Android App for demonstratng authentication using Brainwave (EEG ) signals, created for the class project for CSE-535 Mobile Computing course.
- Install MYSQL server on you local machine.
- Run the /Resources/FlaskServer/dbsetup.sql script to set up the database schema.
1. Install the environment dependencies.
Python version-> 2.7
Run the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the environment library dependencies.
2. Modify the database details.
Open the /Resources/FlaskServer/ file and at line
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='password',
enter the password for the root user for your database set up in step 1 and change the host value accordingly.
2. Fire up the server.
Run the python server using the command flask run --host
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Edit the HOST variable to your local machine IP in the file
- Run the application.