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Projy is a powerful Flutter application designed to streamline and enhance the software development process. It leverages artificial intelligence to automatically generate project schedules, provide a user-friendly interface for task management, and facilitate integration with GitHub for issue tracking and discussions.


  • Automated Schedule Generation: Projy utilizes AI to generate comprehensive schedules based on provided project details, structure, and chosen technologies.

  • Task Management: The app allows users to manage tasks through a user-friendly interface, enabling them to mark tasks as done or pending.

  • GitHub Integration (Future Enhancement): Integration with GitHub for seamless tracking of issues and discussions, enhancing collaboration among team members.

  • Project Overview: Users can manage multiple projects, providing insights into deadlines, project structure, and technology stack.

  • Deadline Reminders: Developer Manager ensures that users stay informed about upcoming deadlines, helping them plan and execute tasks efficiently.

  • Full Development Lifecycle Management: The app covers all aspects of software development, including UI/UX design, API development, backend implementation, deployment, and more.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter: The UI framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

  • AI Integration: Incorporates artificial intelligence to analyze project requirements and generate optimal development schedules.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and run flutter pub get to install the necessary dependencies.

  3. Run the Application: Execute flutter run to launch the Developer Manager application.


  1. Schedule Generation: Provide project details, structure, and desired technologies to let the AI generate an optimal development schedule.

  2. Task Management: Use the intuitive interface to manage tasks, mark them as done or pending, and track progress.

  3. GitHub Integration (Future Enhancement): Connect your project to GitHub for enhanced issue tracking and collaboration.

  4. Project Overview: Gain insights into multiple projects, deadlines, and technology stacks.

  5. Deadline Reminders: Receive notifications to stay on top of upcoming deadlines.


If you'd like to contribute to Developer Manager, please follow our contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Special thanks to the Flutter community and contributors for their valuable support and contributions to the project.