting checkboxes in column D

Set or toggle a check box

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    checked: bool | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span
click_header_checkbox(c: int, checked: bool | None = None) -> Sheet
click_index_checkbox(r: int, checked: bool | None = None) -> Sheet

Get a dictionary of all check box dictionaries

get_checkboxes() -> dict
get_header_checkboxes() -> dict
get_index_checkboxes() -> dict

Data Formatting

By default tksheet stores all user inputted data as strings and while tksheet can store and display any datatype with a __str__() method this has some obvious limitations.

Data formatting aims to provide greater functionality when working with different datatypes and provide strict typing for the sheet. With formatting you can convert sheet data and user input to a specific datatype.

Additionally, formatting also provides a function for displaying data on the table GUI (as a rounded float for example) and logic for handling invalid and missing data.

tksheet has several basic built-in formatters and provides functionality for creating your own custom formats as well.

A demonstration of all the built-in and custom formatters can be found here.

Creation and deletion of data formatting rules

Creating a data format rule

Span objects (more information here) can be used to format data for cells, rows, columns and the entire sheet.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.format() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.format(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of areas with data formatting to also be formatted you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether data is formatted for cells, rows or columns depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    formatter_options: dict = {},
    formatter_class: object = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  1. When applying multiple overlapping formats with e.g. a formatted cell which overlaps a formatted row, the priority is as follows:
    • Cell formats first.
    • Row formats second.
    • Column formats third.
  2. Data formatting will effectively override validate_input = True on cells with dropdown boxes.
  3. When getting data take careful note of the get_displayed options, as these are the difference between getting the actual formatted data and what is simply displayed on the table GUI.


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • formatter_options (dict) a dictionary of keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter, see here for information on what argument to use.
  • formatter_class (class) in case you want to use a custom class to store functions and information as opposed to using the built-in methods.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter.

Deleting a data format rule

If the data format rule was created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove data formatting rules:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.del_format() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.del_format(Span) details below:
    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    clear_values: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span
  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • clear_values (bool) if true, all the cells covered by the span will have their values cleared.

Delete all formatting

del_all_formatting(clear_values: bool = False) -> Sheet
  • clear_values (bool) if true, all the sheets cell values will be cleared.

Reapply formatting to entire sheet

reapply_formatting() -> Sheet
  • Useful if you have manually changed the entire sheets data using = and want to reformat the sheet using any existing formatting you have set.

Check if a cell is formatted

formatted(r: int, c: int) -> dict
  • If the cell is formatted function returns a dict with all the format keyword arguments. The dict will be empty if the cell is not formatted.


tksheet provides a number of in-built formatters, in addition to the base formatter function. These formatters are designed to provide a range of functionality for different datatypes. The following table lists the available formatters and their options.

**You can use any of the below formatters as an argument for the parameter formatter_options.

    datatypes: tuple[object] | object,
    format_function: Callable,
    to_str_function: Callable = to_str,
    invalid_value: object = "NaN",
    nullable: bool = True,
    pre_format_function: Callable | None = None,
    post_format_function: Callable | None = None,
    clipboard_function: Callable | None = None,
) -> dict

This is the generic formatter options interface. You can use this to create your own custom formatters. The following options are available. Note that all these options can also be passed to the format_cell() function as keyword arguments and are available as attributes for all formatters. You can provide functions of your own creation for all the below arguments which take functions if you require.

  • datatypes (list) a list of datatypes that the formatter will accept. For example, datatypes = [int, float] will accept integers and floats.
  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a value of the desired datatype. For example, format_function = int will convert a string to an integer.
  • to_str_function (function) a function that takes a value of the desired datatype and returns a string. This determines how the formatter displays its data on the table. For example, to_str_function = str will convert an integer to a string. Defaults to tksheet.to_str.
  • invalid_value (any) the value to return if the input string is invalid. For example, invalid_value = "NA" will return "NA" if the input string is invalid.
  • nullable (bool) if true, the formatter will accept None as a valid input.
  • pre_format_function (function) a function that takes a input string and returns a string. This function is called before the format_function and can be used to modify the input string before it is converted to the desired datatype. This can be useful if you want to strip out unwanted characters or convert a string to a different format before converting it to the desired datatype.
  • post_format_function (function) a function that takes a value which might not be of the desired datatype, e.g. None if the cell is nullable and empty and if successful returns a value of the desired datatype or if not successful returns the input value. This function is called after the format_function and can be used to modify the output value after it is converted to the desired datatype. This can be useful if you want to round a float for example.
  • clipboard_function (function) a function that takes a value of the desired datatype and returns a string. This function is called when the cell value is copied to the clipboard. This can be useful if you want to convert a value to a different format before it is copied to the clipboard.
  • **kwargs any additional keyword options/arguements to pass to the formatter. These keyword arguments will be passed to the format_function, to_str_function, and the clipboard_function. These can be useful if you want to specifiy any additional formatting options, such as the number of decimal places to round to.

Int Formatter

The int_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple interger formatter.

    datatypes: tuple[object] | object = int,
    format_function: Callable = to_int,
    to_str_function: Callable = to_str,
    invalid_value: object = "NaN",
) -> dict


  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns an int. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_int. This function will always convert float-likes to its floor, for example "5.9" will be converted to 5.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_str, which is a very basic function that will displace the default string representation of the value.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.int_formatter())

Float Formatter

The float_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple float formatter. It will always round float-likes to the specified number of decimal places, for example "5.999" will be converted to "6.0" if decimals = 1.

    datatypes: tuple[object] | object = float,
    format_function: Callable = to_float,
    to_str_function: Callable = float_to_str,
    invalid_value: object = "NaN",
    decimals: int = 2,
) -> dict


  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a float. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_float. This function will always convert percentages to their decimal equivalent, for example "5%" will be converted to 0.05.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.float_to_str, which will display the float to the specified number of decimal places.
  • decimals (int, None) the number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.float_formatter(decimals = None)) # A float formatter with maximum float() decimal places

Percentage Formatter

The percentage_formatter is the basic configuration for a simple percentage formatter. It will always round float-likes as a percentage to the specified number of decimal places, for example "5.999%" will be converted to "6.0%" if decimals = 1.

    datatypes: tuple[object] | object = float,
    format_function: Callable = to_float,
    to_str_function: Callable = percentage_to_str,
    invalid_value: object = "NaN",
    decimals: int = 0,
) -> dict


  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a float. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_float. This function will always convert percentages to their decimal equivalent, for example "5%" will be converted to 0.05.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.percentage_to_str, which will display the float as a percentage to the specified number of decimal places. For example, 0.05 will be displayed as "5.0%".
  • decimals (int) the number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 0.


sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.percentage_formatter(decimals = 1)) # A percentage formatter with 1 decimal place

Bool Formatter

    datatypes: tuple[object] | object = bool,
    format_function: Callable = to_bool,
    to_str_function: Callable = bool_to_str,
    invalid_value: object = "NA",
    truthy: set = truthy,
    falsy: set = falsy,
) -> dict


  • format_function (function) a function that takes a string and returns a bool. By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.to_bool.
  • to_str_function (function) By default, this is set to the in-built tksheet.bool_to_str, which will display the boolean as "True" or "False".
  • truthy (set) a set of values that will be converted to True. Defaults to the in-built tksheet.truthy.
  • falsy (set) a set of values that will be converted to False. Defaults to the in-built tksheet.falsy.


# A bool formatter with custom truthy and falsy values to account for aussie and kiwi slang
sheet.format_cell(0, 0, formatter_options = tksheet.bool_formatter(truthy = tksheet.truthy | {"nah yeah"}, falsy = tksheet.falsy | {"yeah nah"}))

Datetime Formatters and Designing Your Own Custom Formatters

tksheet is at the moment a dependency free library and so doesn't include a datetime parser as is.

You can however very easily make a datetime parser if you are willing to install a third-party package. Recommended are:

Both of these packages have a very comprehensive datetime parser which can be used to create a custom datetime formatter for tksheet.

