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Code & experiments done for the transfer learning contest that measures a RL algorithm's ability to generalize from previous experience

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Deep RL Experiments for transfer-learning/retro contest


The experiments are steps towards developing Deep Reinforcement Algorithms that have the ability to generalize to new scenarios based on previous experiences. This is a first step toward making the "test set" different from the "training set" in Reinforcement Learning.

0. Intro/writeup/motiv

Sonic is a side-scrolling 2D video game and for the most part, the character moves from left to right to make progress. The agent observes the game-play action from a side-view camera angle.

Each timestep advances the game by 4 frames,

State/Observation Space: "Each observation is the pixels on the screen for the current frame, a shape [224, 320, 3] array of uint8 values"

Action Space: "Each action is which buttons to hold down until the next frame (a shape [12] array of bool values, one for each button on the Genesis controller where invalid button combinations (Up+Down or accessing the start menu) are ignored."

Env step() method employs a sticky frame skip. "Like standard frame skip, sticky frame skip applies $n$ actions over $4n$ frames. However, for each action, we delay it by one frame with robability 0.25, applying the previous action for that frame instead. The following diagram shows an example of an action sequence with sticky frame skip:"


" In fact, there are only eight essential button combinations:


The UP button is also useful on occasion, but for the most part it can be ignored"

**Collecting rings (100 rings = 1 additional life) is not useful as the episode resets if a life is lost. Destroying robots are not necessary to complete the game **

But, having at least one ring all/most of the time is a good strategy because that will let Sonic survive when he collides with an enemy or dangerous obstacle. If he is hit without any rings, life is lost, episode ends.

A good curriculum sequence to start with:

Green Hill Zone --> Marble Zone --> Spring Yard Zone --> Labyrinth Zone --> Star Light Zone --> Scrap Brain Zone


1. Ideas/Experiments

  • Joint training
    • Randomly select levels from a Game on every episode, train & test on validation levels
  • Curriculum Learning:
    • Sequentially train on levels on a Game while revisiting the previously trained levels
  • Sequential training:
    • Sequentially train on levels in a game

2. Description of existing experiments

  • Behavior cloning

The behavior-cloning folder contains the script to collect demonstrations using the keyboard keys, convert them into the action space for the Sonic env and records the demonstrations in *.bk2 files which can be played back using the playback script by stepping through the states and actions in the *.bk2 file. This can be used to

  • Populate initial replay buffers or
  • Directly clone the policy which can then act as the initial policy for an RL agent

The *.bk2 files can also be used to generate *.mp4 videos of the screen to see how Sonic plays.

  • Sonic on Ray : Distributed training at scale

The sonic-on-ray folder was inherited from openai/sonic-on-ray project. The sonic-on-ray/sonic_on_ray_docker folder contains which is docker-ready along with the modified version of sonic-on-ray/sonic_on_ray_docker/sonic_on_ray/ which uses gym remote env or a retro_contest local environment based on the argument (--local) passed to sonic-on-ray/sonic_on_ray_docker/

The also takes the --save-dir and --load-checkpoint arguments to save to and load from checkpoints.

  • GA3C Pytorch: GPU Accelerated A3C implementation in Pytorch

The experiments/ga3c_pytorch folder contains necessary code for training and testing the GPU accelerated Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic agent implemented in PyTorch.

sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t local/retro_ga3c_pytorch:v1 .

sudo docker run --runtime nvidia  -v `pwd`/trained_models:/root/compo/trained_models -v `pwd`/tmp:/root/compo/logs  local/retro_ga3c_pytorch:v1


  • Document the code usage and implementation details

  • PPO (+ A2C, ACKTR)

    (Currently on the pytorch_ppo_a2c_acktr branch based on this implementation )


Run the training script using:

python --retro-contest --num-processes 1500 --env-name "Sonic-GHZA1" --algo "ppo" --use-gae --lr 1e-4 --clip-param 0.1 --value-loss-coef 1 --num-mini-batch 16 --num-frames 200000000 --sonic-config-file sonic_GHZA1.json --ppo-epoch 8

3. Utilities

  • utils/ : Generates a sonic_config.json file from sonic-train.csv and sonic-validation.csv. This facilitates random/ordered/curriculum-based training scripts.

4. Tips & Tricks & Issue resolution

  1. Issue:RuntimeError: Cannot create multiple emulator instances per process. This makes it difficult to shuffle the environment/levels for each episode i.e run episodes from different game levels (Without running one environment instance per actor on separate processes)

    Reason: Occurs when you use retro_contest for makeing the environment. Bothretro_contest.make(...) and retro_contest.local.make(...) only allows instantiation of one environment. It does not seems to be a restriction imposed for the contest. The current implementation of OpenAI gym-retro does not support this. Therefor, even retro.make(...) can launch only one emulator instance per process.

    Resolution: One way to overcome this issue is to spawn a new process using multiprocessing to instantiate/make a new environment. I used @processify

  2. Don't forget to pass scenario='contest' when you are running the gym retro environment locally when training for the contest!

import retro
env = retro.make(game='SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis',     level='GreenHillZone.Act1', scenario='contest')

Setting scenari='contest' while making the environment will create the environment with the json configuration that is used for the retro-contest and will provide a reward for change in x. Some of the environment wrappers (eg.: AllowBacktracking) are written assuming such a reward from the environment. If the scenario='contest' is left out, the reward from the environment will be same as the game's score.

5. Citing

If you use the code in this repository in whole or in parts for your work, please cite:

  author = {Palanisamy, Praveen},
  title = {OpenAI Retro Contest Experiments},
  year = {2018},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},


Code & experiments done for the transfer learning contest that measures a RL algorithm's ability to generalize from previous experience







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