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Conversion utility to translate legacy data formats into FHIR


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FHIR Converter

FHIR Converter is an open source project that enables conversion of health data from legacy formats to FHIR.

The first version of the FHIR Converter released to open source on Mar 6th, 2020. It used Handlebars template language and Javascript runtime. A new converter engine was released on Nov 13, 2020 that uses Liquid templating language and .Net runtime.

Currently, Microsoft supports two types of converter engines, Handlebars engine and Liquid engine, along with templates and filters. We strongly recommend using the Liquid converter for a better alignment with Azure Healthcare APIs, Azure Health Data Services, FHIR Server for Azure, and Microsoft Logic Apps.

The following table shows the differences between two converter engines:

Handlebars engine Liquid engine
Template language Handlebars Liquid
Template authoring tool Self-hosted web-app VS Code extension
Supported conversions 1. HL7v2 to FHIR
2. C-CDA to FHIR
1. HL7v2 to FHIR
2. C-CDA to FHIR
4. FHIR STU3 to FHIR R4 (new!)
Available as 1. Self-deployed web service
(on-prem or on Azure)
1. Command line tool
2. $convert-data operation in FHIR Server for Azure (OSS)
3. $convert-data operation in both Azure Health Data Services and Azure API for FHIR

⚠ Rest of this document is about the Liquid converter. For the Handlebars converter, please refer to the Handlebars branch.

Currently, FHIR Converter supports four types of conversions, HL7v2 to FHIR, C-CDA to FHIR, JSON to FHIR and FHIR STU3 to R4. The converter uses templates that define mappings between these different data formats. The templates are written in Liquid templating language and make use of custom filters.

The converter comes with a few ready-to-use templates. If needed, you can create a new template, or modify existing templates to meet your specific conversion requirements.

FHIR Converter with DotLiquid engine transforms the input data into FHIR bundles that are persisted to a FHIR server. The converter is integrated into both Azure Health Data Services and Azure API for FHIR, as well as in the open-source FHIR Server as a [$convert-data] #using-convert-data-in-fhir-server) operation. It is also available as a command line tool.

NOTE: FHIR STU3 to R4 conversion is only available in the open-source FHIR Server as a $convert-data operation. It is also available as a command line tool.

Using $convert-data in FHIR server

The $convert-data operation is integrated into Azure Health Data Services, Azure API for FHIR and FHIR server to run as part of the service. After enabling $convert-data in your server, you can make API calls in the form of <<your FHIR server URL>>/$convert-data to the server to convert your data into FHIR. In the API call request body, you would include parameters such as inputData, inputDataType, templateCollectionReference, and rootTemplate, to specify the message and the type of message you are converting.

For more information on configuring and using $convert-data operation on your server, please refer to these documentation:

Using Command line tool

Supported parameters

The command line tool is another way of converting data, as well as managing templates. The tool converts a folder containing input messages (HL7v2, C-CDA, JSON or FHIR STU3) into FHIR R4 resources. It accepts the following parameters in the command line:

Option Name Optionality Default Description
-d TemplateDirectory Required Root directory of templates.
-r RootTemplate Required Name of root template.

HL7v2 to FHIR (57 templates): "ADT_A01", "ADT_A02", "ADT_A03", "ADT_A04", "ADT_A05", "ADT_A06". "ADT_A07", "ADT_A08", "ADT_A09", "ADT_A10", "ADT_A11", "ADT_A13", "ADT_A14", "ADT_A15", "ADT_A16", "ADT_A25", "ADT_A26", "ADT_A27", "ADT_A28", "ADT_A29", "ADT_A31", "ADT_A40", "ADT_A41", "ADT_A45", "ADT_A47", "ADT_A60", "BAR_P01", "BAR_P02", "BAR_B12", "DFT_P03", "DFT_P11", "MDM_T01", "MDM_T02", "MDM_T05", "MDM_T06", "MDM_T09", "MDM_T10", "OMG_O19" "OML_O21", "ORM_O01", "ORU_R01", "OUL_R22", "OUL_R23", "OUL_R24", "RDE_O11", "RDE_O25", "RDS_O13", "REF_I12", "REF_I14", "SIU_S12", "SIU_S13", "SIU_S14", "SIU_S15", "SIU_S16", "SIU_S17", "SIU_S26", "VXU_V04"

