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Recsech is a tool for doing Footprinting and Reconnaissance on the target web. Recsech collects information such as DNS Information, Sub Domains, HoneySpot Detected, Subdomain takeovers, Reconnaissance On Github and much more you can see in Features in tools .


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Recsech - Web Reconnaissance Tools

Recsech is a tool for doing Footprinting and Reconnaissance on the target web. Recsech collects information such as DNS Information, Sub Domains, HoneySpot Detected, Subdomain takeovers, Reconnaissance On Github and much more you can see in Features in tools .

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asciicast Stargazers over time

Features in tools

Name Release Release Date
Auto request with Proxy 01/05/19
Find Email 01/05/19
HoneySpot Detected 01/05/19
Subdomain takeover 01/05/19
Check Technologies 01/05/19
Whois N/A
Crlf injection N/A
Header Security 01/05/19
Update Check 01/05/19
Port Scanner 02/05/19
Sort Domain By IP 02/05/19
Wordpress audit 05/05/19
Reconnaissance On Github 02/05/19
Language Selection 02/05/19
WAF 03/05/19

Requirements for using this tool

We need several requirements to use this tool to run smoothly.






You can download the latest tarball by clicking here or latest zipball by clicking here.

Preferably, you can download Recsech by cloning the Git repository:

git clone --depth 1 Recsech

and install php 7 & php-curl

apt-get install php php-curl
Adding Recsech.php to PATH in Linux/Unix-like Systems

Adding Recsech.php to PATH is useful for Linux users because it allows users to run the program without specifying the runtime environment or the absolute path to the program. This means we execute Recsech.php from anywhere in the terminal and the software will run.

To do this, run the following in a terminal:

$ cd path/to/Recsech/
$ chmod u+x Recsech.php
$ export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)"

This will allow us to run Recsech.php from anywhere on the system. In example:

$ pwd
$ cd $HOME && Recsech.php # executes successfully without specifying the interpreter or the absolute path

Note that this will only last until you exit the current terminal session. To permanently store this change to your PATH, go to your ~/.bashrc file (or any Shell .rc file) and add this line: PATH="$PATH:path/to/Recsech/

Now run source ~/.bashrc and your changes are now permanent. Profit!

To learn more about PATHs, read this article from

Recsech Environment Windows (Command Prompt Windows)

Download Recsech :


How to install to Windows CLI :

  1. Extract all files in C: \Windows
  2. Edit Files Recsech.bat , then set your PHP patch (if you have installed xampp on your C drive you don't need to do this step)
@echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\xampp\php
title Recsech - Recon and Research
php "C:\Windows\Recsech.php" %1
  1. Open cmd and do the Recsech command.



Enough to execute the command :

php Recsech.php

or if it doesn't work, use the command :

php Recsech.php debug

and don't forget to ask at issue page


The following is a user guide that helps develop this tool :


Radenvodka! GitHub followers


linuxsec! GitHub followers

KitPloit! GitHub followers


noraj! GitHub followers

noraj! GitHub followers

Available in the OS

BlackArch Linux!

Help us to develop this tool, as a sign that you have contributed we will put your name in the contribution

If you want to be part of the contribution? please read here


Thank you for all. How to support ?

  1. You can follow people who help contribute as a sign of gratitude.
  2. Publish or review on your blog.

If you have additional information, you can make it on the issue page.


If you want to buy my coffee, you can send payments via BTC and Paypal.

Bitcoin Donate


This is an open source for everyone, you may redistribute, modify, use patents and use privately without any obligation to redistribute. but it should be noted to include the source code of the library that was modified (not the source code of the entire program), include the license, include the original copyright of the author (radenvodka), and include any changes made (if modified). Users do not have the right to sue the creator when there is damage to the software or even demand if there is a problem caused by the makers of this tool. because every risk is caused by the user risk itself.

License : GPLv3 license

GPL v3.0 specifically designed to allow users to use software distributed through networks such as websites and online services