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PyCon CZ webpage

How to run on localhost


For local development you need Docker and make. Tested with Docker version 23.0.2.

For Docker installation manuals check the following links:

  • Ubuntu - install Docker engine using the apt repository and add user to docker group as described here so you can run Docker locally as a non-root user
  • Windows & Mac - you can use Docker Desktop, check out this manual for Windows and this for Mac

Local setup

  1. Build an image
make build
  1. Run migrations
make migrate
  1. Run dev stack
make up
  1. You can stop the server by pressing Ctrl+C, optionally you can run
make down

if there are any hanging containers

Front end tooling

This is optional just in the case you need to work with CSS.


  1. Install latest node.js

  2. Install all packages from package.json locally

npm ci


To develop with automatic compilation and browser refreshing run

npm start

And see the result on https://localhost:3366/

To build everything once for production

npm run build

_note: removeUnusedCss will throw “Error: Could not load script:…” but it doesn’t make stop it from working. Just ignore it.

Admin & Wagtail

In case you want to access admin page, either Django or Wagtail one, you need to create a superuser and log in with its credentials:

make create-user

The development server runs at the address Beta instance on runs on


The application can be configured using the following environment variables. Reasonable defaults for local development are already set in the provided docker-compose.yaml.

Variable Description
DATABASE_URL Required. URL defining database connection parameter. See for syntax.
SECRET_KEY Required. Secret key for Django, will be used to sign cookies for the admin.
DEBUG Set to 1 or true to enable Django debug mode. Debug mode is disabled by default.
EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS Comma separated list of hosts to allow in addition to the production ones. Can be used for debugging production configuration locally.
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL Log level for the root logger. Can be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING (default), ERROR, or CRITICAL.
SENTRY_DSN DSN of the project in Sentry. When not set, Sentry will be disabled.
SENTRY_RELEASE Current release for Sentry reporting. Will be set to a short commit hash during deployment and baked to the Docker container.
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT Identifier of the environment for Sentry reporting. Set in fly.toml and for beta and production.
HTTP_AUTH When set, nginx will enable HTTP Basic Auth and use contents of this variable as its htpasswd file. No effect when running with Django dev server.
PRETALX_TOKEN Token for authentication to the pretalx API.
PRETALX_EVENT_SLUG Slug of the pretalx event with speakers and submissions. Defaults to pycon-cz-23.


We’re using Deployment is automatic to from main branch and to beta (staging) from beta branch.

For more control install flyctl.

Database and media synchronization

The following commands can be used to copy database and media files between environments:

  • copy-db-prod-to-local: Copy database from production to local container. Starts the container with the database when necessary.
  • copy-media-prod-to-local: Copy media files from production to ./data/mediafiles.
  • copy-db-prod-to-beta: Copy database from production to beta, overwriting ALL data on beta. Operation is performed remotely.
  • copy-media-prod-to-beta: Copy media files from production to beta. The media files are copied to local folder and then uploaded to beta.

All command requires access to and flyctl must be installed. Before running these commands, install flyctl and authenticate using the following command:

fly auth login

If you use WSL, you need to perform additional step - see official login instructions.

Pretalx synchronization

The database of speakers, talks and workshops can be created and updated from pretalx event. To use the integration, set the PRETALX_TOKEN environment variable for the container.

For development, this can be done by creating an .env file in the project root and adding the variable:


The variable from this file will be automatically used by docker compose.

You can perform initial synchronization by running:

make pretalx-sync-submissions


If you want to contribute, please run make lint before pushing BE code to format it. This step will be automated in the future.


We use Sentry to monitor both beta and production.


How to restart machine in if something gets stuck
fly machines list --app pycon-cz-beta-db
fly machines restart machine-id --app pycon-cz-beta-db