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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


A Vue.js/Express.js web application inspired by

Original Code of the tutorial:

Preliminary Tutorial


Part 1


# Installation
npm i -g vue-cli
vue list
vue init webpack client
cd client
npm i && npm run dev
npm install --save axios # library doing http Request to backend
  • 37:00 basics post method on client with axios
  • 44:00 UI for client
  • 49:35 v-model: directive to create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements
  • 50:00 properties watch & mounted
  • 53:00 event listener @click and method register


# Installations
npm init -f
npm i --save -D nodemon eslint
npm install express body-parser cors morgan # Dependencies to create express applictions
  • 27:30 create post request with express

Part 2


  • include vuetify replaced by include bootsrap-vue
  • 33:20 set up ui for errors
  • 38:00 style to FE, include vuetify


  • npm install --save sequelize sqlite303.1.8

  • Sequelize is ORM used to connecting to dbs

  • sqlite is a local instans of db

  • install @hapi/joi

  • add sequelize

  • add config

  • add routes

  • 06:23 create model

  • import fs module (filesystem)

  • 14:30 result of sqlize

  • 16:20 include Controller

  • 18:45 implement Logic for registration

  • 23:15 include joi (deprecated)

  • 25:00 expresse middleware AuthenticationControllerPolicy

Part 3: Login


  • 24:00 implement login
  • 49:00 install vuex
    1. state
    2. mutations
    3. actions
  • To change the state you must invoke the mutations, in order to invoke the mutations you must invoke the actions.


  • 26:02 implement login on server
  • 32:35 install jsonwebtoken
  • 35:20 encrypt password

Part 4: Songs

  • add create songs services to server and to client

Part 5: View and Edit Song

  • 06:10 show single song on Server
  • bug in tutorial: findById -> deprecated (findByPk)
  • 21:45 divide Viewsong in Folder
  • 41:15 Edit Song

Part 6

Important Changes

  1. For sequelize 4.41.0, the $or and $like have been changed to [Op.or] and []

  2. In original version, the server sends 500 after posting or deleting a bookmark. The following adjustments are needed:

     In BookmarksService on client: delete params object
       post (bookmark) {
     		return Api().post('bookmarks', bookmark)
     Exclude User from Controller on Server
  • 37:30 create associations
  • 41:00 add bookmark controller and router
  • 47:17 add bookmark ui
  • 1:04:00 install on client vuex-persistedstate