tilekit is a simple TileKit loader for Solar2D (formerly CoronaSDK)
TileKit for Solar2D loads a TileKit map as a Solar2D display object with a few helper functions. TileKit is unique because it uses a pattern matching system to decorate a map instead of placing each individual tile. Future versions of this library will include functions for decorating random maps with TileKit's ability to export rule sets as lua code.
- Loads .JSON exports from TileKit
- Basic animated tiles
- Helper functions for finding Objects, Tags, Tiles
-- set background color
display.setDefault("background", 34 / 255 ) -- match the blank tile
-- require the module
local tilekit = require "com.ponywolf.tilekit"
-- load the map and tileset image
local map = tilekit.load("dungeon.json", "colored_tilemap.png")
The returned object (map) is a displayGroup with all the tiles added. It also has a few helper functions to work with the tile data
-- manipulate the map
map.x, map.y = 100, 100
map.alpha = 0.7
map.getObject() returns the first object with that name. map.getObjects() returns an array of objects, even if there is just one
-- find an object
local hero = map.getObject("hero")
map.tile(x,y) returns the tile number at a map x,y
-- find a tile number at x,y
local tile = map.tile(10,10)
map.tag(tile) returns the tags of a tile number
-- find that tiles tags
if map.tags(tile).wall then
print ("This is a wall")
You can chain those functions together as well
if map.tags(map.tile(10,10)).wall then
print ("The tile at 10,10 is a wall")
A decoded table of the original data is available at map.data