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Releases: pmartR/pmartR

Version 2.4.5

21 May 16:52
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  • Miscellaneous bugfixes plus a new [0-1] normalization option (see PRs).
  • Fixes to noSuggests errors on CRAN
  • add rhub workflow file

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.4.4...v2.4.5

Version 2.4.4

28 Feb 17:47
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NOTE: Skipped 2.4.3 due to problems with CRAN submission.

New Features

Bugfixes and Package Misc.

  • Fix bad corRes plot when sample names have dashes by @evanglass in #300
  • Fix problems with rmd_filter on object with only singletons by @evanglass in #301
  • Fix wrong gsub in volcano plot causing duplicated points and bad labels by @clabornd in #305
  • fix na-res scatterplot for singleton group datasets [skip ci] by @clabornd in #307
  • Move plotly to suggests by @evanglass in #299
  • add CRAN badge, add disclaimer about BioConductor repos to README by @clabornd in #303

Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.4

Version 2.4.2

14 Dec 03:23
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This is the first stable version on CRAN (resubmit of 2.4.1 to fix some errors in automated checks), go ahead and install.packages("pmartR").
Binaries are also available for certain R versions and operating systems:



  • Fixed imd_anova not handling imbalanced covariates correctly #290
  • The proteomics filter now has an order to it: First the degenerate peptides are removed, then proteins without min_num_peps peptides mapping to them are removed. This matters since the removal of degenerate peptides may affect which proteins pass the min_num_peps threshold. #291
  • Fixed G-test heatmap plot (option plot_type = 'gheatmap' in plot.statRes) incorrectly ordering axes. #289
  • Fixed problem with volcano plots #285
  • Various fixes to trelliscope functionality #284
  • Fix sample id issue with plot.dimRes #280

Version 2.4.0

28 Jun 21:57
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  • More options for plot.naRes and plot.dimRes

    • Each can color by the grouping factor as well as any columns in f_data
    • plot.naRes can plot count or proportion missing (or non-missing)
    • color_by and shape_by options for plot.dimRes
  • Trelliscope plots:

    • Option to filter panels by p-value, see ?trelli_pvalue_filter
    • Small changes to some plots and summary functions


  • Zeros in the data all shared rows with an NA caused pre-flight filtering to remove too many rows #243
  • Removed version dependent purrr:: call in pre_flight #246
  • Applying two sample filters that removed the same sample erased object #245
  • Error in g-test heatmap when there were no significant biomolecules #271
  • Make legend order alphabetical on boxplots and other orderable plots #274
  • Incorrect titles in some plots, suggesting data was reference or global normalized when it was not #277

Version 2.3.0

21 Jun 16:11
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  • Added RNA-seq data as an omicsData type:

    • Has associated analysis methods DESeq2, limma-VOOM, and edgeR
    • Diagnostic tests and associated plots
    • RNA-seq specific filters totalcountFilt and RNAFilt
  • API for trelliscope displays. Create trelliscope displays directly from omicsData objects with a wide choice of plot types. See the vignette on Trelliscope for details.

  • Added pvalue adjustment for biomolecules "FDR adjustment". In imd_anova, the arguments pval_adjust_a_multcomp and pval_adjust_g_multcomp now adjust p-values for multiple comparisons within each biomolecule for the anova and g-test. pval_adjust_a_fdr/pval_adjust_g_fdr perform p-value adjustment across all biomolecules.

Version 1.0.0

16 May 16:28
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Incrementing version number to 1.0.0 from 0.10.0