Below is a simple example of how you might create a custom datetime formatter using the dateutil package.

from tksheet import *
from datetime import datetime, date
from dateutil.parser import parse

def to_local_datetime(dt, **kwargs):
    Our custom format_function, converts a string or a date to a datetime object in the local timezone.
    if isinstance(dt, datetime):
        pass # Do nothing
    elif isinstance(dt, date):
        dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month, # Always good to account for unexpected inputs
            dt = parser.parse(dt)
            raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {dt} as a datetime")
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        dt = dt.replace(tzinfo = tzlocal()) # If no timezone is specified, assume local timezone
    dt = dt.astimezone(tzlocal()) # Convert to local timezone
    return dt

def datetime_to_str(dt, **kwargs):
    Our custom to_str_function, converts a datetime object to a string with a format that can be specfied in kwargs.
    return dt.strftime(kwargs['format'])

# Now we can create our custom formatter dictionary from the generic formatter interface in tksheet
datetime_formatter = formatter(datatypes = datetime,
                               format_function = to_local_datetime,
                               to_str_function = datetime_to_str,
                               invalid_value = "NaT",
                               format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",

# From here we can pass our datetime_formatter into sheet.format() or span.format() just like any other formatter

For those wanting even more customisation of their formatters you also have the option of creating a custom formatter class. This is a more advanced topic and is not covered here, but it's recommended to create a new class which is a subclass of the tksheet.Formatter class and overriding the methods you would like to customise. This custom class can then be passed into the format_cells() formatter_class argument.

Readonly Cells

Creating a readonly rule

Span objects (more information here) can be used to create readonly rules for cells, rows, columns, the entire sheet, headers and the index.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.readonly() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.readonly(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of areas with a readonly rule to also have a readonly rule you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether cells, rows or columns are readonly depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    readonly: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • readonly (bool) True to create a rule and False to delete one created without the use of named spans.

Deleting a readonly rule

If the readonly rule was created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove readonly rules:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.readonly() with the keyword argument readonly=False more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.readonly(Span) with the keyword argument readonly=False example below:
# creating a readonly rule
    self.sheet.span("A", header=True),

# deleting the readonly rule
    self.sheet.span("A", header=True),


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • readonly (bool) True to create a rule and False to delete one created without the use of named spans.

Text Font and Alignment


  • Font arguments require a three tuple e.g. ("Arial", 12, "normal") or ("Arial", 12, "bold") or ("Arial", 12, "italic")
  • The table and index currently share a font, it's not possible to change the index font separate from the table font.

Set the table and index font

    newfont: tuple[str, int, str] | None = None,
    reset_row_positions: bool = True,
) -> tuple[str, int, str]

Set the header font

header_font(newfont: tuple[str, int, str] | None = None) -> tuple[str, int, str]

Text Alignment

There are functions to set the text alignment for specific cells/rows/columns and also functions to set the text alignment for a whole part of the sheet (table/index/header).

  • Alignment argument (str) options are:
    • "w", "west", "left"
    • "e", "east", "right"
    • "c", "center", "centre"

Unfortunately vertical alignment is not available.

Whole widget text alignment

Set the text alignment for the whole of the table (doesn't include index/header).

    align: str = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> str | Sheet

Set the text alignment for the whole of the header.

    align: str = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> str | Sheet

Set the text alignment for the whole of the index.

    align: str = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> str | Sheet

# can also use index_align() which behaves the same

Creating a specific cell row or column text alignment rule

The following function is for setting text alignment for specific cells, rows or columns in the table, header and index.

Span objects (more information here) can be used to create text alignment rules for cells, rows, columns, the entire sheet, headers and the index.

You can use either of the following methods:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.align() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.align(Span)

Or if you need user inserted row/columns in the middle of areas with an alignment rule to also have an alignment rule you can use named spans, more information here.

Whether cells, rows or columns are affected depends on the kind of span.

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    align: str | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.
  • align (str, None) must be one of the following:
    • "w", "west", "left"
    • "e", "east", "right"
    • "c", "center", "centre"

Deleting a specific text alignment rule

If the text alignment rule was created by a named span then the named span must be deleted, more information here.

Otherwise you can use either of the following methods to delete/remove specific text alignment rules:

  • Using a span method e.g. span.del_align() more information here.
  • Using a sheet method e.g. sheet.del_align(Span) details below:
    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Span


  • key (CreateSpanTypes) either a span or a type which can create a span. See here for more information on the types that can create a span.

Get existing specific text alignments

Cell text alignments:

get_cell_alignments() -> dict

Row text alignments:

get_row_alignments() -> dict

Column text alignments:

get_column_alignments() -> dict

Getting Cell Properties

The below functions can be used to retrieve cell options/properties such as highlights, format, readonly etc.

Get table cell properties

Retrieve options for a single cell in the main table. Also retrieves any row/column options impacting that cell.

    row: int,
    column: int | str,
    key: None
    | Literal[
    ] = None,
    cellops: bool = True,
    rowops: bool = True,
    columnops: bool = True,
) -> dict


  • row only int.
  • column int or str e.g. "A" is index 0.
  • key:
    • If left as None then all existing properties for that cell will be returned in a dict.
    • If using a str e.g. "highlight" it will only look for highlight properties for that cell.
  • cellops when True will look for cell options for the cell.
  • rowops when True will look for row options for the cell.
  • columnops when True will look for column options for the cell.


# making column B, including header read only

# checking if row 0, column 1 (B) is readonly:
cell_is_readonly = sheet.props(0, 1, "readonly")

# can also use a string for the column:
cell_is_readonly = sheet.props(0, "b", "readonly")

Get index cell properties

Retrieve options for a single cell in the index.

    row: int,
    key: None
    | Literal[
    ] = None,
) -> dict


  • row only int.
  • key:
    • If left as None then all existing properties for that cell will be returned in a dict.
    • If using a str e.g. "highlight" it will only look for highlight properties for that cell.

Get header cell properties

Retrieve options for a single cell in the header.

    column: int | str,
    key: None
    | Literal[
    ] = None,
) -> dict


  • column only int.
  • key:
    • If left as None then all existing properties for that cell will be returned in a dict.
    • If using a str e.g. "highlight" it will only look for highlight properties for that cell.

Getting Selected Cells

All selected cell/box getting functions return or generate displayed cell coordinates.

  • Displayed cell coordinates ignore hidden rows/columns when indexing cells.
  • Data cell coordinates include hidden rows/columns in indexing cells.

Get the currently selected cell

This is always a single cell of displayed indices. If you have hidden rows or columns you can change the integers to data indices using the following functions:

get_currently_selected() -> tuple | Selected


  • Returns either:
    • namedtuple of (row, column, type_, box, iid, fill_iid).
      • type_ can be "rows", "columns" or "cells".
      • box tuple[int, int, int, int] are the coordinates of the box that the currently selected box is attached to.
        • (from row, from column, up to but not including row, up to but not including column).
      • iid is the canvas item id of the currently selected box.
      • fill_iid is the canvas item id of the box that the currently selected box is attached to.
    • An empty tuple if nothing is selected.
  • Can also use sheet.selected as shorter @property version of the function.


currently_selected = self.sheet.get_currently_selected()
if currently_selected:
    row = currently_selected.row
    column = currently_selected.column
    type_ = currently_selected.type_

if self.sheet.selected:

Get selected rows

    get_cells: bool = False,
    get_cells_as_rows: bool = False,
    return_tuple: bool = False,
) -> tuple[int] | tuple[tuple[int, int]] | set[int] | set[tuple[int, int]]
  • Returns displayed indexes.

Get selected columns

    get_cells: bool = False,
    get_cells_as_columns: bool = False,
    return_tuple: bool = False,
) -> tuple[int] | tuple[tuple[int, int]] | set[int] | set[tuple[int, int]]
  • Returns displayed indexes.

Get selected cells

    get_rows: bool = False,
    get_columns: bool = False,
    sort_by_row: bool = False,
    sort_by_column: bool = False,
) -> list[tuple[int, int]] | set[tuple[int, int]]
  • Returns displayed coordinates.

Generate selected cells

    get_rows: bool = False,
    get_columns: bool = False,
) -> Generator[tuple[int, int]]
  • Generates displayed coordinates.

Get all selection boxes

get_all_selection_boxes() -> tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int]]
  • Returns displayed coordinates.

Get all selection boxes and their types

get_all_selection_boxes_with_types() -> list[tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int], str]]

Equivalent to get_all_selection_boxes_with_types() but shortened as @property.

boxes() -> list[tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int], str]]

Check if cell is selected

    r: int,
    c: int,
    rows: bool = False,
    columns: bool = False,
) -> bool
  • rows if True also checks if provided cell is part of a selected row.
  • columns if True also checks if provided cell is part of a selected column.

