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Reorganize the pretty-printer
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Both the HTML and the console now go through an intermediate Doc type,
replacing the Leijen pretty-printer Doc type because it's a lot more suitable.
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edsko committed Jun 12, 2016
1 parent cb7742e commit a0b9cbb
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Showing 15 changed files with 685 additions and 258 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CBN/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module CBN.Language (
, liftBool
) where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Data (Data(..))
import Data.String (IsString)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CBN/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ module CBN.Parser (
, parseIO
) where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Text.Parsec
Expand Down
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions src/CBN/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
module CBN.Pretty (ToDoc, toDoc, heapToDoc) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import CBN.Eval
import CBN.Heap
import CBN.Language
import CBN.Pretty.Precedence
import CBN.Util.Doc
import CBN.Util.Doc.Style

class ToDoc a where
toDoc :: a -> Doc Style String
toDoc = toDoc' Top

toDoc' :: FixityContext -> a -> Doc Style String
toDoc' _fc = toDoc

-- | For convenience, 'ToDoc' is idempotent
instance ToDoc (Doc Style String) where
toDoc = id

instance ToDoc Var where
toDoc (Var x) = style (\st -> st { styleItalic = True }) $ doc x

instance ToDoc Con where
toDoc (Con c) = style (\st -> st { styleForeground = Just Red }) $ doc c

instance ToDoc Prim where
toDoc (PInt n) = doc (show n)
toDoc PIAdd = doc "add"
toDoc PIEq = doc "eq"
toDoc PILt = doc "lt"
toDoc PILe = doc "le"

instance ToDoc PrimApp where
toDoc' fc (PrimApp p es) = parensIf (needsParens fc Ap && not (null es)) $
hsep (toDoc p : map (toDoc' (R Ap)) es)

instance ToDoc ConApp where
toDoc' fc (ConApp c es) = parensIf (needsParens fc Ap && not (null es)) $
hsep (toDoc c : map (toDoc' (R Ap)) es)

instance ToDoc Pat where
toDoc (Pat c xs) = hsep (toDoc c : map toDoc xs)

instance ToDoc Match where
toDoc' fc = mconcat . matchRow fc

-- | Table-row for a match statement
-- Used when using a vertical layout for a case statement
matchRow :: FixityContext -> Match -> [Doc Style String]
matchRow fc (Match p rhs) = [toDoc p, doc " -> ", toDoc' fc rhs]

-- | We make elements from the prelude blue
instance ToDoc Ptr where
toDoc (Ptr Nothing Nothing) = error "invalid pointer"
toDoc (Ptr (Just n) Nothing) = doc (show n)
toDoc (Ptr Nothing (Just name)) = style (\st -> st { styleForeground = Just Blue })
$ doc name
toDoc (Ptr (Just n) (Just name)) = doc name <> doc "_" <> doc (show n)

instance ToDoc Term where
toDoc' _ (TVar x) = toDoc x
toDoc' _ (TPtr n) = toDoc n
toDoc' fc (TPrim pes ) = toDoc' fc pes
toDoc' fc (TCon ces) = toDoc' fc ces
toDoc' fc (TApp e1 e2) = parensIf (needsParens fc Ap) $
toDoc' (L Ap) e1 <+> toDoc' (R Ap) e2
toDoc' fc (TSeq e1 e2) = parensIf (needsParens fc Ap) $
kw "seq" <+> toDoc' (R Ap) e1 <+> toDoc' (R Ap) e2
toDoc' fc (TLam x e) = parensIf (needsParens fc Lam) $
doc "\\" <> hsep (map toDoc (x:xs)) <+> doc "->" <+> toDoc' (R Lam) e'
(xs, e') = collectArgs e
toDoc' fc (TLet x e1 e2) = parensIfChoice (needsParens fc Let) [
stack [
kw "let" <+> x' <+> doc "=" <+> e1' <+> kw "in"
, e2'
, kw "let" <+> x' <+> doc "=" <+> e1' <+> kw "in" <+> e2'
x' = toDoc x
e1' = toDoc' (L Let) e1
e2' = toDoc' (R Let) e2
toDoc' fc (TCase e ms) = parensIfChoice (needsParens fc Case) [
stack [
kw "case" <+> e' <+> kw "of" <+> doc "{"
, indent $ table $ map (matchRow (R Case)) ms
, doc "}"
, kw "case" <+> e' <+> kw "of" <+> wrap "{ " " }" (punctuate " ; " ms')
e' = toDoc' (L Case) e
ms' = map (toDoc' (R Case)) ms
toDoc' fc (TIf c t f) = parensIfChoice (needsParens fc If) [
stack [
kw "if" <+> c'
, indent $ stack [
kw "then" <+> t'
, kw "else" <+> f'
, kw "if" <+> c' <+> kw "then" <+> t' <+> kw "else" <+> f'
c' = toDoc' (L If) c
t' = toDoc' (R If) t
f' = toDoc' (R If) f

instance ToDoc Description where
toDoc StepAlloc = doc "allocate"
toDoc StepBeta = doc "beta reduction"
toDoc (StepApply f) = doc "apply" <+> toDoc f
toDoc (StepDelta p ps) = doc "delta:" <+> hsep (map toDoc (p:ps))
toDoc (StepMatch c) = doc "match" <+> toDoc c
toDoc (StepIf b) = doc "if" <+> doc (show b)
toDoc StepSeq = doc "seq"

-- | For the heap we need to know which pointers we are about to collect
heapToDoc :: forall a. ToDoc a => Set Ptr -> Heap a -> Doc Style String
heapToDoc garbage (Heap _next heap) =
table $ map go (Map.toList heap)
go :: (Ptr, a) -> [Doc Style String]
go (ptr, a) = [markGarbage ptr $ toDoc ptr, doc " = ", toDoc a]

markGarbage :: Ptr -> Doc Style String -> Doc Style String
markGarbage ptr
| ptr `Set.member` garbage = style $ \st -> st { styleBackground = Just Red }
| otherwise = id


kw :: String -> Doc Style String
kw = style (\st -> st { styleBold = True }) . doc

parensIf :: Bool -> Doc Style String -> Doc Style String
parensIf False = id
parensIf True = wrap "(" ")"

-- | Swap the order of the choices if we need parentheses
-- The idea is that we prefer a multi-line layout normally, but if we
-- need to insert parentheses we prefer a single-line layout.
parensIfChoice :: Bool -> [Doc Style String] -> Doc Style String
parensIfChoice p ds = parensIf p $ choice $ (if p then reverse else id) ds

wrap :: String -> String -> Doc Style String -> Doc Style String
wrap lft rgt d = doc lft <> d <> doc rgt

punctuate :: String -> [Doc Style String] -> Doc Style String
punctuate sep = mconcat . intersperse (doc sep)

hsep :: [Doc Style String] -> Doc Style String
hsep = punctuate " "

indent :: Doc Style String -> Doc Style String
indent = (doc " " <>)

(<+>) :: Doc Style String -> Doc Style String -> Doc Style String
(<+>) d1 d2 = d1 <> doc " " <> d2
95 changes: 0 additions & 95 deletions src/CBN/Pretty/Doc.hs

This file was deleted.


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