Create an account at Safaricom Developer Portal ->
Login at -> , //Create a (Customer To Business)C2B API , Generate a Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret After login, click the “My APPs” link at the top left to create your first app, and then click on the “Add a new APP” button on your right check the box that reads, “Mpesa sandbox for b2b, b2c and c2b apis” . Then assign your app any name e.g. Thrombosis and such [image]
Then, click on the “Create APP” button.
Once your app is created, you need to click it under the heading, “These are your apps! Explore them!” At the bottom left, you will see your consumer key and consumer secret. Just copy-paste those details somewhere on your computer – we will need them later.
Create a Security Token to Safeguard Against Fake Transactions you can come up with something like $K4t13B3maL0mLcrackme The password will be used as an authorization mechanism to secure your website’s call back URLs that Safaricom API will notify once you receive a payment on your Mpesa Till or Paybill number.
Get a testing short code The Safaricom developer portal allows you to generate a short code that you can use to test your integration of Mpesa to your website before moving to production. While logged in on the Mpesa developer website, visit to get a test short code.
Create a Database Table to Store Mpesa Transactions (you can just import the mobile_payments.sql mobile_payments.sql file in the assets folder ) or create a table using PHPMyAdmin as follows -Name the table as mobile_payments -the table schema should look like this
Auto - Auto number
TransactionType Varchar 40
TransID Varchar 40
TransTime Varchar 40
TransAmount double
BusinessShortCode Varchar 15
BillRefNumber Varchar 40
InvoiceNumber Varchar 40
ThirdPartyTransID Varchar 40
MSISDN Varchar 20
FirstName Varchar 60
MiddleName Varchar 60
LastName Varchar 60
OrgAccountBalance Double
Creating a Folder on your Website to Store The M-pesa codes Have a look at the code in the Mpesa Folder
Testing the Validation and Confirmation URLs Configurations [TO DO]
Moving Mpesa API to Production [TO DO]