C-CDA to FHIR (9 templates): "CCD", "ConsultationNote", "DischargeSummary", "HistoryandPhysical", "OperativeNote", "ProcedureNote", "ProgressNote", "ReferralNote", "TransferSummary"

JSON to FHIR: "Stu3ChargeItem", "ExamplePatient"
(These JSON templates are sample templates for use, not default templates that adhere to any pre-defined JSON message types. JSON does not have any standardized message types, unlike HL7v2 messages or C-CDA documents. Therefore, instead of "default" templates we provide you with some sample templates that you can use as a starting guide for you to modify and customize.)

FHIR STU3 to R4: Name of the root template that is the same as the STU3 resource name e.g., "Patient", "Observation", "Organization". Some of the STU3 resources are renamed or removed from R4. Please refer to Resource differences and constraints for STU3 to R4.
-c InputDataContent Optional Input data content. Specify OutputDataFile to get the results.
-n InputDataFile Optional Input data file. Specify OutputDataFile to get the results.
-f OutputDataFile Optional Output data file.
-i InputDataFolder Optional Input data folder. Specify OutputDataFolder to get the results.
-o OutputDataFolder Optional Output data folder.
-t IsTraceInfo Optional Provide trace information in the output if "-t" is set. This parameter is only supported in HL7v2 to FHIR conversion.
--version Version Optional Display version information.
--help Help Optional Display usage information of this tool.

Command line example

First, build the executable file, Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe, in your local directory. Have the input data, as well as the conversion templates, saved in separate folders.

Converting data inside folders

You can run the built .exe file in your terminal by running the following command line and specifying the directories:

>.\Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe convert -d myTemplateDirectory -r myRootTemplate -i myInputDataFolder -o myOutputDataFolder

For example, you can run a command like below to convert all C-CDA sample documents inside the SampleData\Ccda folder using the default CCD template:

>.\Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe convert -d {path}\Templates\Ccda -r CCD -i {path}\SampleData\Ccda -o {path to your output folder}

After running the command line, there will be a series of "Processing..." lines being written in the terminal window. When the conversion is complete, you will see "Conversion completed!" message.

For example, if you were doing the C-CDA to FHIR conversion in a folder as in the command above, you will see something like this:

Conversion running on the terminal (screenshot)

Converting individual files

Instead of converting multiples messages and documents inside a folder, you can also convert single files using the parameters in the table above. For example, if you were to convert a C-CDA document into a FHIR resource using the CCD template:

>.\Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe convert -n {path}\SampleData\Ccda\CCD.ccda -d {path}\Templates\Ccda -f {path to your output json file} -r CCD

Using Templates

The command line tool supports managing different versions of templates from Azure Container Registry (ACR). You can customize templates and store them in your ACR if default templates are not sufficient for meeting conversion requirements. After ACR authentication, you can pull templates from ACR or push templates to ACR using our command line tool.

Note: Template version is aligned with the version of FHIR Converter.

Command line example

Example command to push a collection of templates to ACR image from a folder:

>.\Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe push myInputFolder

Example usage of pulling an image of templates in a folder:

>.\Microsoft.Health.Fhir.Liquid.Converter.Tool.exe pull myOutputFolder

For more details on how to push and pull template collections, please refer to the documentation on Template Management CLI tool.

To see the current version of templates we support, check out the complete list of templates.

There are other versions released by Microsoft that are stored in a public ACR You can directly pull templates from<version> without ACR authentication.

