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casutton committed Jan 17, 2016
0 parents commit d65a19a
Showing 1 changed file with 321 additions and 0 deletions.
321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions jmlr2e.sty
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
% File: Macros for Journal of Machine Learning Research
% Very minor modification of macros for Journal of Artificial
% Intelligence Research (jair.sty)
% Last edited October 9, 2000 by Leslie Pack Kaelbling
% Last edited January 23, 2001 by Alex J. Smola (we should set up RCS or CVS)
% Last edited March 29, 2004 Erik G. Learned-Miller
% The name of this file should follow the article document
% type, e.g. \documentstyle[jmlr]{article}

% Copied and edited from similar file for Machine Learning Journal.
% Original Author: Jeff Schlimmer
% Edited by: Kevin Thompson, Martha Del Alto, Helen Stewart, Steve Minton \& Pandu Nayak.
% Last edited: Mon May 3 20:40:00 1993 by kthompso (Kevin Thompson) on muir

\typeout{Document Style `jmlr' -- January 2001.}



% P A G E S I Z E

% Change the overall width of the page. If these parameters are
% changed, they will require corresponding changes in the
% maketitle section.
\renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.95} % let figure take up nearly whole page
\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.05} % let figure take up nearly whole page

% Specify the dimensions of each page

\oddsidemargin .25in % Note \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin
\evensidemargin .25in
\marginparwidth 0.07 true in
%\marginparwidth 0.75 true in
%\topmargin 0 true pt % Nominal distance from top of page to top of
%\topmargin 0.125in
\topmargin -0.5in
\textheight 8.5 true in % Height of text (including footnotes & figures)
\textwidth 6.0 true in % Width of text line.
\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue \def\ds@draft{\overfullrule 5pt}

% S E C T I O N S

% Definitions for nicer (?) sections, etc., ideas from Pat Langley.
% Numbering for sections, etc. is taken care of automatically.

\def\@startsiction#1#2#3#4#5#6{\if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi
\par \@tempskipa #4\relax
\ifdim \@tempskipa <\z@ \@tempskipa -\@tempskipa \@afterindentfalse\fi
\if@nobreak \everypar{}\else
\addpenalty{\@secpenalty}\addvspace{\@tempskipa}\fi \@ifstar

\def\@sict#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
\refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
\@tempskipa #5\relax
\ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
\begingroup #6\relax
\@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec.\hskip 0.1em}
{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}
\csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
\def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\@svsec #8\csname #1mark\endcsname
{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi

\def\@sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
\refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1\endcsname\hskip 0.5em }\fi
\@tempskipa #5\relax
\ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
\begingroup #6\relax
\@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}
\csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
\def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\@svsec #8\csname #1mark\endcsname
{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi

\def\thesection {\arabic{section}}
\def\thesubsection {\thesection.\arabic{subsection}}
\def\paragraph{\@startsiction{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.5ex plus
0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}
\def\subparagraph{\@startsiction{subparagraph}{5}{\z@}{1.5ex plus
0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}

% F O O T N O T E S

% Change the size of the footnote rule
% \renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\vspace{10pt}\hrule width 0mm}

\long\def\@makefntext#1{\@setpar{\@@par\@tempdima \hsize
\advance\@tempdima-15pt\parshape \@ne 15pt \@tempdima}\par
\parindent 2em\noindent \hbox to \z@{\hss{\@thefnmark}. \hfil}#1}

% A B S T R A C T

%% use \begin{abstract} .. \end{abstract} for abstracts.
{\centerline{\large\bf Abstract}\vspace{0.7ex}%
\bgroup\leftskip 20pt\rightskip 20pt\small\noindent}%
{\par\egroup\vskip 0.25ex}


%% use \begin{keywords} .. \end{keywords} for keywordss.
{\bgroup\leftskip 20pt\rightskip 20pt \small\noindent{\bf Keywords:} }%
{\par\egroup\vskip 0.25ex}


