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r-a-y edited this page Jul 8, 2014 · 2 revisions

Some of you might want to change the default labels and text in the plugin to something that better suits your community.

The best way to do this is by creating your own translation file.

Here's a quick runthrough:

  • Download the bp-follow.pot file located in the /languages/ folder of this plugin.
  • Open the POT file in your favorite translation program (such as PoEdit) and make your changes.
  • Once you have made your changes, save your files as and bp-follow-LOCALE.po. Change LOCALE to your WordPress locale. The default locale is en_US. So, for most of you, your filenames should look like this: and bp-follow-en_US.po.
  • Next, move these files to /wp-content/languages/. If the /languages/ folder does not exist, create it!
  • Now, BP Follow should pick up your new labels.