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Javascript API for integration with PlasmaDLT using PlasmaDLT RPC API.


NodeJS Dependency

npm install plasmajs@beta or yarn add plasmajs@beta

Web Applications Distribution

Clone this repository locally then run npm run build-web or yarn build-web. The browser distribution will be located in dist-web and can be directly copied into your project repository. The dist-web folder contains minified bundles ready for production, along with source mapped versions of the library for debugging.


ES6 Modules

Importing using ES6 module syntax in the browser is supported if you have a transpiler, such as Babel.

import { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } from 'plasmajs';

import JsSignatureProvider from 'plasmajs/dist/plasmajs-jssig'; // development only


Importing using commonJS syntax is supported by NodeJS out of the box.

const { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } = require('plasmajs');
const JsSignatureProvider = require('plasmajs/dist/plasmajs-jssig');  // development only
const fetch = require('node-fetch');                            // node only; not needed in browsers
const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = require('util');           // node only; native TextEncoder/Decoder
const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = require('text-encoding');  // React Native, IE11, and Edge Browsers only

Basic Usage

Signature Provider Plasmapay

const defaultPrivateKey = "5HwurBQZNFGkBbkqm3Ayh5ntrHRfQe5dsYfWjfug3BLbgsbBеаScq"; // accountname1
const signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider([defaultPrivateKey]);


Open a connection to JSON-RPC, include fetch when on NodeJS.

const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch });


Include textDecoder and textEncoder when using in browser.

const api = new Api({ rpc, signatureProvider, textDecoder: new TextDecoder(), textEncoder: new TextEncoder() });

Sending a transaction

transact() is used to sign and push transactions onto the blockchain with an optional configuration object parameter. This parameter can override the default value of broadcast: true, and can be used to fill TAPOS fields given blocksBehind and expireSeconds. Given no configuration options, transactions are expected to be unpacked withfields (expiration, ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix) and will automatically be broadcast onto the chain.

(async () => {
  const result = await api.transact({
    actions: [{
      account: 'plasma.token',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [{
        actor: 'accountname1',
        permission: 'active',
      data: {
        from: 'accountname1',
        to: 'accountname2',
        quantity: '10.000000000000000000 PLASMA',
        memo: '',
  }, {
    blocksBehind: 3,
    expireSeconds: 30,

Error handling

use RpcError for handling RPC Errors

try {
  const result = await api.transact({
} catch (e) {
  console.log('\nCaught exception: ' + e);
  if (e instanceof RpcError)
    console.log(JSON.stringify(e.json, null, 2));

Web Applications


npm run build-web or yarn build-web

Reuse the api object for all transactions; it caches ABIs to reduce network usage. Only call new plasmajs_api.default(...) once.

<pre style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin:0px; "></pre>

<script src='dist-web/plasmajs-api.js'></script>
<script src='dist-web/plasmajs-jsonrpc.js'></script>
<script src='dist-web/plasmajs-jssig.js'></script>
  let pre = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
  const defaultPrivateKey = "5WaAScZK2XEp3g9gh7F8bwtPTRAkASmNrrftmx4AxDKD5K4zDke"; // accountname1
  const rpc = new plasmajs_jsonrpc.default('');
  const signatureProvider = new plasmajs_jssig.default([defaultPrivateKey]);
  const api = new plasmajs_api.default({ rpc, signatureProvider });

  (async () => {
    try {
      const result = await api.transact({
        actions: [{
            account: 'ion.token',
            name: 'transfer',
            authorization: [{
                actor: 'accountname1',
                permission: 'active',
            data: {
                from: 'useraaaaaaaa1',
                to: 'accountname2',
                quantity: '10.000000000000000000 PLASMA',
                memo: '',
      }, {
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,
      pre.textContent += '\n\nTransaction pushed!\n\n' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2);
    } catch (e) {
      pre.textContent = '\nCaught exception: ' + e;
      if (e instanceof plasmajs_jsonrpc.RpcError)
        pre.textContent += '\n\n' + JSON.stringify(e.json, null, 2);

Running Tests

Automated Unit Test Suite

npm run test or yarn test

Web Integration Test Suite

Run npm run build-web to build the browser distrubution then open src/tests/web.html in the browser of your choice. The file should run through 6 tests, relaying the results onto the webpage with a 2 second delay after each test. The final 2 tests should relay the exceptions being thrown onto the webpage for an invalid transaction and invalid rpc call.


