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Repository containing the code for the project "Using deep learning to construct Stochastic Local Search SAT solvers with performance bounds"


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SLS based SAT solving with deep learning and performance bounds.

This is the code to accompany the publication "Using deep learning to construct Stochastic Local Search SAT solvers with performance bounds" available at


The Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) is the most prototypical NP-complete problem and of great practical relevance. One important class of solvers for this problem are stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms that iteratively and randomly update a candidate assignment. Recent breakthrough results in theoretical computer science have established sufficient conditions under which SLS solvers are guaranteed to efficiently solve a SAT instance, provided they have access to suitable "oracles" that provide samples from an instance-specific distribution, exploiting an instance's local structure. Motivated by these results and the well established ability of neural networks to learn common structure in large datasets, in this work, we train oracles using Graph Neural Networks and evaluate them on two SLS solvers on random SAT instances of varying difficulty. We find that access to GNN-based oracles significantly boosts the performance of both solvers, allowing them, on average, to solve 17% more difficult instances (as measured by the ratio between clauses and variables), and to do so in 35% fewer steps, with improvements in the median number of steps of up to a factor of 8. As such, this work bridges formal results from theoretical computer science and practically motivated research on deep learning for constraint satisfaction problems and establishes the promise of purpose-trained SAT solvers with performance guarantees.

General idea


The figure above illustrates the general idea of this work. Left: A simple SLS solver finds a solution to a SAT instance by repeatedly and randomly updating a small subset of the variables. Middle: An oracle-based SLS solver uses samples from an oracle $O$ that is provided as part of the input to update the variables at each iteration. Right: We use a deep learning model to train an oracle factory $F_θ$ that maps an incoming instance to an oracle which is then fed into an oracle-based. This approach is motivated by results that provide sufficient conditions for an oracle-based SLS solver to find a solution efficiently, based on properties of the oracle.

The trained oracle can be used in various SLS solvers. In case you are interested, feel free to play around and see how the introduction of an oracle leads to better performing solvers! 🚀🚀🚀


0. Clone the repository

Clone the repository via

git clone

and navigate to the repository using

cd sls_sat_solving_with_deep_learning

1. Create virtual environment and install all the requirements in the virtual environment

This app has been run and tested with Python 3.10. To start with, ensure you have a version of Python3.10 installed locally. To install virtualenv type

pip3.10 install virtualenv


virtualenv venv or python3.10 -m virtualenv venv

to create a new virtual environment environment and activate it by typing

source venv/bin/activate

Now we can install the requirements in the current environment. To do so, type

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that if you want to use a GPU for training, you should run

pip install "jax[cuda]" -f

afterwards to install the GPU version of Jax. If you use a TPU, use the following command:

pip install "jax[tpu]" -f

2. Compile the rust code

The MT algorithm and WalkSAT are implemented in Rust (we used rustc version 1.66.0) because of performance reasons. Start by installing Rust via rustup by typing

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

and run

maturin develop -r

If you experience problems with the compilation process, check the compiler version (using rustc -V) and try downgrading (rustup install 1.66).

3. (optional) run tests

There are dedicated test files for the code. To run them, type



Files from document

The plots from the experiments can be found under Data/plots, the pre-trained models

Run GNN-boosted SLS solvers

Using existing model

To replicate the experiments, you can either take the trained models or rerun the training.

  1. To use the existing models, simply run the tutorial notebook at python/src/tutorial.ipynb.

Using retrained models

  1. Run the "run_all_experiments" config file by typing

chmod +x

and then


  1. Point the tutorial notebook to those model files saved in there (by default, the model files will be stored under "experiments/params_save"). You can do this in the first cell of the tutorial notebook.

Generating datasets

We provide the dataset used for the experiments reported in the submission alongside the code. However, to genereate new datasets, use the notebook python/src/instace_sampling.ipynb.

How to cite

Please consider citing our paper if you use our code in your project.

Maximilian J. Kramer, Paul Boes. (2023). "Using deep learning to construct Stochastic Local Search SAT solvers with performance bounds". arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.11452

      title={Using deep learning to construct stochastic local search SAT solvers with performance bounds}, 
      author={Maximilian Kramer and Paul Boes},


This GNN-based oracle factory is openly developed in the wild and contributions (both internal and external) are highly appreciated. See on how to get started.

If you have feedback or want to propose a new feature, please open an issue. Thank you! 😊


This project is part of the AI research of Porsche Digital. ✨


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Repository containing the code for the project "Using deep learning to construct Stochastic Local Search SAT solvers with performance bounds"






