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Pygame Community Bot

The primary Discord bot powering the Pygame Community Discord server.


  1. Install Python 3.10+.
  2. Set up a virtual environment using your desired tool (e.g. virtualenv, venv, etc.).
  3. Install requirements: python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt [-r requirements-dev.txt].
  4. Create all necessary configuration files.
  5. Launch the application via the CLI using python -m pcbot with any needed extra CLI options.


A file called should be used to provide information required for the bot to run. This file is meant to be stored locally on host machines without being 'added' to a Git repository. However, this suggestion may be ignored for workflows that don't permit it, and in such cases the files should be removed from the .gitignore file. These files can either be stored in the top level directory or somewhere else if custom paths are passed to the CLI.

For easier overriding of configuration data or local development or testing, a file can be created to apply local overrides to the data in

This file is meant to hold all essential configuration settings of the bot application, such as credentials and API endpoints. Creating this file is mandatory if doesn't exist, all data must be stored within a dictionary called config, meaning that it would be accessible as config.config. "token" within "authentication" is mandatory, but "authentication" can be expanded as needed to hold more related data. If using hosting solutions based on ephemeral file systems, credentials stored within the "authentication" dictionary like "token" can be turned into uppercase environment variables prefixed with AUTH_ (e.g. AUTH_TOKEN) instead. As this file is a Python file, those credentials can be loaded into the config dictionary during startup via os.environ.

For the dictionaries within the "extensions" list, the "name" and "package" keys match the names of the name and package arguments in the discord.ext.commands.Bot.load_extension method and the values are meant to be forwarded to it, during startup. The "config" key (not to be confused with the config dictionary or inside an extension dictionary (only supported with snakecore) can be used as a way to provide keyword arguments to extensions while they load, if supported.

The resulting config dictionary will be passed to the bot constructor and will remain accessable in a read-only state as a .config attribute.

Example code for

config = {
    "authentication": {
        "token": "RVfpk43ojf...",
        # more custom stuff
    "manager_role_ids": [111222333444555667, 888999000111222334], # bot managers (e.g. the Wizard role on the Discord server)
    "intents": 0b1100011111111011111101, #
    "extensions": [
        "name": "pcbot.exts.bundled_extension",
        "config": {
            "a": 1,
            "b": 2

    # Application command synchronization flags
    "sync_app_commands": True,

This file is meant to override any data specified in the config dictionary inside, in order to e.g. locally customize the launching/startup process of the bot application using custom/extra configuration settings. Creating this file is optional. All data must be stored within a dictionary called config, meaning that it would be accessible as localconfig.config.

To override variables as if they were omitted, define them with a value of ... (Ellipsis object in Python).

Example code for

from typing import Any

from pcbot.types import Config # helper TypedDict for configuration data type checking, can be subclassed to define new variables, or omitted completely

OMIT: Any = Ellipsis # helper constant
config: Config = {
    "command_prefix": "!",  # can also be a list of prefixes
    "mention_as_command_prefix": True, # whether mentions may count as command prefixes
    "log_level": "INFO", # omission disables logging entirely
    "owner_ids" : [420420420420420420, 696969696969696969],
    "owner_role_ids": [123456789101213151, 987654321987654321], # used to implement role-based dynamic owners
    "manager_role_ids": OMIT, # will override and delete variable
    "extensions": [
            "name": "pcbot.exts.bundled_extension2",
            "config": {
                "a": 1,
                "b": 2
        # comment out extensions to disable them or use the `--ignore-extension ext_name` option via the CLI.
        # {
        #     "name": ".exts.bundled_extension3",
        #     "package": "pcbot"
        # },
            "name": "global_extension" # globally installed Python packages can be loaded as extensions
    "databases": [
            "name": "a_database",
            "url": "sqlite+aiosqlite:https:///path/to/a_database.db",
            "connect_args": {},  # arguments to pass to aiosqlite.connect() from sqlalchemy
        # other secondary databases would go here
    "main_database_name": "a_database", # a way to select the main database by name

    # Application command synchronization flags
    "sync_app_commands": False,

    # synchronization flags dependent on "sync_app_commands" being enabled
    "clear_global_app_commands": False,
    "dev_guild_id": 432143214321432143,
    "copy_global_app_commands_to_dev_guild": False,
    "clear_dev_guild_app_commands": False,


The CLI is used to launch the bot application, whilst also allowing for selective overriding of the config dictionary specified inside or using command line options. Subcommands like extensions allow for viewing the extensions which are currently occupying database storage, as well as deleting their data.

Usage: python -m pcbot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Launch this Discord bot application.

  --config PATH                   A path to the '' file to use for
                                  configuration. credentials and launching.
                                  Failure will occur silently for an
                                  invalid/non-existing path.  [default:
  --localconfig PATH              A path to the optional '' file
                                  to use for locally overriding ''.
                                  Failure will occur silently if this file
                                  could cannot be found/read successfully,
                                  except when '' is not provided, in
                                  which case an error will occur. HINT:
                                  Setting variables to '...' (Ellipsis) in
                                  '' will treat them as if they
                                  were omitted.  [default: ./]
  --intents TEXT                  The integer of bot intents as bitwise flags
                                  to be used by the bot instead of
                        's defaults
                                  (0b1100010111111011111101). It can be
                                  specified as a base 2, 8, 10 or 16 integer
                                  literal. Note that the message content
                                  intent (1 << 15) flag is not set by default.
                                  See more at
  --command-prefix TEXT           The command prefix(es) to use. By default, !
                                  is used as a prefix.
  --mention-as-command-prefix     Enable the usage of bot mentions as a
  --ignore-ext, --ignore-extension TEXT
                                  The qualified name(s) of the extension(s) to
                                  ignore when loading extensions during
  --ignore-all-extensions         Ignore all extensions at startup.
  --ignore-default-extensions     Ignore default extensions at startup.
  --ignore-extra-extensions       Ignore extra (non-default) extensions at
                                  The log level to use for the bot's default
                                  logging system.
  -quiet                          Supress informational (non-error) output.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  extensions  Show info about all/specific bot extensions with data stored.


The primary Discord bot powering the Pygame Community Discord server (


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