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WG HUSKY Meeting 20220516

project-husky-owner edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 1 revision

Kick-Off Meeting Workgrooup Husky (May 16th, 2022, 08:30-09:30)


  • Anna Jungwirth (et-innovations)
  • Carole Kaiser (eHealth Suisse)
  • Christoph Knöpfel (IHE Suisse)
  • Dmytro Rud (IPF Developer, ahdis ag)
  • Martin Smock (eHealth Suisse)
  • Oliver Egger (ahdis ag)
  • Quentin Ligier (HUG)
  • Tanja Reiterer (et-innovations)


Hardly welcome all interested members of the new workgroup.

introduction and expectations

  • et-innovations (aj): further contributions to bring the project forward
  • ehealthsuisse (ck): driver for migration, main goal all people may contribute and users will use it
  • IHE Suisse (crk): trade mark registering is there
  • ipf/ahdis (dr): ipf developer and knowledge sharing in the project.
  • ehealthsuisse/ihe suisse (ms): pushing the usage of the project. how to proceed, defining action items. role to make publicity
  • ahdis (oe): two oss project in ahdis one mobile gateway (based ipf) and matchbox, interest how husky can be used/synergy sharing between both projects (husky/mgw)
  • HUG (ql): contributions made in section medication, bringing other to use the project.
  • et-innovations (tr): husky base framework for own product, further maintenance of the project to have some garanties to further use and make more contributions.

Actual Status / Work in progress

  • migration from ehealth-connector: done
  • extension cda for AT: base work is done, merge to master is open. quentin review.
  • medication: code is in update phase
  • xua: validion impl is in work.
  • publishing part: start with github-pages -> informational material

Communication googlegroup, webseite?

  • Website:
  • WG Prokolle -> wiki?
  • News distribution: using the existing channels: IHE CH, HL7 CH, eHS; in AT -> ELGA?
  • Opportunity: eHealth Forum (1st day, june 30th) presentation about the project (body presentation by christop, 2 slides ck/rl)


  • Github branches master/develop?
  • dr: ipf master and feature-branches
  • ql: big features in branches
  • rl: for features making issues and relating to it. fixes may done directly.


  • Testing has to done in a good level
  • No hi restriction rules as in ehealth-connector
  • Merging has to have some review content and should not be done by the developer
  • Sonarqube can be used (community edition)
  • Developer looks for an other collegue for review of the code (git hub support)


ms will contact tanja and quentin for infos on the web page.

Next Meetings

Monthly meetings. No monday. Decision: Every first tuesday of the month from 08:00-09:00 (CEST/CET)