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Homework 9

Part 1. Data structures.

1. Stack

class Node


  • initializes a new node with given value


  • value: the value to be stored in node


  • next: a reference to the next node
  • value: value stored in node

class Stack


  • initializes an empty stack object with a lengthof 0 and head set to undefined


  • length: number of nodes
  • head: top node of a stack


  • pop: remove top node and returns node value
  • push: creates a new node with a given value and insert a node in a top of stack
  • peek: returns a top node value

2. Queue

class QueueNode


  • initializes a new node with a given value


  • next: reference to the next node
  • prev: reference to the previous node
  • value: value of the node

class Queue


  • head: first node of the queue
  • tail: last node of the queue


  • enqueue: creates a new node and add it to the end of the queue (tail)
  • dequeue: removes a firs node (head) and returns its value
  • peek: returns first node value (head)

3. Binary tree

class BinaryNode


  • initializes a new binary node with given value


  • value: the value to be stored in node


  • left: left child node
  • right: right child node
  • value: value stored in node

class BinaryTree


  • initializes an empty binary tree with root set to undefined and a size to 0


  • root: root node of the binary tree
  • size: number of nodes in tree


  • insert: insert(value: T): this, creates a new node with a given value and insert to the tree as a last node (BFS), returns this
  • find: search for a value in binary tree (DFS), returns boolean
  • preOrder: traverses the tree in pre-order (DFS) and applies a callback function on each node value, returns an array of nodes values or array of results of callback function
  • inOrder: same as preOrder but in order
  • postOrder: same as preOrder but in post order
  • levelOrder: traverses the tree in level-order (BFS)



  • initializes an adjacency list as an empty Map object


  • adjacencyList: map to store grap structure


  • addVertex: adds a new vertex to the graph
  • addEdge: adds a new edge between two vertices, if the vertices do not exists, they are added to the graph
  • getEdgeWeight: returns the weight of the edge between two vetices
  • depthFirstSearch: performs a DFS starting from a given vertex
  • breadthFirstSearch: performs BFS starting from a given vertex.


class SinglyLinkedListNode


  • initialize a new node with a given value


  • value: node value
  • next: reference to the next node

class SinglyLinkedList


  • head: first node of the list
  • length: number of nodes in the list


  • prepend: creates a new node with a given value and insert it at the beginning of the list
  • append: creates a new node with a given value and insert it at the end
  • insertAt: creates a new node with a given value and insert it at a given index
  • removeAt: removes a node at a given index
  • remove: removes a node with a given value
  • search: search for a node with a given value, returns boolean
  • validateIdx: private method for a validating if a given index is not out of bounds

Part 2. Algorithmic Problems

1. Min/Max Stack

class MinMaxStack extends Stack


  • initialize a new MinMaxStack object with a min and max properties sets to a new Stack objects, calls super()


  • min: stores a stuck object for storing current min value of the MinMaxStack object
  • max:stores a stuck object for storing current max value of the MinMaxStack object
  • all properties inherited from Stack class


  • pop: creates a new node with a given value and add it to the top of the stack
  • push: removes a top node of the stack and returns its value
  • setMinMaxOnPush: private method using to adjust current min and max values in the stack after adding a new node
  • setMinMaxOnPop: private method using to adjust current min and max values in the stack after removing a node
  • getMin: returns a min value
  • getMax: returns a max value

2. Binary Search Tree

isBST function

Determines if a binary tree is a binary search tree. Returns boolean.


  • root: root node of a binary tree

3. Graph Algorithms

DFS function

Finds the shortest path between two vertices in a graph using Breadth-First-Search. Returns path as an array or underfind.


  • start: start vertex
  • end: end vertex
  • adjacencyList: adjacency list representing the graph

dijkstra function

Finds the shortest path between two vertices in a graph using Dijkstra's algorithm. Returns path as an array or underfind.

  • start: start vertex
  • end: end vertex
  • adjacencyList: adjacency list representing the graph

4. Linked List Cycle

hasCycle function

Detects if a linked list has a cycle, using fast and slow pointers. Returns boolean.


  • head: a head of a linked list


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