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How to setup a local server

@racascou edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Hacking at Home

  1. Download and install Node.js

  2. Fork and clone this repo

  3. Install the dependencies: npm install (if all you will edit is the front-end, you can skip steps 4, 5 and 6 and just set MONGO_CONN="" inside .env)

  4. Create a free Mongo DB at (or at any other mongo server)

  5. Create an user to access your DB (you can do this, and all DB related setup, in the web interface)

  6. Create a collection named collection in your mongo db and inside it, create a document with this content: {"document": "dotacard"}

  7. Set up you environment config copping EXAMPLE.env to .env, then edit .env with your DB connection URL (in Windows you need to create .env. - note the last dot will be auto removed)

  8. Build client side bundle: npm run build (or grunt)

  9. Run the server: npm start (or node server.js)

  10. Happy Hacking!

After you change any UI code, you must access host:port/debug.html or run npm run build to bundle the code.

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