[!!!] Please report all WebRTC related (not specific to this binary build) bugs and questions to discussion group or official bug tracker
Cocoapods (add to Podfile):
pod "WebRTC"
Carthage (add to Cartfile):
github "Anakros/WebRTC"
Manual: just download framework from the latest release and copy it to your project
You can only use the binary release, because the whole WebRTC repository takes ~12Gb of disk space
Cocoapods (will install specified unstable version or any higher version):
pod "WebRTC", ">= 56.0.14835-beta"
Carthage (there is no way to auto-update to the latest unstable version at the current moment, so you should specify corresponding version tag):
github "Anakros/WebRTC" "56.0.14835-beta"
import WebRTC
let device = UIDevice.string(for: UIDevice.deviceType())
@import WebRTC;
NSString *device = [UIDevice stringForDeviceType:[UIDevice deviceType]];
NSLog(@"%@", device);
NSLog(@"%d", RTCInitializeSSL());
Bitcode isn't supported in the upstream for now. So you should disable it in the project build settings.
Built from https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/
using webrtc/build/ios/build_ios_libs.sh
script without any modifications.