If you would like readable source files for debugging, change the file reference to the -debug.js files inside dist-web/debug directory. These files should only be used for development as they are over 10 times as large as the minified versions, and importing the debug versions will increase loading times for the end user.

IE11 and Edge Support

If you need to support IE11 or Edge you will also need to install a text-encoding polyfill as plasmajs Signing is dependent on the TextEncoder which IE11 and Edge do not provide. Pass the TextEncoder and TextDecoder to the API constructor as demonstrated in the ES 2015 example. Refer to the documentation here to determine the best way to include it in your project.

Reading Data from node

Reading blockchain state only requires an instance of JsonRpc connected to a node.

const { JsonRpc } = require('plasmajs');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');           // node only; not needed in browsers
const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch });


Get table rows

Get the first 10 token balances of account accountname1.

const resp = await rpc.get_table_rows({
    json: true,              // Get the response as json
    code: 'plasma.token',     // Contract that we target
    scope: 'accountname1'         // Account that owns the data
    table: 'accounts'        // Table name
    limit: 10,               // Maximum number of rows that we want to get
    reverse = false,         // Optional: Get reversed data



  "rows": [{
      "balance": "10.000000000000000000 PLASMA"
  "more": false

Get one row by index

const resp = await rpc.get_table_rows({
    json: true,                 // Get the response as json
    code: 'contract',           // Contract that we target
    scope: 'contract'           // Account that owns the data
    table: 'profiles'           // Table name
    lower_bound: 'accountname1'      // Table primary key value
    limit: 1,                   // Here we limit to 1 to get only the
    reverse = false,            // Optional: Get reversed data
    show_payer = false,         // Optional: Show ram payer


  "rows": [{
      "user": "accountname1",
      "age": 21,
      "surname": "Test"
  "more": false

Get one row by secondary index

const resp = await rpc.get_table_rows({
    json: true,                 // Get the response as json
    code: 'contract',           // Contract that we target
    scope: 'contract'           // Account that owns the data
    table: 'profiles'           // Table name
    table_key: 'age'            // Table secondaray key name
    lower_bound: 21             // Table secondary key value
    limit: 1,                   // Here we limit to 1 to get only row
    reverse = false,            // Optional: Get reversed data


  "rows": [{
      "user": "accountname1",
      "age": 21,
      "surname": "Test"
  "more": false

Get currency balance

console.log(await rpc.get_currency_balance('plasma.token', 'accountname1', ''));


[ "10.000000000000000000 PLASMA" ]

Get account info

console.log(await rpc.get_account('accountname1'));


{ "account_name": "accountname1",
  "head_block_num": 2029,
  "head_block_time": "2019-11-10T00:45:53.500",
  "privileged": false,
  "last_code_update": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000",
  "created": "2019-11-10T00:37:05.000",
  "ram_usage": 1724,
   [ { "perm_name": "active", "parent": "owner", "required_auth": [] },
     { "perm_name": "owner", "parent": "", "required_auth": [] } ],
  "refund_request": null,

Get block

console.log(await rpc.get_block(1));


{ "timestamp": "2019-06-01T12:00:00.000",
  "producer": "",
  "confirmed": 1,
  "previous": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "transaction_mroot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "action_mroot": "cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f",
  "schedule_version": 0,
  "new_producers": null,
  "header_extensions": [],
  "producer_signature": "SIG_K1_111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116uk5ne",
  "transactions": [],
  "block_extensions": [],
  "id": "00000001bcf2f4433rd099685f14da76803028926af04d2607eafcf609c123d",
  "block_num": 1,
  "ref_block_prefix": 331719066 }