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Android App for demonstratng authentication using Brainwave (EEG ) signals, created for the class project for CSE-535 Mobile Computing course.

Project motovation and set up details

Project Set up

1. Set up the database.

  1. Install MYSQL server on you local machine.
  2. Run the /Resources/FlaskServer/dbsetup.sql script to set up the database schema.

2. Set up the web server.

1. Install the environment dependencies.

Python version-> 2.7

Run the command

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the environment library dependencies.

2. Modify the database details.

Open the /Resources/FlaskServer/ file and at line

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='password',

enter the password for the root user for your database set up in step 1 and change the host value accordingly.

2. Fire up the server.

Run the python server using the command flask run --host

3. Start the bluetooth service on the phone.

4. Install the android application.

  1. Open the project in Android Studio.
  2. Edit the HOST variable to your local machine IP in the file
  3. Run the application.