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Bryant E. McDonnell edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the pyswmm wiki!

Documentation for using PYSWMM can be found:

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This project is about creating a seamless Pythonic interface to an expanding collection of API functions on USEPA-SWMM5. The Input and Toolkit APIs being developed on USEPA-SWMM5 can be found under the OpenWaterAnalytics Group page via the following link:

Stormwater-Management-Model / toolkitapi

The objective of pyswmm is to provide a user friendly and flexible interface to support of the following:

  • Parameter Optimization (Parameter getters and setters)
  • Streaming Simulation Results During Simulation Time
  • Enhanced Control Rules
  • Pythonic Access to the entire SWMM5 Data Model
  • Report (*.rpt) File Generator Functions
  • Using a Wrapper to Load a Flow into a Node

YouTube Example:

Stream Results and Adjust Weir Setting

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