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Releases: publiccodeyml/publiccode.yml


14 Jun 17:31
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Changes to the Standard

  • doc(standard): add regulations-and-directives category by @bfabio in #186
  • docs(standard): deprecate AUTHORS key by @bfabio in #185
  • Make "releaseDate" key an optional key by @tomootes in #180
  • Add category: integrated-library-system by @nichtich in #160
  • Add design and design-system categories by @libremente in #183

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0


03 May 09:55
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What's Changed

  • Initialize French translation by @nclsppr in #73
  • German translation of documentation and minor fixes of German extension by @cknebel in #93
  • Correct spelling by @fnogatz in #102
  • fix: move German translation in the correct directory by @bfabio in #106
  • chore: add issue templates and remove old PR template by @bfabio in #109
  • chore: publish on GitHub Pages by @bfabio in #112
  • chore: add Governance procedures by @bfabio in #108
  • chore: update links and reorganize by @bfabio in #117
  • chore: move the Standard to docs/standard/ by @bfabio in #118
  • chore: link governance docs in README by @bfabio in #119
  • chore: move Italian README to the it/ directory. by @bfabio in #121
  • chore: add helper bot by @bfabio in #140
  • docs(standard): change the minimum length of longDescription by @bfabio in #149
  • docs(standard): remove the characters limit for features by @bfabio in #148
  • docs(standard): deprecate inputTypes and outputTypes by @bfabio in #147
  • docs(standard): make genericName optional and deprecate it by @bfabio in #146
  • docs(standard): deprecate monochromeLogo by @bfabio in #144
  • docs(standard): specify YAML 1.2 as the file format by @bfabio in #141
  • Add IO key to it.piattaforme by @mspasiano in #139
  • Add Whistleblowing to the software categories list by @evilaliv3 in #97
  • proposal to add educational-content category by @Animtim in #88

New Contributors

Full Changelog: core-0.2.1...v0.3.0


16 Oct 15:17
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Release core-0.2.1 Changelog


  • Mandates phone numbers to be strings

publiccode.yml core-0.2;it-0.2

13 Mar 17:25
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This is the publiccode.yml core-0.2;it-0.2 Changelog


  • A new piattaforme section has been created to group the platforms inside of


  • The conforme/accessibile key becomes conforme/lineeGuidaDesign since it
    is more self-explanatory.
  • The conforme/interoperabile key becomes conforme/modelloInteroperabilita
    since it is more self-explanatory.
  • The conforme/sicuro key becomes conforme/misureMinimeSicurezza since
    before it was rather vague and incomplete.
  • The conforme/privacy key becomes conforme/gdpr since the privacy term
    is quite vague and incomplete.


  • The ecosistemi key has been removed since its values are already present in
    the intendedAudience/scope key.
  • The designKit section has been removed since we will track the design kits
    usages by means of the crawler.

publiccode.yml core-0.2

13 Mar 09:18
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Release core-0.2 Changelog


  • A new countryExtensionVersion key was added under each country-specific extension, in order to separate their versioning from the core.
  • The standalone value for the softwareType key was deprecated in favor of more specific values: standalone/mobile, standalone/iot, standalone/desktop, standalone/web, standalone/backend, standalone/other


  • intendedAudience/onlyFor was renamed to intendedAudience/scope (with a different dictionary of values).
  • tags was replaced by categories (with a different dictionary of values).
  • BCP47 is now used for languages instead of ISO 639-2, thus keys under description will now look like en instead of eng
  • publiccode-yaml-version was moved to publiccodeYmlVersion using camelCase
  • maintainance/contacts is now mandatory only if maintainance/type is internal or community.
  • All files ported to RST from previous MD


  • The freeTags key was removed.

publiccode.yml v0.1

14 Feb 17:33
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Version 0.1 of the publiccode.yml standard.