I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree majoring in Information Science (ISE) from Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, India. I am a tech enthusiast who is always open to collaborating on projects and developing innovative ideas. I love --
const preksha = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
languages: [Python, C, C++, Java, SQL, PHP, HTML],
tools: [React, Node, MySQL, Wirehark, Keil, Docker, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma and Canva ],
platforms: ["GCP", "AWS", "Microsoft Azure", "Postman", "IDEs - VS Code, Pycharm, Android Studio and Colab"],
frameworks: [Flask, Django, Bootstrap, Tensorflow, Jenkins]
Communities: {
Member: "Young Leadership Program, SCEM",
"IEEE SCEM chapter",
"WomenTech Network"
Experiences: [ "Intern - Customer Engineering @ Niveus Solutions",
".Net Developer Intern @ LTIMindtree",
"Content writer @ Goa Prism"
- π Aasha A medical device for early detection of Breast cancer using thermography and ML algorithms.
- π© LowenWomen A massager belt to mitigate abdominal cramps and back pain caused due to dysmennorrhea.
- β Aphonere An online assistive extension/tool to enable sign to text conversion during video conferencing.
- π» C.L.A.P A web platform to impart Sex education under the UNESCO guidelines to school students.
Thanks for scrolling this far. You've proven yourself worthy of a virtual high-five. I have a plenty of private repositories of exciting projects, if you are interested in collaborating on the same, please feel free to reach out. Happy coding!