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rafaqz committed Apr 8, 2024
2 parents 22f822d + 9026079 commit c68263e
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Showing 7 changed files with 67 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ext/RastersArchGDALExt/warp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function _warp(A::AbstractRaster, flags::Dict; filename=nothing, suffix="", kw..
rds = Raster(dataset)
AG.gdalwarp([dataset], flagvect; warp_kw...) do warped
# Read the raster lazily, dropping Band if there is none in `A`
raster = Raster(warped; lazy=true, dropband=!hasdim(A, Band()))
raster = Raster(warped; lazy=true, dropband=!hasdim(A, Band()), name = name(A))
# Either read the MEM dataset to an Array, or keep a filename base raster lazy
return isnothing(filename) ? read(raster) : raster
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37 changes: 26 additions & 11 deletions src/methods/extract.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ sliced arrays or stacks will be returned instead of single values.
# Keywords
- `geometry`: include a `:geometry` column with the corresponding points for each value, `true` by default.
- `index`: include an `:index` column of the `CartesianIndex` for each value, `false` by default.
- `names`: `Tuple` of `Symbol` corresponding to layers of a `RasterStack`. All layers by default.
- `geometry`: include `:geometry` in retured `NamedTuple`, `true` by default.
- `index`: include `:index` of the `CartesianIndex` in retured `NamedTuple`, `false` by default.
- `names`: `Tuple` of `Symbol` corresponding to layers of a `RasterStack` to extract. All layers by default.
- `skipmissing`: skip missing points automatically.
- `atol`: a tolorerance for floating point lookup values for when the `Lookup`
contains `Points`. `atol` is ignored for `Intervals`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,12 +64,14 @@ function extract(x::RasterStackOrArray, data;
names = NamedTuple{names}(names)
if Tables.istable(data)
if !(data isa AbstractVector{<:GeoInterface.NamedTuplePoint}) && Tables.istable(data)
geomcolnames = GI.geometrycolumns(data)
isnothing(geomcolnames) && throw(ArgumentError("No `:geometry` column and `GeoInterface.geometrycolums(::$(typeof(data)))` does not define alternate columns"))
if isnothing(geomcolnames) || !in(first(geomcolnames), Tables.columnnames(Tables.columns(data)))
throw(ArgumentError("No `:geometry` column and `GeoInterface.geometrycolums(::$(typeof(data)))` does not define alternate columns"))
geometries = Tables.getcolumn(Tables.columns(data), first(geomcolnames))
_extract(T, x, geometries; dims, names, kw...)
_extract(T, x, data; dims, names, kw...)
Expand All @@ -95,11 +97,11 @@ function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::Nothing, geoms::AbstractArray; nam
# TODO this will fail with mixed point/geom vectors
if trait1 isa GI.PointTrait
rows = (_extract_point(T, A, g; names, kw...) for g in geoms)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows)) : collect(rows)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows, _missingval_or_missing(A), names)) : collect(rows)
# This will be a list of vectors, we need to flatten it into one
rows = Iterators.flatten(_extract(T, A, g; names, skipmissing, kw...) for g in geoms)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows)) : collect(rows)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows, _missingval_or_missing(A), names)) : collect(rows)
function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::GI.AbstractFeatureTrait, feature; kw...)
Expand All @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc; kw.
function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::GI.AbstractMultiPointTrait, geom; skipmissing=false, kw...)
rows = (_extract_point(T, A, g; kw...) for g in GI.getpoint(geom))
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows)) : collect(rows)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows, _missingval_or_missing(A), names)) : collect(rows)
function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::GI.AbstractGeometryTrait, geom;
names, skipmissing=false, kw...
Expand All @@ -121,12 +123,25 @@ function _extract(T, A::RasterStackOrArray, ::GI.AbstractGeometryTrait, geom;
# Add a row for each pixel that is `true` in the mask
rows = (_maybe_add_fields(T, A, _prop_nt(A, I, names), I) for I in CartesianIndices(B) if B[I])
# Maybe skip missing rows
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows)) : collect(rows)
return skipmissing ? collect(_skip_missing_rows(rows, _missingval_or_missing(A), names)) : collect(rows)
_extract(T, x::RasterStackOrArray, trait::GI.PointTrait, point; kw...) =
_extract_point(T, x, point; kw...)