Check if row is selected

row_selected(r: int, cells: bool = False) -> bool
  • cells if True also checks if provided row is selected as part of a cell selection box.

Check if column is selected

column_selected(c: int, cells: bool = False) -> bool
  • cells if True also checks if provided column is selected as part of a cell selection box.

Check if any cells, rows or columns are selected, there are options for exclusions

    exclude_columns: bool = False,
    exclude_rows: bool = False,
    exclude_cells: bool = False,
) -> bool

Check if user has the entire table selected

all_selected() -> bool

get_ctrl_x_c_boxes(nrows: bool = True) -> tuple[dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], str], int]

ctrl_boxes() -> dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], str]

get_selected_min_max() -> tuple[int, int, int, int] | tuple[None, None, None, None]
  • returns (min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x) of any selections including rows/columns.

Modifying Selected Cells

All selected cell/box setting functions use displayed cell coordinates.

  • Displayed cell coordinates ignore hidden rows/columns when indexing cells.
  • Data cell coordinates include hidden rows/columns in indexing cells.
set_currently_selected(row: int | None = None, column: int | None = None) -> Sheet

select_row(row: int, redraw: bool = True, run_binding_func: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "row_select" bound.

select_column(column: int, redraw: bool = True, run_binding_func: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "column_select" bound.

select_cell(row: int, column: int, redraw: bool = True, run_binding_func: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "cell_select" bound.

select_all(redraw: bool = True, run_binding_func: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "select_all" bound.

    row: int,
    column: int,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "cell_select" bound.

    row: int,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "row_select" bound.

    column: int,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "column_select" bound.

    row: int,
    column: int,
    add_selection: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "cell_select" bound.

    row: int,
    add_selection: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "row_select" bound.

    column: int,
    add_selection: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
    run_binding_func: bool = True,
    set_as_current: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • run_binding_func is only relevant if you have extra_bindings() with "column_select" bound.

    r1: int,
    c1: int,
    r2: int,
    c2: int,
    type_: str = "cells",
) -> int
  • type_ either "cells" or "rows" or "columns".
  • Returns the canvas item id for the box.

boxes(boxes: Sequence[tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int], str]])
  • Can be used to set the Sheets selection boxes, deselects everything before setting.


sheet.boxes = [
    ((0, 0, 3, 3), "cells"),
    ((4, 0, 5, 10), "rows"),
  • The above would select a cells box from cell A1 up to and including cell C3 and row 4 (in python index, 5 as excel index) where the sheet has 10 columns.
  • The str in the type hint should be either "cells" or "rows" or "columns".

recreate_all_selection_boxes() -> Sheet

Deselect a specific cell, row or column.

    row: int | None | str = None,
    column: int | None = None,
    cell: tuple | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Deselect any cell, row or column selection box conflicting with rows and/or columns.

    rows: Iterator[int] | int | None,
    columns: Iterator[int] | int | None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Row Heights and Column Widths

Auto resize column widths to fit the window

To enable auto resizing of columns to the Sheet window use set_options() with the keyword argument auto_resize_columns. This argument can either be an int or None. If set as an int the columns will automatically resize to fit the width of the window, the int value being the minimum of each column in pixels. If None it will disable the auto resizing. Example:

# auto resize columns, column minimum width set to 150 pixels

Auto resize row heights to fit the window

To enable auto resizing of rows to the Sheet window use set_options() with the keyword argument auto_resize_rows. This argument can either be an int or None. If set as an int the rows will automatically resize to fit the width of the window, the int value being the minimum of each row in pixels. If None it will disable the auto resizing. Example:

# auto resize rows, row minimum width set to 30 pixels

Set default column width in pixels

default_column_width(width: int | None = None) -> int
  • width (int, None) use an int to set the width in pixels, None does not set the width.

Set default row height in pixels or lines

default_row_height(height: int | str | None = None) -> int
  • height (int, str, None) use a numerical str for number of lines e.g. "3" for a height that fits 3 lines OR int for pixels.

Set default header bar height in pixels or lines

default_header_height(height: int | str | None = None) -> int
  • height (int, str, None) use a numerical str for number of lines e.g. "3" for a height that fits 3 lines or int for pixels.

Set a specific cell size to its text

    row: int,
    column: int,
    only_set_if_too_small: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Set all row heights and column widths to cell text sizes

    redraw: bool = True,
    width: int | None = None,
    slim: bool = False,
) -> tuple[list[float], list[float]]
  • Returns the Sheets row positions and column positions in that order.
  • width a minimum width for all column widths set using this function.
  • slim column widths will be set precisely to text width and not add any extra space.

Set all column widths to a specific width in pixels

    width: int | None = None,
    only_set_if_too_small: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
    recreate_selection_boxes: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • width (int, None) leave None to set to cell text sizes for each column.

Set all row heights to a specific height in pixels

    height: int | None = None,
    only_set_if_too_small: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
    recreate_selection_boxes: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • height (int, None) leave None to set to cell text sizes for each row.

Set or get a specific column width

    column: int | Literal["all", "displayed"] | None = None,
    width: int | Literal["default", "text"] | None = None,
    only_set_if_too_small: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet | int

Set or get a specific row height

    row: int | Literal["all", "displayed"] | None = None,
    height: int | Literal["default", "text"] | None = None,
    only_set_if_too_small: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet | int

Get the sheets column widths

get_column_widths(canvas_positions: bool = False) -> list[float]
  • canvas_positions (bool) gets the actual canvas x coordinates of column lines.

Get the sheets row heights

get_row_heights(canvas_positions: bool = False) -> list[float]
  • canvas_positions (bool) gets the actual canvas y coordinates of row lines.

Get a rows text height

    row: int,
    visible_only: bool = False,
    only_if_too_small: bool = False,
) -> int
  • Returns a height in pixels which will fit all text in the specified row.
  • visible_only if True only measures rows visible on the Sheet.
  • only_if_too_small if True will only return a new height if the current row height is too short to accomodate its text.

Get a columns text width

    column: int,
    visible_only: bool = False,
    only_if_too_small: bool = False,
) -> int
  • Returns a width in pixels which will fit all text in the specified column.
  • visible_only if True only measures columns visible on the Sheet.
  • only_if_too_small if True will only return a new width if the current column width is too thin to accomodate its text.

Set or reset displayed column widths/lines

    column_widths: Iterator[int, float] | None = None,
    canvas_positions: bool = False,
    reset: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Set or reset displayed row heights/lines

    row_heights: Iterator[int, float] | None = None,
    canvas_positions: bool = False,
    reset: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Set the width of the index to a str or existing values

set_width_of_index_to_text(text: None | str = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Sheet
  • text (str, None) provide a str to set the width to or use None to set it to existing values in the index.

Set the width of the index to a value in pixels

set_index_width(pixels: int, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Note that it disables auto resizing of index. Use set_options() to restore auto resizing.

Set the height of the header to a str or existing values

set_height_of_header_to_text(text: None | str = None) -> Sheet
  • text (str, None) provide a str to set the height to or use None to set it to existing values in the header.

