- Czech Republic
(UTC +01:00)
Tomáš Herceg
I am the CEO of RIGANTI,
tech company located in Prague, Czech Republic.
I am Microsoft Most Valuable Professional.
CEO of RIGANTI, co-author of DotVVM, Microsoft MVP (Visual Studio and Developer Technologies) Prague, Czech Republic
Robert Haken
Software & Cloud Architect, Founder at HAVIT. Microsoft MVP. Havit.Blazor lead maintainer. Passionate geek always willing to help others make better apps.
HAVIT Prague, Czech Republic
Mads Kristensen
Web developer, Visual Studio extension author, home automation nerd, and PM at Microsoft's Developer Division
Microsoft Redmond, WA
Josef Pihrt
Software Engineer at Similarweb. Creator of Roslynator, Minesweeper for the command line or praguetrails.cz
Prague, Czech Republic