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Tags: provTheodoreNewell/fastlane



Toggle 2.50.0's commit message
Version bump to 2.50.0 (fastlane#9907)


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GitHub API Action, Setup Travis Action and More

* GitHub API action github_api (fastlane#8971) via Tom Meier
* Style actions on (fastlane#9894) via Orta
* Typo fixes (fastlane#9900) via Simon Br眉chner
* Remove trailing command in gym docs (fastlane#9739) via Felix Krause
* Add link to available plugins in action docs (fastlane#9892) via Felix Krause
* Update maximum plugin score (fastlane#9883) via Felix Krause
* Disable blockchain rule in rubocop (fastlane#9891) via Felix Krause
* Add new setup_travis action (fastlane#9880) via Felix Krause
* Add ancestry_path parameter to changelog_from_git_commits (fastlane#9758) via DmitryArbuzov
* Fix upload of crashlytics symbols for tvOS apps (fastlane#9866) via Aman Gupta
* Allow using pathspec in git_commit action (fastlane#9867) via thii
* Disable flaky Jenkins tests (fastlane#9868) via Felix Krause


Toggle 2.49.0's commit message
Version bump to 2.49.0 (fastlane#9864)


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Xcode 9 improvements and more

* Update provisioning profile mapping message (fastlane#9863) via Felix Krause
* Detect selected provisioning profile UUIDs for Xcode 9 (fastlane#9843) via Vincent Isambart
* Fix not fetching the plugin API due to a Faraday issue (fastlane#9847) via Felix Krause
* Limit score a plugin can get for tests to 80 (fastlane#9848) via Felix Krause
* Bump compileSdk (fastlane#9862) via Joshua Liebowitz
* Update rest-client development dependency (fastlane#9842) via Felix Krause
* Resolve PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER and PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER for Xcode 9 export settings (fastlane#9760) via Renzo
* Add simplecov to plugin template (fastlane#9851) via Jimmy Dee
* Add download Xcode managed provisioning profiles flag to sigh via @mkimi-lightricks (fastlane#9849) via Michael Kimyagarov


Toggle 2.48.0's commit message
Version bump to 2.48.0 (fastlane#9838)


Toggle fastlane/2.48.0's commit message
Git add new options and other improvements

* Git add new options (fastlane#9576) via Anton
* Update empty archive error message for more instructions on how to solve the issue (fastlane#9830) via Felix Krause
* Properly rescue around writing the report.xml to the fastlane directory (fastlane#9832) via Mark Pirri
* Find getConfigurationMethod on IActivityManager Interface (fastlane#9716) via Andrea Falcone
* Support Regexp on `update_project_provisioning` action (fastlane#9813) via Kohki Miki
* Set TargetRubyVersion: 2.0 in .rubocop.yml to avoid unwanted autocorrect with Ruby 2.0+ (fastlane#9819) via Fumiya Nakamura
* Fix missing email method when working with Spaceship::Tunes::Member (fastlane#9797) via Mark Pirri
* Use the #defined? method to see if DidYouMean::SpellChecker is available (fastlane#9821) via Yuki Nishijima
* Fix capture_output regression (fastlane#9818) via Fumiya Nakamura
* Add precheck to vision doc (fastlane#9808) via Joshua Liebowitz
* fix: Encoded the url before passing to faraday (fastlane#9800) via Rendy Pranata


Toggle 2.47.0's commit message
Version bump to 2.47.0 (fastlane#9744)


Toggle fastlane/2.47.0's commit message
Better error messaging and other improvements

* [fastlane] Add warning if fastlane is executed without `bundle exec` (fastlane#9756) via Felix Krause
* [gym] Improve build failure output when using an incorrect export_method (fastlane#9742) via Felix Krause
* [supply] Rollout version number verification: rollout range on Google Play Developer API is 0.0 - 1.0 (fastlane#9737) via JacobMuchow
* [supply] Check superseded tracks for `rollout` (already works for `production`, `beta`, and `alpha`). (fastlane#9736) via JacobMuchow
* [spaceship] Manage JWT / keys with Spaceship (fastlane#9560) via Stefan Natchev
* [precheck] Remove tizen from platforms rule, it's not needed and causes issues (fastlane#9766) via Joshua Liebowitz
* [precheck] Add automated testing (fastlane#9767) via Joshua Liebowitz
* [docs] Fix invalid quotes in (fastlane#9762) via Daniel Beard
* [docs] Add cert, sigh and match section to FAQs (fastlane#9738) via Felix Krause
* [docs] Update README to call out what operating systems can run fastlane (fastlane#9721) via Joshua Liebowitz


Toggle 2.46.1's commit message
Version bump to 2.46.1 (fastlane#9734)


Toggle fastlane/2.46.1's commit message
Improved build error output

* [gym] Improve build error output to be more clear (fastlane#9727) via Felix Krause
* Fix grammer mistakes in docs (fastlane#9731) via Justin Swart
* Fix markdown formating in iTunesConnect (fastlane#9725) via Eugene Oskin
* add the word 'you' that was missing (fastlane#9713) via Tim Myers

This release will make it easier to see the raw `xcodebuild` error message when something goes wrong during code ssigning or building your app 馃殌