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System Requirements

  • Linux, Windows
  • Python 3.8+
  • PyTorch 1.13.1
  • CUDA 11.7


Please refer to for installation.

Dataset Preparation

Your data directory tree should look like this:

-- annotations (directory name)
    | -- person_keypoints_train2017.json (train annotation file)
    | -- person_keypoints_val2017.json (val annotation file)

-- images (directory name)
    -- train2017 (directory name)
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ... 
    -- val2017 (directory name)
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ~.png
      | -- ... 

Please rename the annotation file to person_keypoints_train2017.json and person_keypoints_val2017.json for training and validation, respectively.

Once the dataset is prepared, please change the data_root variable in the configs/_base_/datasets/ to your own data directory.

Keypoint Annotation

We use labelme to annotate the keypoints of the infant. You could use your prefered annotation tool to annotate the keypoints of the infant. The annotation file must be in the format of COCO Keypoints dataset.

You need to create a json (dictionary-like) file for the annotation. In the annotation file, you need to have three keys: 'image', 'annotation', 'categories'. You can refer to explore_annotation.ipynb to see the structure of annotation file. Particularly, the structure should look like:

"id": int, 
"width": int, 
"height": int, 
"file_name": str,

"id": int, 
"image_id": int, 
"category_id": int, 
"area": float, 
"bbox": [x,y,width,height], 
"keypoints": [x1,y1,v1,...],
"num_keypoints" : int,
"iscrowd": 0 or 1,

"id": int, 
"name": str, 
"supercategory": str,
"keypoints": [str,...],
"skeleton": [edge1, edge2, ...]

We use 17 keypoints to annotate the infant. Therefore, the 'keypoints' Keys in the 'cetegories' dictionary in the annotation file should be:

"keypoints": ['nose',

The 'skeleton' Keys in the 'categories' dictionary in the annotation file should be:

"skeleton": [[16, 14],
  [14, 12],
  [17, 15],
  [15, 13],
  [12, 13],
  [6, 12],
  [7, 13],
  [6, 7],
  [6, 8],
  [7, 9],
  [8, 10],
  [9, 11],
  [2, 3],
  [1, 2],
  [1, 3],
  [2, 4],
  [3, 5],
  [4, 6],
  [5, 7]]

Fine-tune from model trained on WashU infant dataset

We provide the model fine-tuned on our WashU-NICU newborn pose dataset. Doing this way lets you compare the difference between your infant dataset to WashU NICU infant dataset in terms of model generaliztion.

Model Backbone Training Dataset Fine-tuning Dataset mAP AP@50 AP@75 AP@M AP@L Download
NICUPose Swin-L COCO-train2017 WashU NICU 86.5 100 99.6 87.5 86.0 Google Drive

The training command is as follows:

bash tools/ configs/models/ 1 --resume-from nicupose.pth 


(1) Get the accuracy only :

python ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} --eval keypoints

A working example :

python tools/ configs/models/ nicupose.pth --eval keypoints

(2) Get the predicted keypoint in a json file:

python ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} --format-only --eval-options "jsonfile_prefix=./results

A working example:

python tools/ configs/petr/ nicupose.pth --format-only --eval-options jsonfile_prefix=./results

Note: test_results.bbox.json and test_results.keypoints.json will be generated in the ${ROOT}/ directory. You can further use these two files to label your own dataset.


We provide a image demo script to run the model on a single GPU for a single image or a image folder.

The general demo script is as follows:

python demo/  ${IMAGE_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE}  --out-file ${OUTPUT_PATH} --pose_only

Note: The pose-only flag is used to visualize the pose only. If you want to visualize the pose on top of the image, please remove the pose_only flag.


PETR: End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Transformers

MMCV: OpenMMLab Computer Vision Foundation


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 License and includes modifications by qwe1256 as noted in the NOTICE file.


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