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Global settings

Lorenzo Pichilli edited this page Mar 11, 2018 · 13 revisions

You can change the global settings going to Preferences > Package Settings > JavaScript Enhancements > Settings. The default value is:

  "debug_mode": false,

  "PATH": "",
  "node_js_custom_path": "node",
  "npm_custom_path": "npm",
  "yarn_custom_path": "yarn",

  "cordova_custom_path": "cordova",
  "ionicv1_custom_path": "ionic",
  "ionicv2_custom_path": "ionic",
  "angularv1_custom_path": "yo",
  "angularv2_custom_path": "ng",
  "react_custom_path": "create-react-app",
  "react_native_custom_path": "create-react-native-app",
  "express_custom_path": "express",
  "yeoman_custom_path": "yo",

  "enable_keymap": true,

  "enable_can_i_use_menu_option": true,
  "enable_unused_variables_feature": true,

  "carbon_background_color": "rgba(12, 108, 189, 1)",
  "carbon_theme": "seti",
  "carbon_language": "",
  "carbon_drop_shadow": "true",
  "carbon_window_controls": "true",
  "carbon_width_adjustment": "true",
  "carbon_padding_vertical": "48px",
  "carbon_padding_horizontal": "69px",
  "carbon_line_numbers": "false"

"debug_mode": this option will enable the debug mode that will print some information about the command executed by node.js on the Sublime Text 3 console (View > Show Console)

"enable_keymap": this option allow quick enabling/disabling of the default plugin keymaps.

"enable_can_i_use_menu_option": this option allows you to enable/disable the "Can I use?" feature.

"enable_unused_variables_feature": this option allows you to enable/disable the "Unused Variables" feature.

"PATH" value will be appended to the $PATH environment variable in order to allow this plugin to use/recognize some custom paths that could not be visible to it (example Fixing nodejs and npm custom path). Remember to use the same syntax for the $PATH environment variable, so you need to start with : symbol (for Windows OS is ; instead)! Example:

  // ...

  "PATH": ":/home/lorenzo/.nvm/versions/node/v9.2.0/bin",
  "node_js_custom_path": "node",
  "npm_custom_path": "npm",

  // ...

The other ones are your global custom paths used by your projects in absence of local custom paths per project. For angular v1 projects, this plugin uses generator-angular Yeoman generator.

Carbon options refers to that permits to create images of your source code.