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Example project for Gypsum

4 examples are included in this project:

  • Simple cube CSG (simple-cube-csg.js): How to procedurally generate 2 cubes meshes with materials, and subtract them with Manifold
  • Manual memory management (manual-memory-management.js): How to do the previous example, but without materials, reusing a cube mesh and manually managing the memory instead of using the .mark() method
  • Extrusion (extrusion.js): A more complicated example. Shows how to procedurally generate extrusion meshes, how to use mesh hinting and how to apply multiple materials to procedural meshes
  • Suzanne coin (suzanne-coin.js): How to convert an existing mesh into a MeshGroup usable by the library. Creates a coin with a monkey face on it

Example project screenshot


  1. Install the Wonderland Engine editor
  2. npm install
  3. Open project (gypsum-example.wlp)
  4. Package and run project