Set the height of the header to a value in pixels

set_header_height_pixels(pixels: int, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet

Set the height of the header to accomodate a number of lines

set_header_height_lines(nlines: int, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet

Delete displayed column lines

del_column_position(idx: int, deselect_all: bool = False) -> Sheet
del_column_positions(idxs: Iterator[int] | None = None) -> Sheet

Delete displayed row lines

del_row_position(idx: int, deselect_all: bool = False) -> Sheet
del_row_positions(idxs: Iterator[int] | None = None) -> Sheet

Insert a displayed row line

    idx: Literal["end"] | int = "end",
    height: int | None = None,
    deselect_all: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Insert a displayed column line

    idx: Literal["end"] | int = "end",
    width: int | None = None,
    deselect_all: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Insert multiple displayed row lines

    idx: Literal["end"] | int = "end",
    heights: Sequence[float] | int | None = None,
    deselect_all: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Insert multiple displayed column lines

    idx: Literal["end"] | int = "end",
    widths: Sequence[float] | int | None = None,
    deselect_all: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
) -> Sheet

Set the number of displayed row lines and column lines

    total_rows: int | None =None,
    total_columns: int | None =None,
) -> tuple[int, int] | Sheet

Move a displayed row line

move_row_position(row: int, moveto: int) -> Sheet

Move a displayed column line

move_column_position(column: int, moveto: int) -> Sheet

Get a list of default column width values

get_example_canvas_column_widths(total_cols: int | None = None) -> list[float]

Get a list of default row height values

get_example_canvas_row_heights(total_rows: int | None = None) -> list[float]

Verify a list of row heights or canvas y coordinates

verify_row_heights(row_heights: list[float], canvas_positions: bool = False) -> bool

Verify a list of column widths or canvas x coordinates

verify_column_widths(column_widths: list[float], canvas_positions: bool = False) -> bool

Make a row height valid

valid_row_height(height: int) -> int

Make a column width valid

valid_column_width(width: int) -> int

Get visible rows

visible_rows() -> tuple[int, int]
  • Returns start row, end row
  • e.g. start_row, end_row = sheet.visible_rows

Get visible columns

visible_columns() -> tuple[int, int]
  • Returns start column, end column
  • e.g. start_column, end_column = sheet.visible_columns

Identifying Bound Event Mouse Position

The below functions require a mouse click event, for example you could bind right click, example here, and then identify where the user has clicked.

Determine if a tk event.widget is the Sheet.

    event: object,
    table: bool = True,
    index: bool = True,
    header: bool = True,
    top_left: bool = True,
) -> bool


  • Parameters set to True will include events that occurred within that widget.
    • e.g. If an event occurs in the top left corner of the sheet but the parameter top_left is False the function will return False.

Check if any Sheet widgets have focus.

has_focus() -> bool:
  • Includes child widgets such as scroll bars.

identify_region(event: object) -> Literal["table", "index", "header", "top left"]

    event: object,
    exclude_index: bool = False,
    allow_end: bool = True,
) -> int | None

    event: object,
    exclude_header: bool = False,
    allow_end: bool = True,
) -> int | None

Sheet control actions

For example: sheet.bind("<Control-B>", sheet.paste)

cut(event: object = None, validation: bool = True) -> None | EventDataDict
paste(event: object = None, validation: bool = True) -> None | EventDataDict
delete(event: object = None, validation: bool = True) -> None | EventDataDict
copy(event: object = None) -> None | EventDataDict
undo(event: object = None) -> None | EventDataDict
redo(event: object = None) -> None | EventDataDict
  • validation (bool) when False disables any bound edit_validation() function from running.

Scroll Positions and Cell Visibility

Sync scroll positions between widgets

sync_scroll(widget: object) -> Sheet
  • Sync scroll positions between Sheets, may or may not work with other widgets. Uses scrollbar positions.

Syncing two sheets:


Syncing three sheets:

# syncs sheet 1 and 2 between each other

# syncs sheet 1 and 3 between each other

# syncs sheet 2 and 3 between each other

Unsync scroll positions between widgets

unsync_scroll(widget: object = None) -> Sheet
  • Leaving widget as None unsyncs all previously synced widgets.

See or scroll to a specific cell on the sheet

    row: int = 0,
    column: int = 0,
    keep_yscroll: bool = False,
    keep_xscroll: bool = False,
    bottom_right_corner: bool = False,
    check_cell_visibility: bool = True,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> Sheet

Check if a cell has any part of it visible

cell_visible(r: int, c: int) -> bool

Check if a cell is totally visible

cell_completely_visible(r: int, c: int, seperate_axes: bool = False) -> bool
  • separate_axes returns tuple of bools e.g. (cell y axis is visible, cell x axis is visible)

set_xview(position: None | float = None, option: str = "moveto") -> Sheet | tuple[float, float]


  • If position is None then tuple[float, float] of main table xview() is returned.
  • xview and xview_moveto have the same behaviour.

set_yview(position: None | float = None, option: str = "moveto") -> Sheet | tuple[float, float]
  • If position is None then tuple[float, float] of main table yview() is returned.
  • yview and yview_moveto have the same behaviour.

get_xview() -> tuple[float, float]

get_yview() -> tuple[float, float]

set_view(x_args: [str, float], y_args: [str, float]) -> Sheet

Hiding Columns

Note that once you have hidden columns you can use the function displayed_column_to_data(column) to retrieve a column data index from a displayed index.

Display only certain columns

    columns: None | Literal["all"] | Iterator[int] = None,
    all_columns_displayed: None | bool = None,
    reset_col_positions: bool = True,
    refresh: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
) -> list[int] | None


  • columns (int, iterable, "all") are the columns to be displayed, omit the columns to be hidden.
  • Use argument True with all_columns_displayed to display all columns, use False to display only the columns you've set using the columns arg.
  • You can also use the keyword argument all_displayed instead of all_columns_displayed.


# display all columns

# displaying specific columns only
self.sheet.display_columns([2, 4, 7], all_displayed = False)

Get all columns displayed boolean

Get the bool

  • e.g. get_all_columns_displayed = sheet.all_columns.

Set the bool

all_columns(a: bool)

e.g. sheet.all_columns = True.

all_columns_displayed(a: bool | None = None) -> bool
  • a (bool, None) Either set by using bool or get by leaving None e.g. all_columns_displayed().

Hide specific columns

    columns: int | set | Iterator[int] = set(),
    redraw: bool = True,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
) -> Sheet


  • NOTE: columns (int) by default uses displayed column indexes, not data indexes. In other words the indexes of the columns displayed on the screen are the ones that are hidden, this is useful when used in conjunction with get_selected_columns().
  • data_indexes when False it makes the columns parameter indexes represent displayed columns and not the underlying Sheet data columns. When True the indexes represent data indexes.


columns_to_hide = set(sheet.data_c(c) for c in sheet.get_selected_columns())

Unhide specific columns

    columns: int | Iterator[int],
    redraw: bool = True,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


  • NOTE: columns (int) uses data column indexes, not displayed indexes. In other words the indexes of the columns which represent the underlying data are shown.


  • Will return if all columns are currently displayed (Sheet.all_columns).


# converting displayed column indexes to data indexes using data_c(c)
columns = set(sheet.data_c(c) for c in sheet.get_selected_columns())

# hiding columns

# showing them again

Displayed column index to data

Convert a displayed column index to a data index. If the internal all_columns_displayed attribute is True then it will simply return the provided argument.


Get currently displayed columns

displayed_columns() -> list[int]
  • e.g. columns = sheet.displayed_columns

Hiding Rows

Note that once you have hidden rows you can use the function displayed_row_to_data(row) to retrieve a row data index from a displayed index.

Display only certain rows

    rows: None | Literal["all"] | Iterator[int] = None,
    all_rows_displayed: None | bool = None,
    reset_row_positions: bool = True,
    refresh: bool = False,
    redraw: bool = False,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
) -> list[int] | None


  • rows (int, iterable, "all") are the rows to be displayed, omit the rows to be hidden.
  • Use argument True with all_rows_displayed to display all rows, use False to display only the rows you've set using the rows arg.
  • You can also use the keyword argument all_displayed instead of all_rows_displayed.


  • An example of row filtering using this function can be found here.
  • More examples below:
# display all rows

# display specific rows only
self.sheet.display_rows([2, 4, 7], all_displayed = False)

Hide specific rows

    rows: int | set | Iterator[int] = set(),
    redraw: bool = True,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
    data_indexes: bool = False,
) -> Sheet


  • NOTE: rows (int) by default uses displayed row indexes, not data indexes. In other words the indexes of the rows displayed on the screen are the ones that are hidden, this is useful when used in conjunction with get_selected_rows().
  • data_indexes when False it makes the rows parameter indexes represent displayed rows and not the underlying Sheet data rows. When True the indexes represent data indexes.


rows_to_hide = set(sheet.data_r(r) for r in sheet.get_selected_rows())

Unhide specific rows

    rows: int | Iterator[int],
    redraw: bool = True,
    deselect_all: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


  • NOTE: rows (int) uses data row indexes, not displayed indexes. In other words the indexes of the rows which represent the underlying data are shown.


  • Will return if all rows are currently displayed (Sheet.all_rows).


