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AS2 Symfony Bundle


Add the bunde to your composer.json file:

require: { 
    // ...
    "techdata/as2secure-bundle": "^0.1.0@dev"

Or install directly through composer with:

composer require techdata/as2secure-bundle dev-master

Register the bundle with your kernel:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new TechData\AS2SecureBundle\TechDataAS2SecureBundle(),
    // ...

add to routing.yml

    resource: "@TechDataAS2SecureBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

Prior Art

The contents of this library are largely based on the work done by Sebastien Malot on the AS2Secure library. The original can be found at In accordance with the license associated to that library, we continue to follow the LGPL license.

The current library is a heavily refactored and extended version of that original library.


There have been several enhancements made to the library as part of the refactoring. The most obvious is the use of event dispatching and dependency injection throughout the library.


There are 4 events which are raised against the global event dispatcher in Symfony. They are outlined in TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Interfaces\Events. They expose the event objects found in TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Events.

  • tech_data_as2_secure.event.log
  • tech_data_as2_secure.event.error
  • tech_data_as2_secure.event.message_received
  • tech_data_as2_secure.event.message_sent

Sending Messages

To send a message you leverage the tech_data_as2_secure.handler.as2 service, which implements TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Interfaces\MessageSender to call sendMessage. An event is fired when the message is successfully sent. If no exception is thrown, the message was successfully sent.

Receiving Messages

There is an endpoint which is enabled an located at /edi/as2/in by default. This can be overridden to put the route wherever you want.

Partner Provider Service

For add the new provider un create the new class for implement TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Models\Partner\ParterInterface And create the service wioth tag tech_data_as2_partner

PHP class


namespace AppBundle\Partner;

use TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Models\Partner;
use TechData\AS2SecureBundle\Interfaces\PartnerInterface;

 * Class myCompanyAS2Partner
 * @package AppBundle\Partner
class myCompanyAS2Partner implements PartnerInterface
    private $root_dir;

     * AwsPartner constructor.
     * @param $root_dir
    public function __construct($root_dir)
        $this->root_dir = $root_dir;

     * @return array
    public function getData() : array

        return [
            'is_local' => true,
            'name'     => 'mycompanyAS2',
            'id'       => $this->getId(),
            'email'    => '[email protected]',
            'comment'  => '',

            // security
            'sec_pkcs12'               => $this->root_dir.'/../demo/mycompanyAS2/key1.p12',
            'sec_pkcs12_password'      => 'test',

            'sec_signature_algorithm'  => Partner::SIGN_SHA1,
            'sec_encrypt_algorithm'    => Partner::CRYPT_3DES,

            'send_url'                 => 'https://loaclhost/edi/as2/in',

            // notification process
            'mdn_request'              => Partner::ACK_SYNC,
     * @return string
    public function getId(): string
        return 'mycompanyAS2';



        class: AppBundle\Partner\MendelsonPartner
        arguments: ['%kernel.root_dir%']
            - { name: tech_data_as2_partner}

Required Parameters

There are two required parameters which must be filled out.

  • tech_data_as2_secure.factory.adapter.bin_location - This is the real folder location where the AS2Secure.jar can be found.


Symfony2 Bundle for AS2Secure







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