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VSCode coding companion for software teams πŸ¦† Turn your team insights into a portable plug-and-play context for code generation. Alternative to GitHub Copilot & OpenAI GPT powered by OSS LLMs (Phi 3, Llama 3, CodeQwen, Mistral, etc.), made with ❀️ using FastAPI & Ollama.


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Quack Companion - Type smarter, ship faster

API ・ VSCode extension ・ Documentation

CI Status ruff Test coverage percentage

VS Marketplace Open VSX Registry GitHub release (latest by date) Docker image License


Quack companion helps software teams ship faster. See it as an instantly onboarded team member with full knowledge of your internal libraries and coding standards πŸ¦†

Quick Tour

Code chat endpoint

Code chat demo

The backend API is the gatekeeper for your LLM inference container (powered by our friend at Ollama). With your services up and running, you can use the code chat endpoint as coding-specific LLM chat.

Check our LLM latency benchmark on a few cloud providers if you want to run this in the cloud.

REST API for guideline management & LLM inference

With the service running, you can navigate to http:https://localhost:5050/docs to interact with the API (or do it through HTTP requests) and explore the documentation.

API Swagger screenshot

Get started πŸš€


60 seconds setup ⏱️

1 - Clone the repository

git clone && cd companion

2 - Set your environment variables

First copy the examples

cp .env.example .env

and then edit it:

nano .env

Replace the value of SUPERADMIN_GH_PAT with your GitHub user Personal Access Token. You can create one here (no need for extra permissions i.e. read-only).

3 - Start the services

docker compose pull
docker compose up

4 - Check how what you've deployed

You can now access:


Oh hello there πŸ‘‹ If you've scrolled this far, we bet it's because you like open-source. Do you feel like integrating a new LLM backend? Or perhaps improve our documentation? Or contributing in any other way?

You're in luck! You'll find everything you need in our contributing guide to help grow this project! And if you're interested, you can join us on Discord πŸ€—

Copying & distribution

Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Quack AI.

This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE or go to for full license details.

FOSSA Status


VSCode coding companion for software teams πŸ¦† Turn your team insights into a portable plug-and-play context for code generation. Alternative to GitHub Copilot & OpenAI GPT powered by OSS LLMs (Phi 3, Llama 3, CodeQwen, Mistral, etc.), made with ❀️ using FastAPI & Ollama.




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