# converting displayed row indexes to data indexes using data_r(r)
rows = set(sheet.data_r(r) for r in sheet.get_selected_rows())

# hiding rows

# showing them again

Get or set the all rows displayed boolean

Get the bool

  • e.g. get_all_rows_displayed = sheet.all_rows.

Set the bool

all_rows(a: bool)

e.g. sheet.all_rows = True.

all_rows_displayed(a: bool | None = None) -> bool
  • a (bool, None) Either set by using bool or get by leaving None e.g. all_rows_displayed().

Displayed row index to data

Convert a displayed row index to a data index. If the internal all_rows_displayed attribute is True then it will simply return the provided argument.


Get currently displayed rows

displayed_rows() -> list[int]
  • e.g. rows = sheet.displayed_rows

Hiding Sheet Elements

Hide parts of the Sheet or all of it

    canvas: Literal[
    ] = "all",
) -> Sheet
  • canvas (str) options are all, row_index, header, top_left, x_scrollbar, y_scrollbar
    • all hides the entire table and is the default.

Show parts of the Sheet or all of it

    canvas: Literal[
    ] = "all",
) -> Sheet
  • canvas (str) options are all, row_index, header, top_left, x_scrollbar, y_scrollbar
    • all shows the entire table and is the default.

Sheet Height and Width

Modify widget height and width in pixels

    height: int | None = None,
    width: int | None = None,
) -> Sheet
  • height (int, None) set a height in pixels.
  • width (int, None) set a width in pixels. If both arguments are None then table will reset to default tkinter canvas dimensions.

get_frame_y(y: int) -> int
  • Adds the height of the Sheets header to a y position.

get_frame_x(x: int) -> int
  • Adds the width of the Sheets index to an x position.

Cell Text Editor

Open the currently selected cell in the main table

open_cell(ignore_existing_editor: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Function utilises the currently selected cell in the main table, even if a column/row is selected, to open a non selected cell first use set_currently_selected() to set the cell to open.

Open the currently selected cell but in the header

open_header_cell(ignore_existing_editor: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Also uses currently selected cell, which you can set with set_currently_selected().

Open the currently selected cell but in the index

open_index_cell(ignore_existing_editor: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Also uses currently selected cell, which you can set with set_currently_selected().

Set the cell text editor value if it is open


    text: str = "",
) -> Sheet


    text: str = "",
) -> Sheet


    text: str = "",
) -> Sheet

Close any existing text editor

close_text_editor(set_data: bool = True) -> Sheet


  • Closes any open text editors, including header and index.
  • Also closes any existing "normal" state dropdown box.


  • set_data (bool) when True sets the cell data to the text editor value (if it is valid). When False the text editor is closed without setting data.

Get an existing text editors value

get_text_editor_value() -> str | None


  • None is returned if no text editor exists, a str of the text editors value will be returned if it does.

Hide all text editors

destroy_text_editor(event: object = None) -> Sheet

Get the table tk Text widget which acts as the text editor

get_text_editor_widget(event: object = None) -> tk.Text | None

Bind additional keys to the text editor window

bind_key_text_editor(key: str, function: Callable) -> Sheet

Unbind additional text editors bindings set using the above function

unbind_key_text_editor(key: str) -> Sheet

Sheet Options and Other Functions

set_options(redraw: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Sheet

The list of key word arguments available for set_options() are as follows, see here as a guide for argument types.







# scroll bars

# for changing the in-built right click menus labels
# use a string as an argument

# for changing the keyboard bindings for copy, paste, etc.
# use a list of strings as an argument


  • A dictionary can be provided instead of using the keyword arguments:
kwargs = {
    "copy_bindings": [
    "cut_bindings": [

Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly cells, dropdowns etc. Specifically for cell options.

get_cell_options(key: None | str = None, canvas: Literal["table", "row_index", "header"] = "table") -> dict

Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly rows, dropdowns etc. Specifically for row options.

get_row_options(key: None | str = None) -> dict

Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly columns, dropdowns etc. Specifically for column options.

get_column_options(key: None | str = None) -> dict

Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly header cells, dropdowns etc. Specifically for header options.

get_header_options(key: None | str = None) -> dict

Get internal storage dictionary of highlights, readonly row index cells, dropdowns etc. Specifically for row index options.

get_index_options(key: None | str = None) -> dict

Delete any formats, alignments, dropdown boxes, check boxes, highlights etc. that are larger than the sheets currently held data, includes row index and header in measurement of dimensions.

del_out_of_bounds_options() -> Sheet

Delete all alignments, dropdown boxes, check boxes, highlights etc.

reset_all_options() -> Sheet

Flash a dashed box of chosen dimensions.

    canvas: Literal["table"] = "table",
    start_cell: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    end_cell: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
) -> Sheet

Various functions related to the Sheets internal undo and redo stacks.

# clears both undos and redos
reset_undos() -> Sheet

# get the Sheets modifiable deque variables which store changes for undo and redo
get_undo_stack() -> deque
get_redo_stack() -> deque

# set the Sheets undo and redo stacks, returns Sheet widget
set_undo_stack(stack: deque) -> Sheet
set_redo_stack(stack: deque) -> Sheet

Refresh the table.

refresh(redraw_header: bool = True, redraw_row_index: bool = True) -> Sheet

Refresh the table.

redraw(redraw_header: bool = True, redraw_row_index: bool = True) -> Sheet

Treeview Mode

tksheet has a treeview mode which behaves similarly to the ttk treeview widget, it is not a drop in replacement for it though.

Treeview limitations and warnings

There are some key limitations to the treeview mode, most have been listed under separate headings below but the list is not exhaustive.

There may be other conflicts between the treeview mode and some of tksheets non-treeview functions.

Treeview usable bindings

The only bindings (using enable_bindings()) which will not cause issues are:

  • "single_select"
  • "drag_select"
    • "select_all"
  • "column_select"
  • "row_select"
  • "column_width_resize"
  • "double_click_column_resize"
  • "row_width_resize"
  • "column_height_resize"
  • "arrowkeys" # all arrowkeys including page up and down
  • "up"
  • "down"
  • "left"
  • "right"
  • "prior" # page up
  • "next" # page down
  • "row_height_resize"
  • "double_click_row_resize"
  • "right_click_popup_menu"
  • "rc_select"
  • "rc_insert_column"
  • "rc_delete_column"
  • "ctrl_click_select" / "ctrl_select"
  • "copy"
  • "cut"
  • "paste"
  • "delete"
  • "edit_cell"
  • "edit_header"
  • "edit_index"

Note on undo:

Take care if using "undo" because, for example, if a cell edit happens then an .insert() occurs then it will potentially make the saved cell coordinates in the undo stack relate to the wrong cells. This is because the treeview functions do not add to the undo stack.

Treeview function limitations

Many functions designed for normal tksheet usage will cause issues when used with treeview mode.

The following relates to non-treeview mode functions:


  • Modifying headers or columns.
  • Modifying table or header cell contents.
  • Modifying any highlights, table data formatting, table/header dropdown boxes/checkboxes, etc.

Not okay:

  • Modifying the row index, unless it's through user input.
  • Modifying rows, e.g. inserting, moving or deleting rows using non-treeview functions.
  • Enabling and using undo, probably.

Treeview other limitations

Text alignment

The index text alignment must be "w" aka west or left.

Creating a treeview mode sheet

You can make a treeview mode sheet by using the initialization parameter treeview:

sheet = Sheet(parent, treeview=True)

See the other sections on sheet initialization and examples for the other usual Sheet() parameters.

Treeview mode functions

Functions designed for use with treeview mode.

Insert an item

    parent: str = "",
    index: None | int | Literal["end"] = None,
    iid: None | str = None,
    text: None | str = None,
    values: None | list[object] = None,
    create_selections: bool = False,
) -> str


  • parent is the iid of the parent item (if any). If left as "" then the item will not have a parent.
  • index is the row number for the item to be placed at, leave as None for the end.
  • iid is a new and unique item id. It will be generated automatically if left as None.
  • text is the displayed text in the row index for the item.
  • values is a list of values which will become the items row in the sheet.
  • create_selections when True selects the row that has just been created.