HL7v2 to FHIR conversion templates

There are three documentations to note for HL7v2 to FHIR conversion. Please make sure to reference these as you use our HL7v2 default templates:

  • A complete list and explanation of each of the 57 HL7v2 to FHIR conversion templates: see here
  • Important points to note for HL7v2 to FHIR conversion: see here
  • Common FHIR Validator errors/warning you might run into, and their explanations: see here

Resource ID generation

The default templates provided with the Converter computes Resource IDs using the input data fields. In order to preserve the generated Resource IDs, the converter creates PUT requests, instead of POST requests in the generated bundles.

For HL7v2 to FHIR conversion, HL7v2 DotLiquid templates help generate FHIR resource IDs from HL7v2 messages. An ID generation template does three things: 1) extract identifiers from the input segment or field; 2) combine the identifers with resource type and base ID (optional) as hash seed; 3) compute hash as output ID.

For C-CDA to FHIR conversion, C-CDA DotLiquid templates generate FHIR resource IDs in two ways: 1) ID generation template helps generate Patient ID and Practitioner ID; 2) the resource IDs for other resources are generated from the resource object directly.

For JSON to FHIR conversion, there is no standardized JSON input message types unlike HL7v2 messages or C-CDA documents. Therefore, instead of default templates we provide you with some sample JSON DotLiquid templates that you can use as a starting guide for your custom JSON conversion templates. You can decide how to generate the resource IDs according to your own inputs, and use our sample templates as a reference.

For FHIR STU3 to R4 conversion, the Resource ID from STU3 resource is copied over to corresponding R4 resource.

The Converter introduces a concept of "base resource/base ID". Base resources are independent entities, like Patient, Organization, Device, etc, whose IDs are defined as base ID. Base IDs could be used to generate IDs for other resources that relate to them. It helps enrich the input for hash and thus reduce ID collision. For example, a Patient ID is used as part of hash input for an AllergyIntolerance ID, as this resource is closely related with a specific patient.

Below is an example where an AllergyIntolerance ID is generated, using ID/AllergyIntolerance template, AL1 segment and patient ID as its base ID. The syntax is {% evaluate [id] using [template] [variables] -%}.

{% evaluate allergyIntoleranceId using 'ID/AllergyIntolerance' AL1: al1Segment, baseId: patientId -%}

Resource validation and post-processing

The output of converter depends on the templates as well as the quality and richness of input messages. Therefore, it is important that you review and validate the Converter output before using those in production.

In general, you can use HL7 FHIR validator to validate a FHIR resource. You may be able to fix some of the conversion issues by appropriately changing the templates. For other issues, you may need to have a post-processing step in your pipeline.

In some cases, due to lack of field level data in the incoming messages, the Converter may produce resources without useful information or even without ID. You can use Hl7.Fhir.R4 .NET library to filter such resources in your pipeline. Here is the sample code for such purpose.

using Hl7.Fhir.Model;
using Hl7.Fhir.Serialization;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class PostProcessor
    private readonly FhirJsonParser _parser = new FhirJsonParser();

    public IEnumerable<Resource> FilterResources(IEnumerable<string> fhirResources)
        return fhirResources
            .Select(fhirResource => _parser.Parse<Resource>(fhirResource))
            .Where(resource => !IsEmptyResource(resource))
            .Where(resource => !IsIdAbsentResource(resource));

    public bool IsEmptyResource(Resource resource)
            var fhirResource = resource.ToJObject();
            var properties = fhirResource.Properties().Select(property => property.Name);
            // an empty resource contains no properties other than "resourceType" and "id"
            return !properties
                .Where(property => !property.Equals("resourceType"))
                .Where(property => !property.Equals("id"))
        catch (Exception e)
            // deal with the exception...

        return false;

    public bool IsIdAbsentResource(Resource resource)
            return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resource.Id);
        catch (Exception e)
            // deal with the exception...
        return false;

Reference documentation

External resources


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Conversion utility to translate legacy data formats into FHIR



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  • Liquid 86.9%
  • C# 13.1%