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good first issue
good first issue
Beginner-friendly issue for people wanting to contribute to this project.
help wanted
help wanted
We need some extra helping hands or expertise in order to resolve this!
Status: Available
Status: Available
Not currently being worked on. Take the lead!
Status: Blocked or Postponed
Status: Blocked or Postponed
On hold.
Status: Done
Status: Done
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Work is underway.
Status: Update Needed
Status: Update Needed
Missing necessary information or review.
Status: wontfix
Status: wontfix
Outside project scope, off-topic, spam, or otherwise does not apply to this project.
Type: Addition/Enhancement
Type: Addition/Enhancement
New features for the docs.
Type: Build Process
Type: Build Process
Docusaurus, GitHub Actions and other tools used to create the docs.
Type: Formatting/Accessibility
Type: Formatting/Accessibility
Improving presentation and/or a11y of the docs.
Type: Question
Type: Question
General questions about the documentation.
Type: Typos
Type: Typos
Misspellings, grammar fixes and other simple corrections to the docs.
Type: Unclear/Inaccurate
Type: Unclear/Inaccurate
Fixing docs that are incorrect, misleading or confusing.