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Hi everyone,

I'm a software engineer and this is my configuration development. I'm using Macbook Pro 13' 2020 intel CPU.

Before we go to the configuration, let's me tell you guys a story:

I'm a lazy programmer but not a lazy person. I'd like to set up configuration and environment for working in my new machine :D. That's great right.

I've changed my laptop 3 or 4 times (I don't remember). When I'm a high school guy, then go to University, and now I'm at work. Not to mention I switched companies about 2-3 times. Every new company, they've given me a new laptop. Feel very happy and exciting to be received a new one :). And I'm like a hard-working bee, do it and do it again (the configuration stuff).

Switched to a new laptop meaning that all setups are lost. Not lost all, I still remember some core apps, plugins that enough to work. But to be really comfortable to work with. I need exactly the same settings, the same configurations that I've got on my old laptop. And after spent 4-5 hours or even a whole day. My new laptop finally is configured and ready for a new journey.

Then I realized that why don't keep all of my configurations, all of the stuff that I need in only one location? With some documentation, guides step by step on how to set up. I think that is much better and I can easy to set up without missing anything.

So that's why I created this repo to save all my configuration then one day I got another new laptop. I don't worried about the configuration stuff anymore :)

I'm still learning new things and this repo helps me so much. If I find something new and useful. I'll put into this repo.

Never put any line of code that you don't understand in your own configuration. Because it might hurt you and mess things up without you even knowing it ;)

Thanks for reading and happy coding !!