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Python CI Docker Image CI

Using Airflow to implement our ETL pipelines


Year to Year Jobs

這三個 job 什麼時候打開需要人工確認(麻煩當年的組長大大了),理論上是售票開始前我們要測試一下然後打開

  1. gcloud beta compute ssh --zone asia-east1-b data-team --project pycontw-225217 -- -NL 8080:localhost:8080
  2. Navigate to http:https://localhost:8080/admin/
  3. 打開下列的 Airflow tasks:
    1. KKTIX_DISCORD_BOT_FOR_TEAM_REGISTRATION: 每天送賣票的銷量資訊到 discord 給註冊組看
    2. KKTIX_TICKET_ORDERS_V3: 每五分鐘就去抓最新的 kktix 資料進 BigQuery, 更新後 metabase 相關連的 dashboard 就會更新(售票完之後可以關掉)
    3. KLAVIYO_SEND_MAIL_V3: 每年寄發行前信時啓動隨買即用, 已購票的用戶會批次寄發信件, 新的購票者也會批次派發送信


  • Dag 的命名規則請看這篇 阿里巴巴大數據實戰
  • Please refer to this article for naming guidline
    • examples
      1. ods/opening_crawler: Crawlers written by @Rain. Those openings can be used for the recruitment board, which was implemented by @tai271828 and @stacy.
      2. ods/survey_cake: A manually triggered uploader that would upload questionnaires to bigquery. The uploader should be invoked after we receive the surveycake questionnaire.


  1. Install Python 3.8+
  2. Get Docker
  3. Install Git
  4. Get npm


  1. docker pull
  2. Python dependencies:
    1. virtualenv venv
      • . venv/bin/activate
    2. pip install poetry
    3. poetry install
  3. Npm dependencies for linter, formatter, and commit linter (optional):
    1. brew install npm
    2. npm ci


  1. git add <files>
  2. npm run check: Apply all the linter and formatter
  3. npm run commit


Please use Gitlab Flow, otherwise, you cannot pass docker hub CI


Local environment Python Script

  1. . venv/bin/activate
  2. . ./
  3. cd contrib
  4. Check its command in contrib/
  5. python

Local environment Docker

Find @davidtnfsh if you don't have those secrets.

⚠ WARNING: About .env
Please don't use the .env for local development, or it might screw up the production tables.

  1. Build docker image:

    • Build a production image (for production): docker build -t davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod --cache-from davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod -f Dockerfile . If you want to build dev/test image, you also need to build this docker image first because dev/test image is on top of this production image. See below.
    • Build dev/test image (for dev/test): docker build -t davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:test --cache-from davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod -f Dockerfile.test .
  2. Fill in some secrets:

    1. cp .env.template .env.staging for dev/test. cp .env.template .env.production instead if you are going to start a production instance.
    2. Follow the instructions in .env.<staging|production> and fill in your secrets. If you are running the staging instance for development as a sandbox and not going to access any specific third-party service, leave the .env.staging as-is should be fine.
  3. Start the Airflow server:

    • production: docker run --log-opt max-size=1m -p 8080:8080 --name airflow -v $(pwd)/dags:/usr/local/airflow/dags -v $(pwd)/service-account.json:/usr/local/airflow/service-account.json --env-file=./.env.production davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod webserver
    • dev/test: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name airflow -v $(pwd)/dags:/usr/local/airflow/dags -v $(pwd)/service-account.json:/usr/local/airflow/service-account.json --env-file=./.env.staging davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:test webserver
    • Note the difference is just the env file name and the image cache.
  4. Portforward compute instance to your local and then navigate to http:https://localhost:8080/admin/:

    1. gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "asia-east1-b" "data-team" --project "pycontw-225217" -- -NL 8080:localhost:8080
    2. If Port 8080 is already in use. You need to stop the service occupied 8080 port on your local first.


  5. Setup Airflow's Variable and Connections:

    • Youtube: img

Local environment Docker (Windows)

Do not use Windows Powershell; please use Command Prompt instead.

Find @davidtnfsh if you don't have those secrets.

⚠ WARNING: About .env
Please don't use the .env for local development, or it might screw up the production tables.

  1. Build docker image:
    • Build a production image (for production): docker build -t davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod --cache-from davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod -f Dockerfile . If you want to build dev/test image, you also need to build this docker image first because dev/test image is on top of this production image. See below.
    • Build dev/test image (for dev/test): docker build -t davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:test --cache-from davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod -f Dockerfile.test .
  2. Fill in some secrets:
    1. copy .env.template .env.staging for dev/test. copy .env.template .env.production instead if you are going to start a production instance.
    2. Follow the instructions in .env.<staging|production> and fill in your secrets. If you are running the staging instance for development as a sandbox, and not going to access any specific thrid-party service, leave the .env.staging as-is should be fine.
  3. Start the Airflow server:
    • production: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name airflow -v "/$(pwd)"/dags:/usr/local/airflow/dags -v "/$(pwd)"/service-account.json:/usr/local/airflow/service-account.json --env-file=./.env.production davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:prod webserver
    • dev/test: docker run -p 8080:8080 --name airflow -v "/$(pwd)"/dags:/usr/local/airflow/dags -v "/$(pwd)"/service-account.json:/usr/local/airflow/service-account.json --env-file=./.env.staging davidtnfsh/pycon_etl:test webserver
    • Note the difference are just the env file name and the image cache.
  4. Portforward compute instance to your local and then navigate to http:https://localhost/admin/:
    1. gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "asia-east1-b" "data-team" --project "pycontw-225217" -- -N -L 8080:localhost:8080
    2. If Port 8080 is already in use. You need to stop the service occupied 8080 port on your local first.


BigQuery (Optional)

  1. Setup the Authentication of GCP:
    • After invoking gcloud auth application-default login, you'll get a credentials.json resides in $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json. Invoke export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/keyfile.json" if you have it.
    • service-account.json: Please contact @david30907d using email, telegram, or discord. No worry about this json if you are running the sandbox staging instance for development.
  2. Give Toy-Examples a try

Deployment & Setting Up Credentials/Env

  1. Login to the data team's server:
    1. gcloud compute ssh --zone "asia-east1-b" "data-team" --project "pycontw-225217"
    2. service:
      • ETL: /home/zhangtaiwei/pycon-etl
      • btw, metabase is located here: /mnt/disks/data-team-additional-disk/pycontw-infra-scripts/data_team/metabase_server
  2. Pull the latest codebase to this server: sudo git pull
  3. Add Credentials (only need to do once):


Please check .github/workflows for details


BigQuery Example:

from import bigquery

client = bigquery.Client(project='pycontw-225217')

# Perform a query.
QUERY = '''
    SELECT FROM `pycontw-225217.ods.ods_opass_attendee_timestamp`
query_job = client.query(QUERY)  # API request
rows = query_job.result()  # Waits for query to finish

for row in rows:


  • table name convention: img

DevOps (Will deprecate this if we don't bump into out-of-disk issue any more)

  1. Find topk biggest folders: du -a /var/lib/docker/overlay2 | sort -n -r | head -n 20
  2. Show the folder size: du -hs xxxx
  3. delete those pretty big folder
  4. df -h


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