  • Returns the iid.


    iid="top level",
    text="Top level",
    values=["cell A1", "cell B1"],
    parent="top level",
    iid="mid level",
    text="Mid level",
    values=["cell A2", "cell B2"],

Insert multiple items

    data: list[list[object]],
    parent: str = "",
    index: None | int | Literal["end"] = None,
    iid_column: int | None = None,
    text_column: int | None | str = None,
    create_selections: bool = False,
    include_iid_column: bool = True,
    include_text_column: bool = True,
) -> dict[str, int]


  • parent is the iid of the parent item (if any). If left as "" then the items will not have a parent.
  • index is the row number for the items to be placed at, leave as None for the end.
  • iid_column if left as None iids will be automatically generated for the new items, else you can specify a column in the data which contains the iids.
  • text_column:
    • If left as None there will be no displayed text next to the items.
    • A text column can be provided in the data and text_column set to an int representing its index to provide the displayed text for the items.
    • Or if a str is used all items will have that str as their displayed text.
  • create_selections when True selects the row that has just been created.
  • include_iid_column when False excludes the iid column from the inserted rows.
  • include_text_column when the text_column is an int setting this to False excludes that column from the treeview.


  • Returns a dict[str, int] of key: new iids, value: their data row number.


    iid="top level",
    text="Top level",
    values=["cell A1", "cell B1"],
    parent="top level",
    iid="mid level",
    text="Mid level",
    values=["cell A2", "cell B2"],

Build a tree from data

This takes a list of lists where sublists are rows and a few arguments to bulk insert items into the treeview. Note that:

  • It resets the sheet so cannot be used to bulk add to an already existing treeview.
    data: list[list[object]],
    iid_column: int,
    parent_column: int,
    text_column: None | int = None,
    push_ops: bool = False,
    row_heights: Sequence[int] | None | False = None,
    open_ids: Iterator[str] | None = None,
    safety: bool = True,
    ncols: int | None = None,
    lower: bool = False,
    include_iid_column: bool = True,
    include_parent_column: bool = True,
    include_text_column: bool = True,
) -> Sheet


  • data a list of lists, one column must be an iid column, another must be a parent iid column.
  • text_column if an int is used then the values in that column will populate the row index.
  • push_ops when True the newly inserted rows will push all existing sheet options such as highlights downwards.
  • row_heights a list of ints can be used to provide the displayed row heights in pixels (does not include hidden items). Only use if you know what you're doing here.
  • open_ids a list of iids which will be opened.
  • safety when True checks for infinite loops, empty iid cells and duplicate iids. No error or warning will be generated.
    • In the case of infinite loops the parent iid cell will be cleared.
    • In the case of empty iid cells the row will be ignored.
    • In the case of duplicate iids they will be renamed and "DUPLICATED_<number>" will be attached to the end.
  • ncols is like maximum columns, an int which limits the number of columns that are included in the loaded data.
  • lower makes all item ids - iids lower case.
  • include_iid_column when False excludes the iid column from the inserted rows.
  • include_parent_column when False excludes the parent column from the inserted rows.
  • include_text_column when the text_column is an int setting this to False excludes that column from the treeview.


  • Returns the Sheet object.


data = [
    ["id1", "", "id1 val"],
    ["id2", "id1", "id2 val"],

Reset the treeview

tree_reset() -> Sheet

Get treeview iids that are open

tree_get_open() -> set[str]

Set the open treeview iids

tree_set_open(open_ids: Iterator[str]) -> Sheet
  • Any other iids are closed as a result.

Open treeview iids

tree_open(*items, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Opens all given iids.

Close treeview iids

tree_close(*items, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Closes all given iids.

Set or get an iids attributes

    item: str,
    iid: str | None = None,
    text: str | None = None,
    values: list | None = None,
    open_: bool | None = None,
    redraw: bool = True,
) -> DotDict | Sheet


  • item iid, required argument.
  • iid use a str to rename the iid.
  • text use a str to get the iid new display text in the row index.
  • values use a list of values to give the item a new row of values (does not include row index).
  • open_ use a bool to set the item as open or closed. False is closed.


  • If no arguments are given a DotDict is returned with the item attributes.
    "text": ...,
    "values": ...,
    "open_": ...,

Get an iids row number

itemrow(item: str) -> int
  • Includes hidden rows in counting row numbers.

Get a row numbers item

rowitem(row: int, data_index: bool = False) -> str | None
  • Includes hidden rows in counting row numbers. See here for more information.

Get treeview children

get_children(item: None | str = None) -> Generator[str]
  • item:
    • When left as None will return all iids currently in treeview, including hidden rows.
    • Use an empty str ("") to get all top level iids in the treeview.
    • Use an iid to get the children for that particular iid. Does not include all descendants.
get_nodes(item: None | str = None) -> Generator[str]:
  • Exactly the same as above but instead of retrieving iids in the order that they appear in the treeview it retrieves iids from the internal dict which may not be ordered.

Get item descendants

descendants(item: str, check_open: bool = False) -> Generator[str]:
  • Returns a generator which yields item ids in the order that they appear in the treeview.

Get the currently selected treeview item

tree_selected() -> str | None:
  • Returns the item id of the currently selected box row. If nothing is selected returns None.

Delete treeview items

del_items(*items) -> Sheet
  • *items the iids of items to delete.
  • Also deletes all item descendants.

Move items to a new parent

set_children(parent: str, *newchildren) -> Sheet
  • parent the new parent for the items.
  • *newchildren the items to move.

Move an item to a new parent

move(item: str, parent: str, index: int | None = None) -> Sheet
  • item is the iid to move.
  • parent is the new parent for the item.
    • Use an empty str ("") to move the item to the top.
  • index:
    • Leave as None to move to item to the end of the top/children.
    • Use an int to move the item to an index within its parents children (or within top level items if moving to the top).
  • reattach() is exactly the same as move().

Check an item exists

exists(item: str) -> bool
  • item - a treeview iid.

Get an items parent

parent(item: str) -> str
  • item - a treeview iid.

Get an items index

index(item: str) -> int
  • item - a treeview iid.

Check if an item is currently displayed

item_displayed(item: str) -> bool
  • item - a treeview iid.

Display an item

Make sure an items parents are all open, does not scroll to the item.

display_item(item: str, redraw: bool = False) -> Sheet
  • item - a treeview iid.

Scroll to an item

  • Make sure an items parents are all open and scrolls to the item.
scroll_to_item(item: str, redraw: bool = False) -> Sheet
  • item - a treeview iid.

Get currently selected items

selection(cells: bool = False) -> list[str]


  • Returns a list of selected iids (selected rows but as iids).


  • cells when True any selected cells will also qualify as selected items.

Set selected items

selection_set(*items, run_binding: bool = True, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet
  • Sets selected rows (items).

Add selected items

selection_add(*items, run_binding: bool = True, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet

Remove selections

selection_remove(*items, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet

Toggle selections

selection_toggle(*items, redraw: bool = True) -> Sheet

Progress Bars

Progress bars can be created for individual cells. They will only update when tkinter updates.

Create a progress bar

    row: int,
    column: int,
    bg: str,
    fg: str,
    name: Hashable,
    percent: int = 0,
    del_when_done: bool = False,
) -> Sheet
  • row the row coordinate to create the bar at.
  • column the column coordinate to create the bar at.
  • bg the background color for the bar.
  • fg the text color for the bar.
  • name a name is required for easy referral to the bar later on.
    • Names can be re-used for multiple bars.
  • percent the starting progress of the bar as an int either 0, 100 or a number in between.
  • del_when_done if True the Sheet will automatically delete the progress bar once it is modified with a percent of 100 or more.

Modify progress bars

    name: Hashable | None = None,
    cell: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    percent: int | None = None,
    bg: str | None = None,
    fg: str | None = None,
) -> Sheet

Either name or cell can be used to refer to existing progress bars:

  • name the name given to a progress bar, or multiple progress bars.
    • If this parameter is used then cell will not be used.
    • Will modify all progress bars with the given name.
  • cell (tuple[int, int]) a tuple of two ints representing the progress bars location, (row, column).
    • Can only refer to one progress bar.

Values that can be modified:

  • bg the background color for the bar, leave as None for no change.
  • fg the text color for the bar, leave as None for no change.
  • percent the progress of the bar as an int either 0, 100 or a number in between, leave as None for no change.

