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(It's a Pug Rockabilly, or a Pugabilly)

A way to dynamically load plugins with specific characteristic in to your project. Good for having an ecosystem of extensions/plugins distributed as NPM modules that can be automatically loaded by a main project.


npm install plugabilly --save-dev

Plugabilly requires Node 4.x+


Quick Sample Usage

const plugabilly = require('plugabilly');

// Sync
const plugins = plugabilly().search().filterSync('match');

// Async
plugabilly().search().filter('match', plugins => {

In-Depth Usage

Everything starts by calling plugabilly(). This will get a list of 0-depth dependencies that can be required by your project. From there, there are search and filter methods that can be chained off of plugabilly() to get the exact list of modules you need.

Search Methods

There are three search methods; keywords(), name(), and attribute(attr). keywords() and name() have no arguments, and will set your search to the module's keywords and name attributes in their package.json respectively. The attribute(attr) method takes a string that is the name of the attribute in the module's package.json you'd like to search. Currently, only String and Array attributes are supported.

Filter Methods

There are four filter methods: contains(search), doesNotContain(search), is(search), isNot(search). All filter methods are by default asynchronous and return a Promise with the results. You can append Sync to the end of each method to get the synchronous version (containsSync, isNotSync, etc…).

  • contains(search|String) - String|Array Determines if the search query is contained within the search method parameter and return all modules for which that is true. For strings, it will find the search query anywhere within the string. For arrays, it will see determine if the exact search query exists within the array.
  • doesNotContain(search|String) - String|Array Determines if the search query is contained within the search method parameter and return all modules for which that is false. For strings, it will find the search query anywhere within the string. For arrays, it will see determine if the exact search query exists within the array.
  • is(search|String) - String Determines if the search query is equal to the search method parameter and will return all modules for which that is true. Only works for search methods that are of type string.
  • isNot(search|String) - String Determines if the search query is equal to the search method parameter and will return all modules for which that is false. Only works for search methods that are of type string.


The results of a Plugabilly search will be an object where each key is the name of a module found that matches the search and filter methods requested and that key's value is the result of require-ing that module. All modules that match the search and filter criteria but cannot be required will be added to a key __unrequireable whose value is an array of the names of said modules.


const plugabilly = require('plugabilly');

const plugins = plugabilly().name().contains('gulp-');

// plugins['gulp-sass-lint']() to use one of the required functions


  "gulp-sass-lint": function[Function],
  "gulp-sass": function[Function],
  "__unrequireable": [