Piece 3.0 is out on App Store / piece.so! The app is revamped with Swift and polished with a bunch of new features. Download it on App Store and give it a try.
Piece 1.0~2.0 were implemented with Electron five years ago during my college as a side project. Months ago, I finally got some time and decided to rewrite the whole app in Swift, with features that I found useful in my daily use. Here is the backstory about the Swift rewrite, and comparison on UI/UX, app size and memory usage between 2.0 (Electron) vs. 3.0 (Swift) in case you're interested.
Piece is a floating note-taking app for your fleeting thoughts.
- Show/hide Piece by pressing #shift-opt-s or clicking menubar icon
- Write down your random #thoughts to catch your ideas while staying focused
- Use it as a prompter when you write, talk or present
- Jot down your #to-do in a handy & intuitive way:
- Buy some ice cream #shopping~
- Get movie tickets #Spider-Man @Nov.29
- Call @Mom @Sat
- Polish and rehearse the #presentation @Mon
- Hover on text & apply #actions: paste-to-app, copy, delete, and search
- More premium features: #copy-to-piece, fab #themes, advanced #syntax, ...
Stay in your peace of mind and accomplish more, with Piece being the midland for your thoughts.
Enjoy your piece :-D