A repository of PDDL files from various compeitions, papers, etc. to be archived for usage/testing.
The highest level of the repository contains the REPOSITORY'S license and the folders named after the originating location of the domain/problems. Under the top level folders are more folders and that contribution's license. Each of the folders at this inner level are the domain groups (e.g., depots, satellite). Under a give domain group folder, are the domain files (with descriptive enough names), a folder for the problems (either one or multiple in case of multiple configurations), and a folder for any generator files (e.g., VAL). All folders and files should appear in snake case, a la the Google Standard for C++ and C.
Usage of the repository is falls under "The Unliscense." However, some domain settings and problems may come with their own liceneses. Each high-level folder will have the associated license with said domains and problems as LICENESE, if applicable. It is up to the individual user to make sure they fall under compliance and provide the proper licenses in end products, teaching materials, or papers.
When contributing to the repository, the following are required:
- Adherence to the structure (in Structure)
Failure to comply will have the PR denied until it is fixed. Closed source and restrictive domains and problems will not be permitted; people who use this repository and the associated domains and problems should feel free. A README is optional.
To better help with your publishing, only submit a PR with your domains/problems AFTER your paper is published! Don't hurt yourself!