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A tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.
A high-performance observability data pipeline.
Surprisingly space efficient trie in Golang(11 bits/key; 100 ns/get).
💬 Machine Learning Course with Python:
Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation.
A modern text/numeric/geo-spatial/vector indexing library for go
Blast is a full text search and indexing server, written in Go, built on top of Bleve.
A crash course in six episodes for software developers who want to become machine learning practitioners.
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
A collaborative documentation site, powered by Google Docs.
A GPU-powered real-time analytics storage and query engine.
A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go.
Run Cloudflare Worker scripts locally
🤯 High-performance PHP application server, process manager written in Go and powered with plugins
Ethr is a Comprehensive Network Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & ICMP.
firecracker-containerd enables containerd to manage containers as Firecracker microVMs
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
The Illustrated TLS 1.2 Connection: Every byte explained
open source Kubernetes-native API gateway for microservices built on the Envoy Proxy
Face-meltingly fast, thread-safe, marshalable, unionable, probability- and optimal-size-calculating Bloom filter in go
C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.