@inline _skip_missing_rows(rows) = Iterators.filter(row -> !any(ismissing, row), rows)
@inline _skip_missing_rows(rows, ::Missing, names) = Iterators.filter(row -> !any(ismissing, row), rows)
@inline _skip_missing_rows(rows, missingval, names) = Iterators.filter(row -> !any(x -> ismissing(x) || x === missingval, row), rows)
@inline function _skip_missing_rows(rows, missingval::NamedTuple, names::NamedTuple{K}) where K
# first check if all fields are equal - if so just call with the first value
if Base.allequal(missingval) == 1
return _skip_missing_rows(rows, first(missingval), names)
Iterators.filter(rows) do row
# rows may or may not contain a :geometry field, so map over keys instead
!any(key -> ismissing(row[key]) || row[key] === missingval[key], K)

@inline _prop_nt(st::AbstractRasterStack, I, names::NamedTuple{K}) where K = st[I][K]
@inline _prop_nt(A::AbstractRaster, I, names::NamedTuple{K}) where K = NamedTuple{K}((A[I],))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/methods/shared_docstrings.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const SIZE_KEYWORD = """
Only required when `to` is not used or is an `Extents.Extent`, and `res` is not used.
const RES_KEYWORD = """
- `res`: the resolution of the dimensions, a `Real` or `Tuple{<:Real,<:Real}`.
- `res`: the resolution of the dimensions (often in meters or degrees), a `Real` or `Tuple{<:Real,<:Real}`.
Only required when `to` is not used or is an `Extents.Extent`, and `size` is not used.
const CRS_KEYWORD = """
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/stack.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -435,13 +435,13 @@ function, st::AbstractRasterStack{<:NamedTuple}; kw...)

# Open all layers through nested closures, applying `f` to the rebuilt open stack
_open_layers(f, st) = _open_layers(f, st, DD.layers(f), NamedTuple())
_open_layers(f, st) = _open_layers(f, st, DD.layers(st), NamedTuple())
function _open_layers(f, st, unopened::NamedTuple{K}, opened::NamedTuple) where K
open(first(unopened)) do open_layer
_open_layers(f, st, Base.tail(unopened), merge(opened, NamedTuple{(first(K))}(open_layer)))
_open_layers(f, st, Base.tail(unopened), merge(opened, NamedTuple{(first(K),)}((open_layer,))))
function _open_layers(f, st, unopened::NamedTuple{()}, opened)
function _open_layers(f, st, unopened::NamedTuple{()}, opened::NamedTuple)
f(rebuild(st; data=opened))

Expand Down
39 changes: 29 additions & 10 deletions test/methods.jl
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Expand Up @@ -266,7 +266,12 @@ end
@test_throws ArgumentError classify(ga1, [1, 2, 3])

@testset "points" begin
@testset "points" begin dimz = (X(9.0:1.0:10.0), Y(0.1:0.1:0.2))
rast = Raster([1 2; 3 4], dimz; name=:test, missingval=missing)
rast2 = Raster([5 6; 7 8], dimz; name=:test2, missingval=5)
rast_m = Raster([1 2; 3 missing], dimz; name=:test, missingval=missing)
table = (geometry=[missing, (9.0, 0.1), (9.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)], foo=zeros(4))
st = RasterStack(rast, rast2)
ga = Raster(A, (X(9.0:1.0:10.0), Y(0.1:0.1:0.2)); missingval=missing)
@test all(collect(points(ga; order=(Y, X))) .=== [missing (0.2, 9.0); (0.1, 10.0) missing])
@test all(collect(points(ga; order=(X, Y))) .=== [missing (9.0, 0.2); (10.0, 0.1) missing])
Expand All @@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ createpoint(args...) = ArchGDAL.createpoint(args...)
@testset "extract" begin
dimz = (X(9.0:1.0:10.0), Y(0.1:0.1:0.2))
rast = Raster([1 2; 3 4], dimz; name=:test, missingval=missing)
rast2 = Raster([5 6; 7 8], dimz; name=:test2, missingval=missing)
rast2 = Raster([5 6; 7 8], dimz; name=:test2, missingval=5)
rast_m = Raster([1 2; 3 missing], dimz; name=:test, missingval=missing)
table = (geometry=[missing, (9.0, 0.1), (9.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)], foo=zeros(4))
st = RasterStack(rast, rast2)
Expand All @@ -307,13 +312,13 @@ createpoint(args...) = ArchGDAL.createpoint(args...)
(index = (1, 1), test = 1,)
(index = (1, 2), test = 2,)
# NamedTuple (reversed) points
@test all(extract(rast, [missing, (Y=0.1, X=9.0), (Y=0.2, X=10.0), (Y=0.3, X=10.0)]) .=== [
(geometry = missing, test = missing)
# NamedTuple (reversed) points - tests a Table that iterates over points
@test all(extract(rast, [(Y=0.1, X=9.0), (Y=0.2, X=10.0), (Y=0.3, X=10.0)]) .=== [
(geometry = (Y = 0.1, X = 9.0), test = 1)
(geometry = (Y = 0.2, X = 10.0), test = 4)
(geometry = (Y = 0.3, X = 10.0), test = missing)

