This Dockerfile provides you a full Python 2/3 environment. Including pip, pip2, pip3, pyhton-tk.
First of all, you must download this repo and build the Docker image
cd $HOME
git clone
docker build -y some-name docker_python
With TKinter and Turtle, you can build Apps in Python with interactive Window. In my case, i got a folder containing all my Python Scripts which I mount inside the container. If you want the container intercating with your Host's desktop just copy/paste the following :
docker run --rm -ti -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /your/python/files/path:/app \
-u python some-name /bin/bash
Now you're inside the container type the following :
>>> from turtle import *
>>> forward(200)
As you can see, a window pop on your screen with what you typed just before.
Enjoy !
Best regards, pixhub.