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Markdown LSP server providing completion, cross-references, diagnostics, and more.


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Markdown LSP server providing completion, goto, references, diagnostics, and more.

Marksman is an LSP server for Markdown that provides completion, goto definition, find references, diagnostics, etc. It also supports wiki-link-style references that enable Zettelkasten-like1, 2 note taking. See more about Marksman's features below.

Marksman works on MacOS, Linux, and Windows and is distributed as a self-contained binary for each OS.

The server provides assistance with:

  • Markdown inline links:
    This is [inline link](/
    This is an internal [anchor link](#heading).
  • Markdown reference links:
    See [reference].
    [reference]: /url "Title"
  • Wiki-links:
    Link to [[another-note]].
    Link to [[another-notes#heading]].
    Internal link to [[#a-heading]].

All types of links support completion, hover, goto definition/references. Additionally, Marksman provides diagnostics for wiki-links to detect broken references and duplicate/ambiguous headings.

Existing editor integrations3:

How to install

Option 1: use pre-built binary

  1. Go to Releases page: each release has pre-built binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Download the binary for your OS.
  2. Rename the binary and make it executable:
    • MacOS: mv marksman-macos marksman && chmod +x marksman
    • Linux: mv marksman-linux marksman && chmod +x marksman
    • Windows: rename marksman-windows.exe to marksman.exe.
  3. Place the binary somewhere in your PATH.
    • XDG recommends using $HOME/.local/bin/ (make sure this folder is in your PATH).

Option 2: build from source

  1. Install Dotnet SDK for your OS.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone
  3. Inside marksman folder run make install
  4. The binary will be installed under $HOME/.local/bin (make sure this folder is in your PATH).


Below is a mix of VSCode, Neovim, and Emacs screenshots. Although, not all features demonstrated for each editor, generally most features should work equaly in all editors.

  • Document symbols:
    • Emacs: Symbols Emacs
  • Hover preview:
    • VSCode, wiki link: Hover-VSCode-Wiki
    • Neovim, wiki link: Hover-VSCode-Wiki
    • Neovim, reference link: Hover-VSCode-Ref
  • Completion:
    • VSCode, wiki link: Completion-VSCode-Wiki
    • VSCode, wiki link heading: Completion-VSCode-Wiki-Heading
    • VSCode, reference link: Completion-VSCode-Ref
    • Neovim, inline link: Completion-Neovim-Inline
    • Neovim, inline anchor link: Completion-Neovim-Inline-Heading
    • Neovim, wiki link heading: Completion-Neovim-Wiki-Heading
  • Find references:
    • VSCode: Show references VSCode
    • Neovim: Show references Neovim
  • Project-wide diagnostics:
    • VSCode: Diagnostics VSCode
    • Neovim: Diagnostics VSCode

Features and plans

✅ - done; 🗓 - planned.

  • ✅ Completion for links (inline, reference, wiki).
  • ✅ Hover prevew for links.
  • ✅ "Go to definition" for links.
  • ✅ "Find references" for headings and links.
  • ✅ Diagnostics for wiki-links.
  • ✅ Support multi-folder workspaces.
  • ✅ Custom parser for more fine-grained note structure.
  • 🗓 Code Lens with "# references" on headings.
  • 🗓 Rename refactor.
  • 🗓 Add support for images (diagnostics, completion, goto).
  • 🗓 Add "check" command for standalone workspace checking.
  • 🗓 Add "build" command that rewrites all cross-references into proper relative markdown links for further embedding into a static site generator such as Jekyll or Hakyll.
  • 🗓 Support for Jupyter notebooks.

Where's zeta-note and where's Rust?

After much deliberation, I've decided that it'd be cheaper for me to write a new from-scratch implementation of the language server in F# and add new features to it, than it is to add new features to the Rust version.

The original Rust implementation is archived in a separate repo. Further development will happen in this repository in F#.

[1]: You may have heard about Roam Research. This is a commercial implementation of the Zettelkasten method and another point of reference for what Marksman is about. However, unlike a proprietary Roam Research, Zeta Note is free, open-source and integrated into your favourite editor (albeit for not not as feature rich as Roam Research).

[2]: There is an excellent VSCode extension called Markdown Memo. You definitely need to check it out if you're primarily using VSCode as it has some features that are missing in Marksman and Marksman VSCode extension. However, Markdown Memo is VSCode specific while Marksman is a generic language server, so can be used with any editor that has LSP support: Emacs, Vim, Neovim, etc.

[3]: Since Marksman is a regular Language Server most of the functionality works out of the box with any LSP client.


Markdown LSP server providing completion, cross-references, diagnostics, and more.









  • F# 93.8%
  • C# 5.3%
  • Other 0.9%