Delete progress bars

Note that this will delete the progress bars data from the Sheet as well.

    name: Hashable | None = None,
    cell: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
) -> Sheet

Either name or cell can be used to refer to existing progress bars:

  • name the name given to a progress bar, or multiple progress bars.
    • Will delete all progress bars with the given name.
    • If this parameter is used then cell will not be used.
  • cell (tuple[int, int]) a tuple of two ints representing the progress bars location, (row, column).
    • Can only refer to one progress bar.


Tags can be used to keep track of specific cells, rows and columns wherever they move. Note that:

  • If rows/columns are deleted the the associated tags will be also.
  • There is no equivalent tag_bind functionality at this time.
  • All tagging functions use data indexes (not displayed indexes) - this is only relevant when there are hidden rows/columns.

Tag a specific cell

    cell: tuple[int, int],
) -> Sheet


sheet.tag_cell((0, 0), "tag a1", "tag a1 no.2")

Tag specific rows

    rows: int | Iterator[int],
) -> Sheet

Tag specific columns

    columns: int | Iterator[int],
) -> Sheet

Tag using a span

    *key: CreateSpanTypes,
    tags: Iterator[str] | str = "",
) -> Sheet


    cell: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    rows: int | Iterator[int] | None = None,
    columns: int | Iterator[int] | None = None,
) -> Sheet
  • This removes all tags from the cell, rows or columns provided.

Delete tags

    cells: bool = True,
    rows: bool = True,
    columns: bool = True,
) -> Sheet
  • This deletes the provided tags from all cells if True, rows if True and columns if True.

Get cells, rows or columns associated with tags

) -> DotDict


  • Returns all cells, rows and columns associated with any of the provided tags in the form of a dict with dot notation accessbility which has the following keys:
    • "cells" - with a value of set[tuple[int, int]] where the tuples are cell coordinates - (row, column).
    • "rows" - with a value of set[int] where the ints are rows.
    • "columns" - with a value of set[int] where the ints are columns.
  • Returns data indexes.
  • This function updates the sets with any cells/rows/columns associated with each tag, it does not return cells/rows/columns that have all the provided tags.


sheet.tag_rows((0, 1), "row tag a", "row tag b")
sheet.tag_rows(4, "row tag b")
sheet.tag_rows(5, "row tag c")
sheet.tag_rows(6, "row tag d")
with_tags = sheet.tag_has("row tag b", "row tag c")

print (with_tags.rows)
# prints {0, 1, 4, 5}

Example Loading Data from Excel

Using pandas library, requires additional libraries:

  • pandas
  • openpyxl
from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk
import pandas as pd

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = pd.read_excel("excel_file.xlsx",      # filepath here
                                                #sheet_name = "sheet1", # optional sheet name here
                                                engine = "openpyxl",
                                                header = None).values.tolist())
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")

app = demo()

Example Custom Right Click and Text Editor Validation

This is to demonstrate:

  • Adding your own commands to the in-built right click popup menu (or how you might start making your own right click menu functionality)
  • Validating text editor input; in this demonstration the validation removes spaces from user input.
from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data=[[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.sheet.extra_bindings("begin_edit_cell", self.begin_edit_cell)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Say Hello", self.new_right_click_button)
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")

    def new_right_click_button(self, event=None):
        print ("Hello World!")

    def begin_edit_cell(self, event=None):
        return event.value

    def validate_edits(self, event):
        # remove spaces from any cell edits, including paste
        if isinstance(event.value, str) and event.value:
            return event.value.replace(" ", "")

app = demo()
  • If you want a totally new right click menu you can use self.sheet.bind("<3>", <function>) with a tk.Menu of your own design (right click is <2> on MacOS) and don't use "right_click_popup_menu" with enable_bindings().

Example Displaying Selections

from tksheet import (
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
                           data = [[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2" for c in range(50)] for r in range(500)])
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "ctrl_select")
        self.sheet.extra_bindings([("all_select_events", self.sheet_select_event)])
        self.show_selections = tk.Label(self)
        self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nswe")
        self.show_selections.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "nsw")

    def sheet_select_event(self, event = None):
        if event.eventname == "select" and event.selection_boxes and event.selected:
            # get the most recently selected box in case there are multiple
            box = next(reversed(event.selection_boxes))
            type_ = event.selection_boxes[box]
            if type_ == "cells":
                self.show_selections.config(text=f"{type_.capitalize()}: {box.from_r + 1},{box.from_c + 1} : {box.upto_r},{box.upto_c}")
            elif type_ == "rows":
                self.show_selections.config(text=f"{type_.capitalize()}: {box.from_r + 1} : {box.upto_r}")
            elif type_ == "columns":
                self.show_selections.config(text=f"{type_.capitalize()}: {num2alpha(box.from_c)} : {num2alpha(box.upto_c - 1)}")

app = demo()

Example List Box

This is to demonstrate some simple customization to make a different sort of widget (a list box).

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk

class Sheet_Listbox(Sheet):
    def __init__(self,
                 values = []):
                       parent = parent,
                       show_horizontal_grid = False,
                       show_vertical_grid = False,
                       show_header = False,
                       show_row_index = False,
                       show_top_left = False,
                       empty_horizontal = 0,
                       empty_vertical = 0)
        if values:

    def values(self, values = []):
        self.set_sheet_data([[v] for v in values],
                            reset_col_positions = False,
                            reset_row_positions = False,
                            redraw = False,
                            verify = False)

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
                                  weight = 1)
                               weight = 1)
        self.listbox = Sheet_Listbox(self,
                                     values = [f"_________  Item {i}  _________" for i in range(2000)])
        self.listbox.grid(row = 0,
                          column = 0,
                          sticky = "nswe")
        #self.listbox.values([f"new values {i}" for i in range(50)]) set values

app = demo()

Example Header Dropdown Boxes and Row Filtering

A very simple demonstration of row filtering using header dropdown boxes.

from tksheet import (
    num2alpha as n2a,
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) = [
            ["3", "c", "z"],
            ["1", "a", "x"],
            ["1", "b", "y"],
            ["2", "b", "y"],
            ["2", "c", "z"],
        self.sheet = Sheet(
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")

            self.sheet.span(n2a(0), header=True, table=False),
            values=["all", "1", "2", "3"],
            text="Header A Name",
            self.sheet.span(n2a(1), header=True, table=False),
            values=["all", "a", "b", "c"],
            text="Header B Name",
            self.sheet.span(n2a(2), header=True, table=False),
            values=["all", "x", "y", "z"],
            text="Header C Name",

    def header_dropdown_selected(self, event=None):
        hdrs = self.sheet.headers()
        # this function is run before header cell data is set by dropdown selection
        # so we have to get the new value from the event
        hdrs[event.loc] = event.value
        if all(dd == "all" for dd in hdrs):
            rows = [
                rn for rn, row in enumerate( if all(row[c] == e or e == "all" for c, e in enumerate(hdrs))
            self.sheet.display_rows(rows=rows, all_displayed=False)

app = demo()

Example Readme Screenshot Code

The code used to make a screenshot for the readme file.

from tksheet import (
    num2alpha as n2a,
import tkinter as tk

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(
            data=[[f"Row {r}, Column {c}\nnewline 1\nnewline 2" for c in range(6)] for r in range(21)],
                "Dropdown Column",
                "Checkbox Column",
                "Center Aligned Column",
                "East Aligned Column",
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_index", "edit_header")
            "Hide Rows",
            "Show All Rows",
            "Hide Columns",
            "Show All Columns",
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        colors = (
        self.sheet.align_columns(columns=2, align="c")
        self.sheet.align_columns(columns=3, align="e")
        self.sheet.create_index_dropdown(r=0, values=["Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)])
        self.sheet.create_index_checkbox(r=3, checked=True, text="Checkbox")
        self.sheet.create_dropdown(r="all", c=0, values=["Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)])
        self.sheet.create_checkbox(r="all", c=1, checked=True, text="Checkbox")
        self.sheet.create_header_dropdown(c=0, values=["Header Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)])
        self.sheet.create_header_checkbox(c=1, checked=True, text="Header Checkbox")
        self.sheet.align_cells(5, 0, align="c")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(5, 0, bg="gray50", fg="blue")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(17, canvas="index", bg="yellow", fg="black")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(12, 1, bg="gray90", fg="purple")
        for r in range(len(colors)):
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row=r, column=3, fg=colors[r])
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row=r, column=4, bg=colors[r], fg="black")
            self.sheet.highlight_cells(row=r, column=5, bg=colors[r], fg="purple")
        self.sheet.highlight_cells(column=5, canvas="header", bg="white", fg="purple")
        self.sheet.align(n2a(2), align="c")
        self.sheet.align(n2a(3), align="e")
            self.sheet.span("A", header=True),
            values=["Dropdown"] + [f"{i}" for i in range(15)],
            self.sheet.span("B", header=True),
        self.sheet.align(5, 0, align="c")
        self.sheet.highlight(5, 0, bg="gray50", fg="blue")
            self.sheet.span(17, index=True, table=False),
        self.sheet.highlight(12, 1, bg="gray90", fg="purple")
        for r in range(len(colors)):
            self.sheet.highlight(r, 3, fg=colors[r])
            self.sheet.highlight(r, 4, bg=colors[r], fg="black")
            self.sheet.highlight(r, 5, bg=colors[r], fg="purple")
            self.sheet.span(n2a(5), header=True, table=False),
        self.sheet.extra_bindings("all", self.all_extra_bindings)