% Author information can be set in various styles:
% For several authors from the same institution:
% \author{Author 1 \and ... \and Author n \\
% \addr{Address line} \\ ... \\ \addr{Address line}}
% if the names do not fit well on one line use
% Author 1 \\ {\bf Author 2} \\ ... \\ {\bf Author n} \\
% To start a seperate ``row'' of authors use \AND, as in
% \author{Author 1 \\ \addr{Address line} \\ ... \\ \addr{Address line}
% \AND
% Author 2 \\ \addr{Address line} \\ ... \\ \addr{Address line} \And
% Author 3 \\ \addr{Address line} \\ ... \\ \addr{Address line}}

% Title stuff, borrowed in part from aaai92.sty

\newlength\aftertitskip \newlength\beforetitskip
\newlength\interauthorskip \newlength\aftermaketitskip

%% Changeable parameters.
\setlength\aftertitskip{0.1in plus 0.2in minus 0.2in}
\setlength\beforetitskip{0.05in plus 0.08in minus 0.08in}
\setlength\interauthorskip{0.08in plus 0.1in minus 0.1in}
\setlength\aftermaketitskip{0.3in plus 0.1in minus 0.1in}

%% overall definition of maketitle, @maketitle does the real work
\def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
\@maketitle \@thanks
\let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax

\def\@startauthor{\noindent \normalsize\bf}
\def\@starteditor{\noindent \small {\bf Editor:~}}
\linewidth\hsize \vskip \beforetitskip
{\begin{center} \Large\bf \@title \par \end{center}} \vskip \aftertitskip
{\def\and{\unskip\enspace{\rm and}\enspace}%
\def\AND{\@endauthor\rm\hss \vskip \interauthorskip \@startauthor}
\@startauthor \@author \@endauthor}

\vskip \aftermaketitskip
\noindent \@starteditor \@editor \@endeditor
\vskip \aftermaketitskip

\newcommand\kernelmachines{(for {\sc{http:}})}

%%% Pagestyle

%% Defines the pagestyle for the title page.
%% Usage: \jmlrheading{1}{1993}{1-15}{8/93;}{9/93}
%% {Jane Q. Public and A. U. Thor}
%% \jmlrheading{vol}{year}{pages}{Submitted}{published}{authors}


\def\@oddhead{\scriptsize Journal of Machine Learning Research #1 (#2) #3 \hfill Submitted #4; Published #5}%
\def\@oddfoot{\scriptsize \copyright #2 #6. \hfill}%

%% Defines the pagestyle for the rest of the pages
%% Usage: \ShortHeadings{Minimizing Conflicts}{Minton et al}
%% \ShortHeadings{short title}{short authors}

\def\@oddhead{\hfill {\small\sc #1} \hfill}%
\def\@oddfoot{\hfill \small\rm \thepage \hfill}%
\def\@evenhead{\hfill {\small\sc #2} \hfill}%
\def\@evenfoot{\hfill \small\rm \thepage \hfill}}%


% Define macros for figure captions and table titles

% Figurecaption prints the caption title flush left.
% \def\figurecaption#1#2{\noindent\hangindent 42pt
% \hbox to 36pt {\sl #1 \hfil}
% \ignorespaces #2}
% \def\figurecaption#1#2{\noindent\hangindent 46pt
% \hbox to 41pt {\small\sl #1 \hfil}
% \ignorespaces {\small #2}}
\def\figurecaption#1#2{\noindent\hangindent 40pt
\hbox to 36pt {\small\sl #1 \hfil}
\ignorespaces {\small #2}}
% Figurecenter prints the caption title centered.
\def\figurecenter#1#2{\centerline{{\sl #1} #2}}
\def\figurecenter#1#2{\centerline{{\small\sl #1} {\small #2}}}

% Allow ``hanging indents'' in long captions
\vskip 10pt
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1: #2}
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize % IF longer than one line:
}\item #2 \end{list}\par % Output in quote mode
\else % ELSE center.
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}

% Define strut macros for skipping spaces above and below text in a
% tabular environment.

% Acknowledgments
\long\def\acks#1{\vskip 0.3in\noindent{\large\bf Acknowledgments}\vskip 0.2in
\noindent #1}

% Research Note
\long\def\researchnote#1{\noindent {\LARGE\it Research Note} #1}

{\large\bf\raggedright Appendix\ }}}}


\newcommand{\BlackBox}{\rule{1.5ex}{1.5ex}} % end of proof
\newenvironment{proof}{\par\noindent{\bf Proof\ }}{\hfill\BlackBox\\[2mm]}

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