# Vector points
@test all(extract(rast, [[9.0, 0.1], [10.0, 0.2]]) .== [
(geometry = [9.0, 0.1], test = 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,7 +378,11 @@ createpoint(args...) = ArchGDAL.createpoint(args...)
@test extract(rast_m, p; skipmissing=true, index=true) == [
(geometry = (9.0, 0.1), index = CartesianIndex(1, 1), test = 1)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.1), index = CartesianIndex(2, 1), test = 3)
@test extract(rast2, p; skipmissing=true) == [
(geometry = (10.0, 0.1), test2 = 7)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test2 = 8)
# Empty geoms
@test extract(rast, []) == NamedTuple{(:geometry, :test),Tuple{Missing,Missing}}[]
@test extract(rast, []; geometry=false) == NamedTuple{(:test,),Tuple{Missing}}[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,25 +411,27 @@ createpoint(args...) = ArchGDAL.createpoint(args...)
(index = (1, 1), test = 1,)
(index = (1, 2), test = 2,)

@test_throws ArgumentError extract(rast, (foo = zeros(4),))

@testset "from stack" begin
@testset "from stack" begin
@test all(extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]) .=== [
(geometry = missing, test = missing, test2 = missing)
(geometry = (9.0, 0.1), test = 1, test2 = 5)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test = 4, test2 = 8)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.3), test = missing, test2 = missing)
@test extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]; skipmissing=true) == [
(geometry = (9.0, 0.1), test = 1, test2 = 5)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test = 4, test2 = 8)
@test extract(st2, [missing, (2, 2), (2,1)]; skipmissing=true) == [
(geometry = (2, 1), a = 7.0, b = 2.0)
@test extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]; skipmissing=true, geometry=false) == [
(test = 1, test2 = 5)
(test = 4, test2 = 8)
@test extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]; skipmissing=true, geometry=false, index=true) == [
(index = (1, 1), test = 1, test2 = 5)
(index = (2, 2), test = 4, test2 = 8)
# Subset with `names`
Expand All @@ -430,6 +441,14 @@ createpoint(args...) = ArchGDAL.createpoint(args...)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test2 = 8)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.3), test2 = missing)
# Subset with `names` and `skipmissing` with mixed missingvals
@test extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]; names=(:test2,), skipmissing = true) == [
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test2 = 8)
@test extract(st, [missing, (9.0, 0.1), (10.0, 0.2), (10.0, 0.3)]; names=(:test,), skipmissing = true) == [
(geometry = (9.0, 0.1), test = 1)
(geometry = (10.0, 0.2), test = 4)

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/resample.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Rasters)), "../test/test_utils.jl"))

# Resample cea.tif using resample
cea = Raster(raster_path; missingval=0x00)
cea = Raster(raster_path; missingval=0x00, name = :cea)
raster_output = resample(cea; res=output_res, crs=output_crs, method)
disk_output = resample(cea; res=output_res, crs=output_crs, method, filename="resample.tif")

Expand All @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Rasters)), "../test/test_utils.jl"))
abs(step(dims(raster_output, X)))
abs(step(dims(disk_output, X)))
abs(step(dims(permuted_output, X))) output_res
@test name(cea) == name(raster_output)


Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/sources/gdal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -548,9 +548,14 @@ end
gdalstack_lazy = RasterStack((a=gdalpath, b=gdalpath); lazy=true)
@test Rasters.isdisk(gdalstack_lazy.a)
@test Rasters.isdisk(gdalstack_lazy.b)
gdalstack_read = read(gdalstack_lazy)
read!(gdalstack_lazy, gdalstack_read)
gdalstack_eager = RasterStack((a=gdalpath, b=gdalpath); lazy=false)
@test !Rasters.isdisk(gdalstack_eager.a)
@test !Rasters.isdisk(gdalstack_eager.b)
gdalstack_read == gdalstack_eager
@test Rasters.filename(gdalstack_lazy) == (a=gdalpath, b=gdalpath)
@test Rasters.filename(gdalstack_read) == (a=nothing, b=nothing)

@testset "dropband" begin
Expand Down

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