    def hide_rows(self, event=None):
        rows = self.sheet.get_selected_rows()
        if rows:

    def show_rows(self, event=None):
        self.sheet.display_rows("all", redraw=True)

    def hide_columns(self, event=None):
        columns = self.sheet.get_selected_columns()
        if columns:

    def show_columns(self, event=None):
        self.sheet.display_columns("all", redraw=True)

    def all_extra_bindings(self, event=None):
        return event.value

app = demo()

Example Saving tksheet as a csv File

To both load a csv file and save tksheet data as a csv file not including headers and index.

from tksheet import Sheet
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import csv
from os.path import normpath
import io

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame, data=[[f"Row {r}, Column {c}" for c in range(6)] for r in range(21)])
        self.sheet.enable_bindings("all", "edit_header", "edit_index")
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Open csv", self.open_csv)
        self.sheet.popup_menu_add_command("Save sheet", self.save_sheet)
        self.sheet.change_theme("light green")

        # create a span which encompasses the table, header and index
        # all data values, no displayed values
        self.sheet_span = self.sheet.span(

        # center the window and unhide
        w = self.winfo_screenwidth() - 20
        h = self.winfo_screenheight() - 70
        size = (900, 500)
        self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (size + ((w / 2 - size[0] / 2), h / 2 - size[1] / 2)))

    def save_sheet(self):
        filepath = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(
            title="Save sheet as",
            filetypes=[("CSV File", ".csv"), ("TSV File", ".tsv")],
        if not filepath or not filepath.lower().endswith((".csv", ".tsv")):
            with open(normpath(filepath), "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
                writer = csv.writer(
                    dialect=csv.excel if filepath.lower().endswith(".csv") else csv.excel_tab,
        except Exception as error:

    def open_csv(self):
        filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self, title="Select a csv file")
        if not filepath or not filepath.lower().endswith((".csv", ".tsv")):
            with open(normpath(filepath), "r") as filehandle:
                filedata =
   = [
                for r in csv.reader(
        except Exception as error:

app = demo()

Example Using and Creating Formatters

from tksheet import (
import tkinter as tk
from datetime import datetime, date
from dateutil import parser, tz
from math import ceil
import re

date_replace = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(char) for char in "()[]<>"))

# Custom formatter methods
def round_up(x):
    try:  # might not be a number if empty
        return float(ceil(x))
    except Exception:
        return x

def only_numeric(s):
    return "".join(n for n in f"{s}" if n.isnumeric() or n == ".")

def convert_to_local_datetime(dt: str, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(dt, datetime):
    elif isinstance(dt, date):
        dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month,
        if isinstance(dt, str):
            dt = date_replace.sub("", dt)
            dt = parser.parse(dt)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError(f"Could not parse {dt} as a datetime")
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
    dt = dt.astimezone(tz.tzlocal())
    return dt.replace(tzinfo=None)

def datetime_to_string(dt: datetime, **kwargs):
    return dt.strftime("%d %b, %Y, %H:%M:%S")

# Custom Formatter with additional kwargs

def custom_datetime_to_str(dt: datetime, **kwargs):
    return dt.strftime(kwargs["format"])

class demo(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self)
        self.frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame, empty_vertical=0, empty_horizontal=0, data=[[f"{r}"] * 11 for r in range(20)])
        self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
        self.sheet.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe")
                "Non-Nullable Float Cell\n1 decimals places",
                "Float Cell",
                "Int Cell",
                "Bool Cell",
                "Percentage Cell\n0 decimal places",
                "Custom Datetime Cell",
                "Custom Datetime Cell\nCustom Format String",
                "Float Cell that\nrounds up",
                "Float cell that\n strips non-numeric",
                "Dropdown Over Nullable\nPercentage Cell",
                "Percentage Cell\n2 decimal places",

        # num2alpha converts column integer to letter

        # Some examples of data formatting
        self.sheet[num2alpha(3)].format(bool_formatter(truthy=truthy | {"nah yeah"}, falsy=falsy | {"yeah nah"}))

        # Custom Formatters
        # Custom using generic formatter interface

        # Custom format
            format="(%Y-%m-%d) %H:%M %p",

        # Unique cell behaviour using the post_conversion_function
        self.sheet[num2alpha(8)].format(float_formatter(), pre_format_function=only_numeric)
        self.sheet[num2alpha(9)].dropdown(values=["", "104%", 0.24, "300%", "not a number"], set_value=1,)
        self.sheet[num2alpha(9)].format(percentage_formatter(), decimals=0)

app = demo()


Welcome and thank you for your interest in tksheet!

tksheet Goals

  • Adaptable rather than comprehensive: Prioritizes adaptability over comprehensiveness, providing essential features that can be easily extended or customized based on specific needs. This approach allows for flexibility in integrating tksheet into different projects and workflows.

  • Lightweight and performant: Aims to provide a lightweight solution for creating spreadsheet-like functionality in tkinter applications, without additional dependencies and with a focus on efficiency and performance.


tksheet is designed to only use built-in Python libraries (without third-party dependencies). Please ensure that your contributions do not introduce any new dependencies outside of Python's built-in libraries.


tksheet is released under the MIT License. You can find the full text of the license here.

By contributing to the tksheet project, you agree to license your contributions under the same MIT License. Please make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of the license before contributing.

Contributing Code

To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the tksheet repository.
  2. If you are working on a new feature, create a new branch for your contribution. Use a descriptive name for the branch that reflects the feature you're working on.
  3. Make your changes in your local branch, following the code style and conventions established in the project.
  4. Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they do not introduce any new bugs or issues.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main branch of the tksheet repository, including a clear title and detailed description of your changes. Pull requests ideally should include a small but comprehensive demonstration of the feature you are adding.
  6. Don't forget to update the documentation!

Note: If you're submitting a bugfix, it's generally preferred to submit it directly to the relevant branch, rather than creating a separate branch.

Asking Questions

Got a question that hasn't been answered in the closed issues or is missing from the documentation? please follow these guidelines:

  • Submit your question as an issue in the Issues tab.
  • Provide a clear and concise description of your question, including any relevant details or examples that can help us understand your query better.


Please use the Issues tab to report any issues or ask for assistance.

When submitting an issue, please follow these guidelines:

  • Check the existing issues to see if a similar bug or question has already been reported or discussed.
  • If reporting a bug, provide a minimal example that can reproduce the issue, including any relevant code, error messages, and steps to reproduce.
  • If asking a question or seeking help, provide a clear and concise description of your question or issue, including any relevant details or examples that can help people understand your query better.
  • Include any relevant screenshots or gifs that can visually illustrate the issue or your question.

Enhancements or Suggestions

If you have an idea for a new feature, improvement or change, please follow these guidelines:

  • Submit your suggestion as an issue in the Issues tab.
  • Include a clear and concise description of your idea, including any relevant details, screenshots, or mock-ups that can help contributors understand your suggestion better.
  • You're also welcome to become a contributor yourself and help implement your idea!

Contributors and Special Thanks

A special thank you to:

  • @CalJaDav for the very helpful ideas/pull requests, guidance in implementing them and helping me become a better developer.
  • @demberto for providing pull requests and guidance to modernize and improve the project.
  • All contributors.
  • Everyone who has reported an issue and helped me fix it.
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